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Receptors, Adrenergic

"Receptors, Adrenergic" is a descriptor in the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). Descriptors are arranged in a hierarchical structure, which enables searching at various levels of specificity.

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Cell-surface proteins that bind epinephrine and/or norepinephrine with high affinity and trigger intracellular changes. The two major classes of adrenergic receptors, alpha and beta, were originally discriminated based on their cellular actions but now are distinguished by their relative affinity for characteristic synthetic ligands. Adrenergic receptors may also be classified according to the subtypes of G-proteins with which they bind; this scheme does not respect the alpha-beta distinction.

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This graph shows the total number of publications written about "Receptors, Adrenergic" by people in UAMS Profiles by year, and whether "Receptors, Adrenergic" was a major or minor topic of these publications.
Bar chart showing 6 publications over 6 distinct years, with a maximum of 1 publications in 1998 and 2001 and 2008 and 2009 and 2019 and 2021
To see the data from this visualization as text, click here.