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Search Results to Robert Wolfe

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Wolfe, Robert

Item TypeName
Academic Article Glutamine supplementation fails to affect muscle protein kinetics in critically ill patients.
Academic Article Independent and combined effects of amino acids and glucose after resistance exercise.
Academic Article Measurement of protein metabolism in epidermis and dermis.
Academic Article Protein turnover and amino acid transport kinetics in end-stage renal disease.
Academic Article Improved net protein balance, lean mass, and gene expression changes with oxandrolone treatment in the severely burned.
Academic Article Effect of carbohydrate intake on net muscle protein synthesis during recovery from resistance exercise.
Academic Article Coordinated increase in albumin, fibrinogen, and muscle protein synthesis during hemodialysis: role of cytokines.
Academic Article Acute response of net muscle protein balance reflects 24-h balance after exercise and amino acid ingestion.
Academic Article Gene expression profiles and protein balance in skeletal muscle of burned children after beta-adrenergic blockade.
Academic Article Glutamine kinetics and protein turnover in end-stage renal disease.
Academic Article Influence of metformin on glucose intolerance and muscle catabolism following severe burn injury.
Academic Article Extremity hyperinsulinemia stimulates muscle protein synthesis in severely injured patients.
Academic Article Effect of an amino acid, protein, and carbohydrate mixture on net muscle protein balance after resistance exercise.
Academic Article Metabolic response of muscle to alanine, glutamine, and valine supplementation during severe illness.
Academic Article Amino acid ingestion improves muscle protein synthesis in the young and elderly.
Academic Article Differential stimulation of muscle protein synthesis in elderly humans following isocaloric ingestion of amino acids or whey protein.
Academic Article Quantification of amino acid transport through interstitial fluid: assessment of four-compartment modeling for muscle protein kinetics.
Academic Article Essential amino acid and carbohydrate supplementation ameliorates muscle protein loss in humans during 28 days bedrest.
Academic Article The underappreciated role of muscle in health and disease.
Academic Article Amino acid control of muscle protein turnover in renal disease.
Academic Article Hypercortisolemia alters muscle protein anabolism following ingestion of essential amino acids.
Academic Article Effects of early excision and aggressive enteral feeding on hypermetabolism, catabolism, and sepsis after severe burn.
Academic Article Reduced amino acid availability inhibits muscle protein synthesis and decreases activity of initiation factor eIF2B.
Academic Article Human muscle protein synthesis is modulated by extracellular, not intramuscular amino acid availability: a dose-response study.
Academic Article Essential amino acids are primarily responsible for the amino acid stimulation of muscle protein anabolism in healthy elderly adults.
Academic Article Markers of inflammation, proteolysis, and apoptosis in ESRD.
Academic Article Differential anabolic effects of testosterone and amino acid feeding in older men.
Academic Article Contraction of insulin-resistant muscle normalizes insulin action in association with increased mitochondrial activity and fatty acid catabolism.
Academic Article Bed rest and myopathies.
Academic Article Protein and amino acids for athletes.
Academic Article Leucine supplementation has an anabolic effect on proteins in rabbit skin wound and muscle.
Academic Article The catabolic effects of prolonged inactivity and acute hypercortisolemia are offset by dietary supplementation.
Academic Article Method for the determination of the arteriovenous muscle protein balance during non-steady-state blood and muscle amino acid concentrations.
Academic Article Aging is associated with diminished accretion of muscle proteins after the ingestion of a small bolus of essential amino acids.
Academic Article Optimal nutrition, exercise, and hormonal therapy promote muscle anabolism in the elderly.
Academic Article A high proportion of leucine is required for optimal stimulation of the rate of muscle protein synthesis by essential amino acids in the elderly.
Academic Article Role of dietary protein in the sarcopenia of aging.
Academic Article Quantification of protein metabolism in vivo for skin, wound, and muscle in severe burn patients.
Academic Article Exogenous amino acids stimulate human muscle anabolism without interfering with the response to mixed meal ingestion.
Academic Article Local injection of insulin-zinc stimulates DNA synthesis in skin donor site wound.
