John Carroll
Credentials | Board certification: Pediatrics |
| Board certification: Pediatric Pulmonology |
| Medical license: Arkansas, 2000-2018 |
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
Department | Peds Pediatrics, College of Medicine |
Address | ACH Administration 1900 Maryland Street Mail Slot # 512-17 Little Rock AR 72202
Phone | 501-364-1006 |
vCard | Download vCard |
Overview Dr. Carroll serves as the director of the Pediatric Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine division at Arkansas Children's Hospital in the UAMS Department of Pediatrics. He is also Service Line director for the Pediatric Pulmonary Service Line and program director of the UAMS Pediatric Pulmonology Fellowship.
Biography Division director - Pediatric Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine
Service line medical director - Pediatric Pulmonary Service Line - Arkansas Children's Hospital
Program director - Pediatric Pulmonology Fellowship - UAMS/ACH
Core leadership team - Arkansas Children’s Asthma Center
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, Texas | MD | 06/1979 | Medicine | University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, Arizona | | 06/1983 | Pediatric Pulmonology (year 1) | State University of New York, Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, New York | | 06/1982 | Pediatric residency |
Research Research areas include respiratory control maturation, postnatal chemoreceptor development, effects of hyperoxia, chronic hypoxia and chronic intermittent hypoxia on respiratory control maturation, childhood sleep disordered breathing, chronic lung disease of prematurity, long-term ventilation and the respiratory care of medically complex children with respiratory technology-dependence.
R01HL166748 (MORELLO, ROY)Sep 1, 2023 - Jul 31, 2027 NIH Lung developmental defects caused by type I collagen mutations in mouse models of osteogenesis imperfecta Role: Co-Investigator |
| #IA (CARROLL, JOHN L)Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2024 American Lung Association Elucidating the role of type I collagen mutations on respiratory function in osteogenesis imperfecta Role: Principal Investigator |
| #IA-941372 (MORELLO, ROY)Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2024 American Lung Association Elucidating the role of type I collagen mutations on respiratory function in osteogenesis imperfecta Role: Co-Investigator |
| GR034135 (CARROLL, JOHN L)Oct 1, 2021 - Sep 27, 2022 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through - Pass Through: Boise State University Pillows GR034135 Carroll Task 003(10178) Consumer Products Safety Commission Role: Principal Investigator |
| GR034136 (CARROLL, JOHN L)Oct 1, 2021 - Sep 27, 2022 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through - Pass Through: Boise State University GR034136 Carroll ACRI, Consumer Products Safety Commission via Boise State Role: Principal Investigator |
| 61320618P0052 (MANNEN, ERIN)Sep 18, 2018 - Sep 17, 2019 U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Biomechanical Evaluation of Infants in Inclined Sleep Products Role: Co-Investigator |
| ACRI # 034001 (CARROLL, JOHN L)Jan 1, 2018 - Dec 31, 2020 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI # 034744 (CARROLL, JOHN L)Jan 1, 2018 - Dec 31, 2018 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through KCNQ2 Channels Control Chemoreceptor Function-Uconn Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI#034744 (CARROLL, JOHN L)Jan 1, 2018 - Dec 31, 2018 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through KCNQ2 Channels Control Chemoreceptor Function-Uconn Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI # 034708 (CARROLL, JOHN L)Sep 1, 2016 - Jun 30, 2022 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI #034708 (CARROLL, JOHN L)Sep 1, 2016 - Jun 30, 2022 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI# 34014 (CARROLL, JOHN L)Sep 1, 2016 - Jun 30, 2022 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI# 34709 (CARROLL, JOHN L)Sep 1, 2016 - Jun 30, 2022 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI # TBD (CHEN, JIN-RAN)May 15, 2016 - Apr 30, 2021 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| TBD (CHEN, JIN-RAN)May 15, 2016 - Apr 30, 2021 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| P20GM103425 (GARCIA-RILL, EDGAR E.)Sep 16, 2004 - Apr 30, 2015 NIH Center for Translational Neuroscience Role: Co-Investigator |
| ACHRI 39511 (CARROLL, JOHN L)Jul 1, 2000 - Jun 30, 2001 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Cystic Fibrosis Data Base Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACHRI39511 (CARROLL, JOHN L)Jul 1, 2000 - Jun 30, 2001 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Cystic Fibrosis Data Base Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HL054621 (CARROLL, JOHN L)Aug 1, 1995 - Dec 31, 2012 NIH Postnatal Resetting of Carotid Chemoreceptor Sensitivity Role: Principal Investigator |
| K08HL002543 (CARROLL, JOHN L)Jan 1, 1991 - Jan 31, 1996 NIH CAROTID BODY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF BREATHING CONTROL Role: Principal Investigator |
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Dimori M, Toulany M, Sultana LS, Onal M, Thostenson JD, Carroll JL, O'Brien CA, Morello R. A new Col1a1 conditional knock-in mouse model to study osteogenesis imperfecta. J Bone Miner Res. 2024 Dec 31; 40(1):114-124. PMID: 39566076.