Academic Article Insulin resistance of muscle protein metabolism in aging.
Academic Article Amino acid repletion does not decrease muscle protein catabolism during hemodialysis.
Academic Article Fractional synthesis rates of DNA and protein in rabbit skin are not correlated.
Academic Article Dietary protein intake impacts human skeletal muscle protein fractional synthetic rates after endurance exercise.
Academic Article Leg glucose and protein metabolism during an acute bout of resistance exercise in humans.
Academic Article Muscle protein synthesis and balance responsiveness to essential amino acids ingestion in the presence of elevated plasma free fatty acid concentrations.
Academic Article Topical Sulfamylon cream inhibits DNA and protein synthesis in the skin donor site wound.
Academic Article A moderate serving of high-quality protein maximally stimulates skeletal muscle protein synthesis in young and elderly subjects.
Academic Article Adult patients are more catabolic than children during acute phase after burn injury: a retrospective analysis on muscle protein kinetics.
Academic Article Comparison of peripheral metabolic effects of insulin and metformin following severe burn injury.
Academic Article Amino acids stimulate leg muscle protein synthesis in peripheral arterial disease.
Academic Article The intracellular free amino acid pool represents tracer precursor enrichment for calculation of protein synthesis in cultured fibroblasts and myocytes.
Academic Article Muscle protein synthesis in cancer patients can be stimulated with a specially formulated medical food.
Academic Article The role of dietary protein in optimizing muscle mass, function and health outcomes in older individuals.
Academic Article A novel stable isotope tracer method to measure muscle protein fractional breakdown rate during a physiological non-steady-state condition.
Academic Article Aerobic exercise training increases skeletal muscle protein turnover in healthy adults at rest.
Academic Article Total aminoacyl-transfer RNA pool is greater in liver than muscle in rabbits.
Academic Article Protein Summit: consensus areas and future research.
Academic Article Atrophy and impaired muscle protein synthesis during prolonged inactivity and stress.
Academic Article Milk ingestion stimulates net muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise.
Academic Article The anabolic effect of arginine on proteins in skin wound and muscle is independent of nitric oxide production.
Academic Article Optimal protein intake in the elderly.
Academic Article Resistance training preserves fat-free mass without impacting changes in protein metabolism after weight loss in older women.
Academic Article Restoration of hormonal action and muscle protein.
Academic Article Acute responses of muscle protein metabolism to reduced blood flow reflect metabolic priorities for homeostasis.
Academic Article The recommended dietary allowance of protein: a misunderstood concept.
Academic Article Latency, duration and dose response relationships of amino acid effects on human muscle protein synthesis.
Academic Article Acute energy deprivation affects skeletal muscle protein synthesis and associated intracellular signaling proteins in physically active adults.
Academic Article Ingestion of casein and whey proteins result in muscle anabolism after resistance exercise.
Academic Article Compartmental distribution of amino acids during hemodialysis-induced hypoaminoacidemia.
Academic Article Alterations in protein metabolism during space flight and inactivity.
Academic Article Acute hyperinsulinemia and reduced plasma free fatty acid levels decrease intramuscular triglyceride synthesis.
Academic Article Quantification of DNA synthesis from different pathways in cultured human fibroblasts and myocytes.
Academic Article Regulation of skeletal muscle protein metabolism in catabolic states.
Academic Article Insulin sensitivity is related to fat oxidation and protein kinase C activity in children with acute burn injury.
Academic Article Inverse regulation of protein turnover and amino acid transport in skeletal muscle of hypercatabolic patients.
Academic Article Bedrest and sarcopenia.
Academic Article Perspective: Optimal protein intake in the elderly.
Academic Article Enteral nutritional support in prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Academic Article Whey protein ingestion in elderly persons results in greater muscle protein accrual than ingestion of its constituent essential amino acid content.
Academic Article Essential amino acids and muscle protein recovery from resistance exercise.
Academic Article Skeletal muscle protein metabolism and resistance exercise.
Academic Article Stimulation of net muscle protein synthesis by whey protein ingestion before and after exercise.