Qiu J, Di Fiore JM, Krishnamurthi N, Indic P, Carroll JL, Claure N, Kemp JS, Dennery PA, Ambalavanan N, Weese-Mayer DE, Maria Hibbs A, Martin RJ, Bancalari E, Hamvas A, Randall Moorman J, Lake DE, Krahn KN, Zimmet AM, Hopkins BS, Lonergan EK, Rand CM, Zadell A, Nakhmani A, Carlo WA, Laney D, Travers CP, Vanbuskirk S, D'Ugard C, Aguilar AC, Schott A, Hoffmann J, Linneman L. Corrigendum: Highly comparative time series analysis of oxygen saturation and heart rate to predict respiratory outcomes in extremely preterm infants (2024Physiol. Meas.?45 055025). Physiol Meas. 2024 Oct 21; 45(10). PMID: 39436196.
Siegel DN, Goldrod S, Wilson C, Bossert A, Lujan TJ, Whitaker BN, Carroll JL, Mannen EM. Commercial infant products influence body position and muscle use. Early Hum Dev. 2024 Nov; 198:106122. PMID: 39305831.
Adhikari D, Carroll J. Switching on lysosomes. Elife. 2024 Aug 21; 13. PMID: 39166980.
Qiu J, Di Fiore JM, Krishnamurthi N, Indic P, Carroll JL, Claure N, Kemp JS, Dennery PA, Ambalavanan N, Weese-Mayer DE, Maria Hibbs A, Martin RJ, Bancalari E, Hamvas A, Randall Moorman J, Lake DE, Krahn KN, Zimmet AM, Hopkins BS, Lonergan EK, Rand CM, Zadell A, Nakhmani A, Carlo WA, Laney D, Travers CP, Vanbuskirk S, D'Ugard C, Aguilar AC, Schott A, Hoffmann J, Linneman L. Highly comparative time series analysis of oxygen saturation and heart rate to predict respiratory outcomes in extremely preterm infants. Physiol Meas. 2024 Jun 03; 45(5). PMID: 38772400.
Wang AY, Rothwell PM, Nelson J, Saver JL, Kasner SE, Carroll J, Mas JL, Derumeaux G, Chatellier G, Furlan AJ, Herrmann HC, J?ni P, Kim JS, Koethe B, Lee PH, Lefebvre B, Mattle HP, Meier B, Reisman M, Smalling RW, Sondergaard L, Song JK, Di Angelantonio E, DiTullio M, Elkind MSV, Homma S, Jaigobin C, Michel P, Mono ML, Nedeltchev K, Papetti F, Serena J, Weimar C, Li L, Mazzucco S, Silver LE, van Klaveren D, Thaler DE, Kent DM. Patent Foramen Ovale Closure in Older Patients With Stroke: Patient Selection for Trial Feasibility. Neurology. 2024 May 28; 102(10):e209388. PMID: 38701403.
Kausch SL, Lake DE, Di Fiore JM, Weese-Mayer DE, Claure N, Ambalavanan N, Vesoulis ZA, Fairchild KD, Dennery PA, Hibbs AM, Martin RJ, Indic P, Travers CP, Bancalari E, Hamvas A, Kemp JS, Carroll JL, Moorman JR, Sullivan BA. Apnea, Intermittent Hypoxemia, and Bradycardia Events Predict Late-Onset Sepsis in Infants Born Extremely Preterm. J Pediatr. 2024 Aug; 271:114042. PMID: 38570031.
Kumbhani DJ, Manandhar P, Bavry AA, Chhatriwalla AK, Giri J, Mack M, Carroll J, Pandey A, Kosinski A, Peterson ED, Kaneko T, de Lemos JA, Vemulapalli S. National Variation in Hospital MTEER?Outcomes and Correlation With?TAVR Outcomes: STS/ACC TVT Registry Analysis. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2024 Feb 26; 17(4):505-515. PMID: 38340102.
Kausch SL, Lake DE, Di Fiore JM, Weese-Mayer DE, Claure N, Ambalavanan N, Vesoulis ZA, Fairchild KD, Dennery PA, Hibbs AM, Martin RJ, Indic P, Travers CP, Bancalari E, Hamvas A, Kemp JS, Carroll JL, Moorman JR, Sullivan BA. Apnea, Intermittent Hypoxemia, and Bradycardia Events Predict Late-Onset Sepsis in Extremely Preterm Infants. medRxiv. 2024 Jan 27. PMID: 38343825.
Qiu J, Di Fiore JM, Krishnamurthi N, Indic P, Carroll JL, Claure N, Kemp JS, Dennery PA, Ambalavanan N, Weese-Mayer DE, Hibbs AM, Martin RJ, Bancalari E, Hamvas A, Randall Moorman J, Lake DE. Highly comparative time series analysis of oxygen saturation and heart rate to predict respiratory outcomes in extremely preterm infants. medRxiv. 2024 Jan 24. PMID: 38343830.
Ghazala Z, Ararat E, Carroll JL, Agarwal A. Volume-targeted ventilation as an invasive home ventilation strategy: A?single-center experience. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2024 Jan; 59(1):203-209. PMID: 37861362.
Weese-Mayer DE, Di Fiore JM, Lake DE, Hibbs AM, Claure N, Qiu J, Ambalavanan N, Bancalari E, Kemp JS, Zimmet AM, Carroll JL, Martin RJ, Krahn KN, Hamvas A, Ratcliffe SJ, Krishnamurthi N, Indic P, Dormishian A, Dennery PA, Moorman JR. Maturation of cardioventilatory physiological trajectories in extremely preterm infants. Pediatr Res. 2024 Mar; 95(4):1060-1069. PMID: 37857848.
Ambalavanan N, Weese-Mayer DE, Hibbs AM, Claure N, Carroll JL, Moorman JR, Bancalari E, Hamvas A, Martin RJ, Di Fiore JM, Indic P, Kemp JS, Dormishian A, Krahn KN, Qiu J, Dennery PA, Ratcliffe SJ, Troendle JF, Lake DE. Cardiorespiratory Monitoring Data to Predict Respiratory Outcomes in Extremely Preterm Infants. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 07 01; 208(1):79-97. PMID: 37219236.
Mammel DM, Carroll JL, Warner BB, Edwards BA, Mann DL, Wallendorf MJ, Hoffmann JA, Conklin CM, Pyles H, Kemp JS. Quantitative and Qualitative Changes in Peripheral Chemoreceptor Activity in Preterm Infants. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2023 03 01; 207(5):594-601. PMID: 36173816.