Academic Article Regulation of muscle protein by amino acids.
Academic Article Effect of 10 days of bed rest on skeletal muscle in healthy older adults.
Academic Article Measurement of protein fractional synthesis and breakdown rates in the skin of rabbits using a subflooding dose method.
Academic Article EAA supplementation to increase nitrogen intake improves muscle function during bed rest in the elderly.
Academic Article Long-term oxandrolone treatment increases muscle protein net deposition via improving amino acid utilization in pediatric patients 6 months after burn injury.
Academic Article Measurement of muscle protein fractional synthesis and breakdown rates from a pulse tracer injection.
Academic Article Whey protein and essential amino acids promote the reduction of adipose tissue and increased muscle protein synthesis during caloric restriction-induced weight loss in elderly, obese individuals.
Academic Article Amino acid metabolism and inflammatory burden in ovarian cancer patients undergoing intense oncological therapy.
Academic Article Effect of ?-hydroxy-?-methylbutyrate (HMB) on lean body mass during 10 days of bed rest in older adults.
Academic Article Stimulation of muscle anabolism by resistance exercise and ingestion of leucine plus protein.
Academic Article Relative influence of glucose and insulin on peripheral amino acid metabolism in severely burned patients.
Academic Article The flow phase of wound metabolism is characterized by stimulated protein synthesis rather than cell proliferation.
Academic Article Aging does not impair the anabolic response to a protein-rich meal.
Academic Article Protein, weight management, and satiety.
Academic Article Incomplete financial disclosures.
Academic Article Is the optimal level of protein intake for older adults greater than the recommended dietary allowance?
Academic Article Is there a maximal anabolic response to protein intake with a meal?
Academic Article Dietary protein adequacy and lower body versus whole body resistive training in older humans.
Academic Article Effect of ?-hydroxy-?-methylbutyrate (HMB) on lean body mass during 10 days of bed rest in older adults.
Academic Article Anabolic action of insulin on skin wound protein is augmented by exogenous amino acids.
Academic Article Dietary fat composition alters pulmonary function in pigs.
Concept Blood Proteins
Concept Complement System Proteins
Concept Egg Proteins, Dietary
Concept Protein Kinase C
Concept Protein-Energy Malnutrition
Concept Protein Kinases
Concept Milk Proteins
Concept Proteins
Concept Diet, Protein-Restricted
Concept Protein Processing, Post-Translational
Concept Plant Proteins
Concept GTP-Binding Proteins
Concept Recombinant Proteins
Concept Ribosomal Proteins
Concept Mitochondrial Proteins
Concept Dietary Proteins
Concept Muscle Proteins
Concept AMP-Activated Protein Kinases
Concept Protein Array Analysis
Concept Protein Stability
Concept Egg Proteins
Concept Protein Biosynthesis
Concept Intracellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins
Concept Cell Cycle Proteins
Concept Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases
Concept Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt
Academic Article Postprandial muscle protein synthesis is higher after a high whey protein, leucine-enriched supplement than after a dairy-like product in healthy older people: a randomized controlled trial.
Academic Article Increased net muscle protein balance in response to simultaneous and separate ingestion of carbohydrate and essential amino acids following resistance exercise.