Dimori M, Fett J, Leikin S, Otsuru S, Thostenson JD, Carroll JL, Morello R. Distinct type I collagen alterations cause intrinsic lung and respiratory defects of variable severity in mouse models of osteogenesis imperfecta. J Physiol. 2023 01; 601(2):355-379. PMID: 36285717.
Lee IW, Adhikari D, Carroll J. Miro1 depletion disrupts spatial distribution of mitochondria and leads to oocyte maturation defects. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2022; 10:986454. PMID: 36325364.
Adhikari D, Lee IW, Al-Zubaidi U, Liu J, Zhang QH, Yuen WS, He L, Winstanley Y, Sesaki H, Mann JR, Robker RL, Carroll J. Depletion of oocyte dynamin-related protein 1 shows maternal-effect abnormalities in embryonic development. Sci Adv. 2022 06 17; 8(24):eabl8070. PMID: 35704569.
Simonato M, Vemulapalli S, Ben-Yehuda O, Wu C, Wood L, Popma J, Feldman T, Krohn C, Hardy KM, Guibone K, Christensen B, Alu MC, Chen S, Ng VG, Chau KH, Shahim B, Vincent F, MacMahon J, James S, Mack M, Leon MB, Thourani VH, Carroll J, Krucoff M. Minimum Core Data Elements for Evaluation of TAVR: A Scientific Statement by?PASSION?CV,?HVC, and TVT Registry. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2022 04 11; 15(7):685-697. PMID: 35367168.
Fett J, Dimori M, Carroll JL, Morello R. Haploinsufficiency of Col5a1 causes intrinsic lung and respiratory changes in a mouse model of classical Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Physiol Rep. 2022 04; 10(8):e15275. PMID: 35439366.
Simonato M, Vemulapalli S, Ben-Yehuda O, Wu C, Wood L, Popma J, Feldman T, Krohn C, Hardy KM, Guibone K, Christensen B, Alu MC, Chen S, Ng VG, Chau KH, Shahim B, Vincent F, MacMahon J, James S, Mack M, Leon MB, Thourani VH, Carroll J, Krucoff M. Minimum Core Data Elements for Evaluation of TAVR: A Scientific Statement by?PASSION?CV,?HVC, and TVT Registry. Ann Thorac Surg. 2022 05; 113(5):1730-1742. PMID: 35367049.
Adhikari D, Lee IW, Yuen WS, Carroll J. Oocyte mitochondria-key regulators of oocyte function and potential therapeutic targets for improving fertility. Biol Reprod. 2022 02 22; 106(2):366-377. PMID: 35094043.
Wang J, Siddicky SF, Carroll JL, Rabenhorst BM, Bumpass DB, Whitaker BN, Mannen EM. Infant inclined sleep product safety: A model for using biomechanics to explore safe infant product design. J Biomech. 2021 11 09; 128:110706. PMID: 34624615.
Woody GE, Poole S, Yu E, Carroll J, Lynch KG. Extended release injectable naltrexone before vs. after release: A randomized trial of opioid addicted persons who are in prison. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2021 08; 127:108355. PMID: 34134881.
Al-Zubaidi U, Adhikari D, Cinar O, Zhang QH, Yuen WS, Murphy MP, Rombauts L, Robker RL, Carroll J. Mitochondria-targeted therapeutics, MitoQ and BGP-15, reverse aging-associated meiotic spindle defects in mouse and human oocytes. Hum Reprod. 2021 02 18; 36(3):771-784. PMID: 33367783.
Wang J, Siddicky SF, Carroll JL, Rabenhorst BM, Bumpass DB, Whitaker BN, Mannen EM. Do inclined sleeping surfaces impact infants' muscle activity and movement? A safe sleep product design perspective. J Biomech. 2020 10 09; 111:109999. PMID: 32862027.
Willis LD, Lowe G, Pearce P, Spray BJ, Willis R, Scott A, Carroll JL, Agarwal A. Transition From an ICU Ventilator to a Portable Home Ventilator in Children. Respir Care. 2020 12; 65(12):1791-1799. PMID: 32636274.