Academic Article Androstenedione does not stimulate muscle protein anabolism in young healthy men
Academic Article Isotopic approaches to the estimation of protein requirements in burn patients
Academic Article Albumin synthesis after intense intermittent exercise in human subjects
Academic Article Effect of exogenous growth hormone on whole-body and isolated-limb protein kinetics in burned patients
Academic Article Role of insulin and glucose oxidation in mediating the protein catabolism of burns and sepsis
Academic Article Accelerated glutamine synthesis in critically ill patients cannot maintain normal intramuscular free glutamine concentration
Academic Article Response of protein and urea kinetics in burn patients to different levels of protein intake
Academic Article Basal muscle amino acid kinetics and protein synthesis in healthy young and older men
Academic Article Metabolism of skin and muscle protein is regulated differently in response to nutrition
Academic Article Increased rates of muscle protein turnover and amino acid transport after resistance exercise in humans
Academic Article Contributions of de novo synthesis of fatty acids to total VLDL-triglyceride secretion during prolonged hyperglycemia/hyperinsulinemia in normal man
Academic Article Infusion of labeled KIC is more accurate than labeled leucine to determine human muscle protein synthesis
Academic Article Insulin but not growth hormone stimulates protein anabolism in skin wound and muscle
Academic Article Latency and duration of stimulation of human muscle protein synthesis during continuous infusion of amino acids
Academic Article Resistance-training-induced adaptations in skeletal muscle protein turnover in the fed state
Academic Article Effect of dietary protein on bed-rest-related changes in whole-body-protein synthesis
Academic Article Role of basal insulin in the regulation of protein kinetics and energy metabolism in septic patients
Academic Article The anabolic effect on arginine on proteins in skin wound and muscle is independent of nitric oxide production
Academic Article Acute responses of muscle protein metabolism to reduced blood flow reflect metabolic priorities for homeostatis
Academic Article Control of muscle protein breakdown: effects of activity and nutritional states
Academic Article High-protein intake alters the response of fasting in normal human subjects
Academic Article Measurement of very low stable isotope enrichments by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry: application to measurement of muscle protein synthesis
Academic Article Protein and amino acid metabolism after injury
Academic Article Glucose and fatty acid kinetics in fasted rats: effects of previous protein intake
Academic Article Energy and protein metabolism in sepsis and trauma
Academic Article Protein supplements and exercise
Academic Article The response of muscle protein anabolism to combined hyperaminoacidemia and glucose-induced hyperinsulinemia is impaired in the elderly
Academic Article Stimulation of muscle protein synthesis by long-term insulin infusion in severely burned patients
Academic Article An animal model for measurement of protein metabolism in the skin
Academic Article Exercise-induced changes in protein metabolism
Academic Article Acute response of human muscle protein to catabolic hormones
Academic Article An integrated analysis of glucose, fat, and protein metabolism in severely traumatized patients. Studies in the basal state and the response to total parenteral nutrition
Academic Article Harry M. Vars Research Award. A new model to determine in vivo the relationship between amino acid transmembrane transport and protein kinetics in muscle
Academic Article Insulin responsiveness of protein metabolism in vivo following bedrest in humans
Academic Article An oral essential amino acid-carbohydrate supplement enhances muscle protein anabolism after resistance exercise
Academic Article Mixed muscle and hepatic derived plasma protein metabolism is differentially regulated in older and younger men following resistance exercise
Academic Article A method for the rapid determination of protein turnover
Academic Article Whole-body protein kinetics in patients with early and advanced gastrointestinal cancer: the response to glucose infusion and total parenteral nutrition
Academic Article An abundant supply of amino acids enhances the metabolic effect of exercise on muscle protein
Academic Article Isotopic determination of fibronectin synthesis in humans
Academic Article An isotopic method for measurement of muscle protein fractional breakdown rate in vivo
Academic Article Mixed muscle protein synthesis and breakdown after resistance exercise in humans
Academic Article Oral amino acids stimulate muscle protein anabolism in the elderly despite higher first-pass splanchnic extraction
Academic Article Measurement of skin protein breakdown in a rat model
Academic Article Does exercise stimulate protein breakdown in humans? Isotopic approaches to the problem
Academic Article Physiologic hyperinsulinemia stimulates protein synthesis and enhances transport of selected amino acids in human skeletal muscle
Academic Article Metabolic intervention in surgical patients. An assessment of the effect of somatostatin, ranitidine, naloxone, diclophenac, dipyridamole, or salbutamol infusion on energy and protein kinetics in surgical patients using stable and radioisotopes
Academic Article Oral and intravenously administered amino acids produce similar effects on muscle protein synthesis in the elderly
Academic Article Protein synthesis and breakdown in skin and muscle: a leg model of amino acid kinetics
Academic Article Whole body and plasma protein synthesis in exercise and recovery in human subjects
Academic Article Influence of insulin and palmitic acid concentration on pulmonary surfactant synthesis
Academic Article Energy and protein metabolism in sarcoma patients
Academic Article The anabolic response to resistance exercise and a protein-rich meal is not diminished by age
Academic Article Assessment of the mathematical issues involved in measuring the fractional synthesis rate of protein using the flooding dose technique
Academic Article Amino acid availability controls muscle protein metabolism
Academic Article Interrelationships of glucose and protein metabolism in obese adolescents during short-term hypocaloric dietary therapy
Academic Article A long-term metabolic study to assess the nutritional value of and immunological tolerance to two soy-protein concentrates in adult humans
Academic Article Regulation of protein catabolism
Academic Article Hepatic and whole-body fat synthesis in humans during carbohydrate overfeeding
Academic Article Dynamics of the protein metabolic response to burn injury
Academic Article Exercise, protein metabolism, and muscle growth
Academic Article Nonessential amino acids are not necessary to stimulate net muscle protein synthesis in healthy volunteers
Academic Article Protein and energy metabolism during prolonged exercise in trained athletes
Academic Article Insulin action on muscle protein kinetics and amino acid transport during recovery after resistance exercise
Academic Article Urea and protein metabolism in burned children: effect of dietary protein intake
Academic Article Postexercise protein metabolism in older and younger men following moderate-intensity aerobic exercise
Academic Article Effect of exercise and recovery on muscle protein synthesis in human subjects
Academic Article Current thoughts on the assessment of protein metabolism in humans
Academic Article Insulin action on protein metabolism
Academic Article Glucose, fat, and protein kinetics in patients with primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism
Academic Article Comparison of constant infusion and flooding dose techniques to measure muscle protein synthesis rate in dogs
Academic Article Whole body protein kinetics in severely septic patients. The response to glucose infusion and total parenteral nutrition
Academic Article Lung injury in acute pancreatitis: primary inhibition of pulmonary phospholipid synthesis
Academic Article Quantity of dietary protein intake, but not pattern of intake, affects net protein balance primarily through differences in protein synthesis in older adults.
Academic Article Comparison of bolus injection and constant infusion methods for measuring muscle protein fractional synthesis rate in humans.
Academic Article Amino Acid Availability Regulates the Effect of Hyperinsulinemia on Skin Protein Metabolism in Pigs.
Academic Article Proteins and amino acids are fundamental to optimal nutrition support in critically ill patients.
Academic Article Update on protein intake: importance of milk proteins for health status of the elderly.
Academic Article Acute ingestion of citrulline stimulates nitric oxide synthesis but does not increase blood flow in healthy young and older adults with heart failure.
Academic Article The anabolic response to a meal containing different amounts of protein is not limited by the maximal stimulation of protein synthesis in healthy young adults.
Academic Article Exploration of the protein requirement during weight loss in obese older adults.
Academic Article Recent developments in understanding protein needs - How much and what kind should we eat?
Academic Article Protein Consumption and the Elderly: What Is the Optimal Level of Intake?
Academic Article The Link between Dietary Protein Intake, Skeletal Muscle Function and Health in Older Adults.
Academic Article Protein quality as determined by the Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score: evaluation of factors underlying the calculation.
Academic Article Protein intake distribution pattern does not affect anabolic response, lean body mass, muscle strength or function over 8 weeks in older adults: A randomized-controlled trial.
Academic Article Optimizing Protein Intake in Adults: Interpretation and Application of the Recommended Dietary Allowance Compared with the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range.
Academic Article Dudrick Research Symposium 2015-Lean Tissue and Protein in Health and Disease.
Academic Article Phenylalanine isotope pulse method to measure effect of sepsis on protein breakdown and membrane transport in the pig.
Academic Article Effects of ?-hydroxy-?-methylbutyrate on skeletal muscle mitochondrial content and dynamics, and lipids after 10 days of bed rest in older adults.
Academic Article Short term elevation in dietary protein intake does not worsen insulin resistance or lipids in older adults with metabolic syndrome: a randomized-controlled trial.
Academic Article Update on maximal anabolic response to dietary protein.