Dimori M, Heard-Lipsmeyer ME, Byrum SD, Mackintosh SG, Kurten RC, Carroll JL, Morello R. Respiratory defects in the CrtapKO mouse model of osteogenesis imperfecta. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2020 04 01; 318(4):L592-L605. PMID: 32022592.
Hoover J, Wambach J, Vachharajani A, Warner B, Carroll JL, Kemp JS. Postmenstrual age at discharge in premature infants with and without ventilatory pattern instability. J Perinatol. 2020 01; 40(1):157-162. PMID: 31611617.
Steele RW, Agarwal A, Carroll JL. On the road to value-based payment for children with chronic respiratory disease: Are we there yet? Pediatr Pulmonol. 2019 11; 54(11):1650-1651. PMID: 31549488.
Dennery PA, Di Fiore JM, Ambalavanan N, Bancalari E, Carroll JL, Claure N, Hamvas A, Hibbs AM, Indic P, Kemp J, Krahn KN, Lake D, Laposky A, Martin RJ, Natarajan A, Rand C, Schau M, Weese-Mayer DE, Zimmet AM, Moorman JR. Pre-Vent: the prematurity-related ventilatory control study. Pediatr Res. 2019 05; 85(6):769-776. PMID: 30733614.
Edwards BA, Nava-Guerra L, Kemp JS, Carroll JL, Khoo MC, Sands SA, Terrill PI, Landry SA, Amin RS. Assessing ventilatory instability using the response to spontaneous sighs during sleep in preterm infants. Sleep. 2018 11 01; 41(11). PMID: 30137560.
Armoni Domany K, Hossain MM, Nava-Guerra L, Khoo MC, McConnell K, Carroll JL, Xu Y, DiFrancesco M, Amin RS. Cardioventilatory Control in Preterm-born Children and the Risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018 06 15; 197(12):1596-1603. PMID: 29323933.
Berlinski A, Chervinskiy SK, Simmons AL, Leisenring P, Harwell SA, Lawrence DJ, Jones SM, Carroll JL, Perry TT. Delivery of high-quality pediatric spirometry in rural communities: A novel use for telemedicine. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2018 May - Jun; 6(3):1042-1044. PMID: 29428244.
Mulkey SB, Ben-Zeev B, Nicolai J, Carroll JL, Gr?nborg S, Jiang YH, Joshi N, Kelly M, Koolen DA, Mikati MA, Park K, Pearl PL, Scheffer IE, Spillmann RC, Taglialatela M, Vieker S, Weckhuysen S, Cooper EC, Cilio MR. Neonatal nonepileptic myoclonus is a prominent clinical feature of KCNQ2 gain-of-function variants R201C and R201H. Epilepsia. 2017 03; 58(3):436-445. PMID: 28139826.
Sterni LM, Collaco JM, Baker CD, Carroll JL, Sharma GD, Brozek JL, Finder JD, Ackerman VL, Arens R, Boroughs DS, Carter J, Daigle KL, Dougherty J, Gozal D, Kevill K, Kravitz RM, Kriseman T, MacLusky I, Rivera-Spoljaric K, Tori AJ, Ferkol T, Halbower AC. An Official American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline: Pediatric Chronic Home Invasive Ventilation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Apr 15; 193(8):e16-35. PMID: 27082538.
Willis D, Carroll J. Introduction to the Arkansas Center for Respiratory Technology Dependent Children. J Ark Med Soc. 2016 Jan; 112(9):162-3. PMID: 26817202.
Agarwal A, Marks N, Wessel V, Willis D, Bai S, Tang X, Ward WL, Schellhase DE, Carroll JL. Improving knowledge, technical skills, and confidence among pediatric health care providers in the management of chronic tracheostomy using a simulation model. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2016 07; 51(7):696-704. PMID: 26681655.