Academic Article Patterns of medication use in the RRI-CKD study: focus on medications with cardiovascular effects.
Academic Article Branched-chain amino acids and muscle protein synthesis in humans: myth or reality?
Academic Article Quality of meal protein determines anabolic response in older adults.
Academic Article Factors contributing to the selection of dietary protein food sources.
Academic Article The 2017 Sir David P Cuthbertson lecture. Amino acids and muscle protein metabolism in critical care.
Academic Article Quantification of muscle triglyceride synthesis rate requires an adjustment for total triglyceride content.
Academic Article Essential amino acid-enriched meal replacement promotes superior net protein balance in older, overweight adults.
Grant Optimal Amino Acid Nutrition in Sepsis
Grant Amino Acids and Muscle Protein Synthesis
Grant Arkansas Claude Pepper Older Americans Independence Center at UAMS
Grant Muscle preservation during weight loss in older, overweight individuals
Grant Substrate Cycling in Energy Metabolism
Grant Protocol 3: Use of Dietery Nucleotides to Stimulate tRNA Synthesis for Enhanced Protein Synthesis in Chronic Wasting of Elderly
Grant Ferrando: Effect of Dietary Protein Intake Pattern on Skeletal Muscle in Older Individuals
Grant Wolfe-KIWI Sub w/Massey: Speeding Up a Slow Protein for Muscle Mass with Hayward Kiwi fruit
Grant Skeletal Muscle Protein synthesis in healthy elderly after bolus intake of a high whey-protein leucine-rich oral nutritional supplement Spa.1/C/A AKA
Grant PROTOCOL #2: The Effect of Frequent EAA Ingestion on Resting Energy Expenditure and 24hr Muscle Protein Synthesis
Academic Article Quantifying the contribution of dietary protein to whole body protein kinetics: examination of the intrinsically labeled proteins method.
Academic Article Inhibition of jejunal protein synthesis and breakdown in Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced sepsis pig model.
Academic Article Consumption of a Specially-Formulated Mixture of Essential Amino Acids Promotes Gain in Whole-Body Protein to a Greater Extent than a Complete Meal Replacement in Older Women with Heart Failure.
Academic Article Mitigation of Muscle Loss in Stressed Physiology: Military Relevance.
Academic Article Reply to Letter to the Editor: "The intrinsically labeled protein approach is the preferred method to quantify the release of dietary protein-derived amino acids into the circulation".
Academic Article Determination of Dietary Amino Acid Digestibility in Humans.
Academic Article Advances in stable isotope tracer methodology part 2: new thoughts about an "old" method-measurement of whole body protein synthesis and breakdown in the fed state.
Academic Article Anabolic response to essential amino acid plus whey protein composition is greater than whey protein alone in young healthy adults.
Grant Nutritional Stimulation of Muscle Protein Synthesis and Metabolic Rate After Bariatric Surgery
Academic Article Effects of Fortetropin on the Rate of Muscle Protein Synthesis in Older Men and Women: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Study.
Academic Article Understanding Muscle Protein Dynamics: Technical Considerations for Advancing Sarcopenia Research.
Academic Article Muscle Protein Synthesis and Whole-Body Protein Turnover Responses to Ingesting Essential Amino Acids, Intact Protein, and Protein-Containing Mixed Meals with Considerations for Energy Deficit.
Academic Article Human skeletal muscle metabolic responses to 6 days of high-fat overfeeding are associated with dietary n-3PUFA content and muscle oxidative capacity.
Academic Article Effects of high versus standard essential amino acid intakes on whole-body protein turnover and mixed muscle protein synthesis during energy deficit: A randomized, crossover study.
Academic Article The impact of Hayward green kiwifruit on dietary protein digestion and protein metabolism.
Academic Article Net protein balance correlates with expression of autophagy, mitochondrial biogenesis, and fat metabolism-related genes in skeletal muscle from older adults.
Academic Article The Anabolic Response to Dietary Protein Is Not Limited by the Maximal Stimulation of Protein Synthesis in Healthy Older Adults: A Randomized Crossover Trial.