Harik NS, Com G, Tang X, Melguizo Castro M, Stemper ME, Carroll JL. Clinical characteristics and epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in children with cystic fibrosis from a center with a high MRSA prevalence. Am J Infect Control. 2016 Apr 01; 44(4):409-15. PMID: 26684366.
Thourani VH, Jensen HA, Babaliaros V, Suri R, Vemulapalli S, Dai D, Brennan JM, Rumsfeld J, Edwards F, Tuzcu EM, Svensson L, Szeto WY, Herrmann H, Kirtane AJ, Kodali S, Cohen DJ, Lerakis S, Devireddy C, Sarin E, Carroll J, Holmes D, Grover FL, Williams M, Maniar H, Shahian D, Mack M. Transapical and Transaortic Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in the United States. Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Nov; 100(5):1718-26; discussion 1726-7. PMID: 26233276.
Kim D, Kim I, Wang J, White C, Carroll JL. Hydrogen sulfide and hypoxia-induced changes in TASK (K2P3/9) activity and intracellular Ca(2+) concentration in rat carotid body glomus cells. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2015 Aug 15; 215:30-8. PMID: 25956223.
Com G, Carroll JL, Tang X, Melguizo MS, Bower C, Jambhekar S. Characteristics and surgical and clinical outcomes of severely obese children with obstructive sleep apnea. J Clin Sleep Med. 2015 Apr 15; 11(4):467-74. PMID: 25665695.
Wu LL, Russell DL, Wong SL, Chen M, Tsai TS, St John JC, Norman RJ, Febbraio MA, Carroll J, Robker RL. Mitochondrial dysfunction in oocytes of obese mothers: transmission to offspring and reversal by pharmacological endoplasmic reticulum stress inhibitors. Development. 2015 Feb 15; 142(4):681-91. PMID: 25670793.
Pai V, Singh S, Moss M, Bower C, Carroll J, Agarwal A. Peanuts: it is not always allergies. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2015 Apr; 54(4):393-5. PMID: 25669918.
Agarwal A, Willis D, Tang X, Bauer M, Berlinski A, Com G, Ward WL, Carroll JL. Transition of respiratory technology dependent patients from pediatric to adult pulmonology care. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2015 Dec; 50(12):1294-300. PMID: 25652000.
Kim I, Fite L, Donnelly DF, Kim JH, Carroll JL. Possible Role of TRP Channels in Rat Glomus Cells. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2015; 860:227-32. PMID: 26303485.
Kim D, Kang D, Martin EA, Kim I, Carroll JL. Effects of modulators of AMP-activated protein kinase on TASK-1/3 and intracellular Ca(2+) concentration in rat carotid body glomus cells. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2014 May 01; 195:19-26. PMID: 24530802.
Com G, Carroll JL, Castro MM, Tang X, Jambhekar S, Berlinski A. Predictors and outcome of low initial forced expiratory volume in 1 second measurement in children with cystic fibrosis. J Pediatr. 2014 Apr; 164(4):832-8. PMID: 24418473.
Donnelly DF, Kim I, Mulligan EM, Carroll JL. Non-additive interactions between mitochondrial complex IV blockers and hypoxia in rat carotid body responses. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2014 Jan 01; 190:62-9. PMID: 24096081.
DONNELLY DF, KIM I, MULLIGAN EM, Carroll JL. Non-Additive Interactions Between Mitochondrial Complex IV Blockers and Hypoxia in Rat Carotid Body Responses. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2013; 13.
Carroll J, Marangos P. The DNA damage response in mammalian oocytes. Front Genet. 2013; 4:117. PMID: 23805152.
Jambhekar SK, Com G, Tang X, Pruss KK, Jackson R, Bower C, Carroll JL, Ward W. Role of a respiratory therapist in improving adherence to positive airway pressure treatment in a pediatric sleep apnea clinic. Respir Care. 2013 Dec; 58(12):2038-44. PMID: 23764862.