Academic Article Essential Amino Acids and Protein Synthesis: Insights into Maximizing the Muscle and Whole-Body Response to Feeding.
Academic Article Comparison of basal whole-body protein kinetics and muscle protein synthesis between young and older adults.
Academic Article Correction to: The impact of Hayward green kiwifruit on dietary protein digestion and protein metabolism.
Academic Article Essential amino acid-enriched whey enhances post-exercise whole-body protein balance during energy deficit more than iso-nitrogenous whey or a mixed-macronutrient meal: a randomized, crossover study.
Academic Article Potential Beneficial Effects of Dietary Protein Supplementation and Exercise on Functional Capacity in a Pilot Study of Individuals with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction.
Academic Article Daily Consumption of a Specially Formulated Essential Amino Acid-Based Dietary Supplement Improves Physical Performance in Older Adults With Low Physical Functioning.
Academic Article Metabolic Evaluation of the Dietary Guidelines' Ounce Equivalents of Protein Food Sources in Young Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Academic Article Equivalent servings of free-range reindeer promote greater net protein balance compared to commercial beef.
Academic Article Comparison of Arterial-Venous Balance and Tracer Incorporation Methods for Measuring Muscle Fractional Synthesis and Fractional Breakdown Rates.
Academic Article Myostatin Inhibition-Induced Increase in Muscle Mass and Strength Was Amplified by Resistance Exercise Training, and Dietary Essential Amino Acids Improved Muscle Quality in Mice.
Academic Article Pre- and Post-Surgical Nutrition for Preservation of Muscle Mass, Strength, and Functionality Following Orthopedic Surgery.
Academic Article Perioperative amino acid infusion reestablishes muscle net balance during total hip arthroplasty.
Academic Article Essential Amino Acid-Enriched Diet Alleviates Dexamethasone-Induced Loss of Muscle Mass and Function through Stimulation of Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis and Improves Glucose Metabolism in Mice.
Academic Article Mitoribosomal defects aggravate liver cancer via aberrant glycolytic flux and T cell exhaustion.
Academic Article Continuous oral stable isotope ingestion to measure whole-body protein turnover.
Grant Wolfe-FORTE: Effects of Fortetropin on Skeletal Muscle Protein Fractional Synthetic Rate in Older Men and Women
Academic Article Prevention of Loss of Muscle Mass and Function in Older Adults during COVID-19 Lockdown: Potential Role of Dietary Essential Amino Acids.
Academic Article Correction to: Differential plasma protein expression after ingestion of essential amino acid-based dietary supplement versus whey protein in low physical functioning older adults.
Academic Article Differential plasma protein expression after ingestion of essential amino acid-based dietary supplement verses whey protein in low physical functioning older adults.
Academic Article Tracing metabolic flux to assess optimal dietary protein and amino acid consumption.
Academic Article Tracing metabolic flux in vivo: basic model structures of tracer methodology.
Academic Article International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: Effects of essential amino acid supplementation on exercise and performance.
Grant Protein Kinetic Response to Calorie Deprivation:
Academic Article The Importance of Dietary Protein Quality in Mid- to High-Income Countries.
Academic Article Short-Term Ingestion of Essential Amino Acid Based Nutritional Supplements or Whey Protein Improves the Physical Function of Older Adults Independently of Gut Microbiome.
Academic Article Stimulation of muscle protein synthesis with low-dose amino acid composition in older individuals.
Grant Protocol 3: Use of Dietery Nucleotides to Stimulate tRNA Synthesis for Enhanced Protein Synthesis in Chronic Wasting of Elderly
Grant PROTOCOL #2: The Effect of Frequent EAA Ingestion on Resting Energy Expenditure and 24hr Muscle Protein Synthesis
Academic Article Inhibitory Regulation of FOXO1 in PPARd Expression Drives Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Insulin Resistance.
Academic Article Consuming Whey Protein with Added Essential Amino Acids, not Carbohydrate, Maintains Post-Exercise Anabolism while Underfed.

Search Criteria
  • Protein
  • Synthesis