JAMBHEKAR SK, COM G, TANG X, PRUSS KRISTI, JACKSON R, BOWER C, CARROLL JL, WARD W. Role of a Respiratory Therapist in Improving Adherence with Positive Airway Pressure Treatment in a Pediaric Sleep Apnea Clinic. Respir Care. 2013.
Kim I, Yang D, Carroll JL, Donnelly DF. Perinatal hyperoxia exposure impairs hypoxia-induced depolarization in rat carotid body glomus cells. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2013 Aug 01; 188(1):9-14. PMID: 23669494.
Carroll JL, DONNELLY DF, BAIRAM A. Development of the Carotid Body. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2013.
Carroll JL, Donnelly DF, Bairam A. Foreword. Development of the carotid body. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2013 Jan 01; 185(1):1-2. PMID: 23078973.
Carroll JL, Kim I. Carotid chemoreceptor "resetting" revisited. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2013 Jan 01; 185(1):30-43. PMID: 22982216.
Mesman GR, Kuo DZ, Carroll JL, Ward WL. The impact of technology dependence on children and their families. J Pediatr Health Care. 2013 Nov-Dec; 27(6):451-9. PMID: 22742822.
Kim I, Donnelly DF, Carroll JL. Postnatal hyperoxia impairs acute oxygen sensing of rat glomus cells by reduced membrane depolarization. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012; 758:49-54. PMID: 23080142.
Carroll JL, Jambhekar SK, Donnelly DF. Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide to Evaluation and Treatment. Chemoreceptors, Breathing and Sleep. 2012.
Carroll JL, Agarwal A, Donnelly DF, Kim I. Purinergic modulation of carotid body glomus cell hypoxia response during postnatal maturation in rats. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012; 758:249-53. PMID: 23080169.
Carroll JL, Agarwal A, Donnelly DF, Kim I. Arterial Chemoreception: From Molecules to Systems. 249-53. 2012.
Kim I, Donnelly DF, Carroll JL. Arterial Chemoreception; From Molecules to Systems. Postnatal hyperoxia impairs acute oxygen sensing of rat glomus cells by reduced membrane depolarization. 2012.
Jambhekar SK, Com G, Jones E, Jackson R, Castro MM, Knight F, Carroll JL, Griebel ML. Periodic limb movements during sleep in children with narcolepsy. J Clin Sleep Med. 2011 Dec 15; 7(6):597-601. PMID: 22171197.
Kim I, Yang D, Tang X, Carroll JL. Reference gene validation for qPCR in rat carotid body during postnatal development. BMC Res Notes. 2011 Oct 24; 4:440. PMID: 22023793.
Kim D, Kim I, Papreck JR, Donnelly DF, Carroll JL. Characterization of an ATP-sensitive K(+) channel in rat carotid body glomus cells. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2011 Aug 15; 177(3):247-55. PMID: 21536154.
McGinley BM, Carroll JL. Chronic Lung Disease of Childhood: Control of Breathing During Wake and Sleep. Pediatr Allergy Immunol Pulmonol. 2011 Mar; 24(1):39-43. PMID: 35927858.
Kim D, Papreck JR, Kim I, Donnelly DF, Carroll JL. Changes in oxygen sensitivity of TASK in carotid body glomus cells during early postnatal development. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2011 Aug 15; 177(3):228-35. PMID: 21530688.
Kim D, Kim I, Papreck JR, Donnelly DF, Carroll JL. Characterization of the ATP-sensitive K(+) Channel in the Rat Carotid Body Glomus Cell. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2011; [Epub ahead of print].
Bavis RW, Kim I, Pradhan N, Nawreen N, Dmitrieff EF, Carroll JL, Donnelly DF. Recovery of carotid body O2 sensitivity following chronic postnatal hyperoxia in rats. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2011 Jun 30; 177(1):47-55. PMID: 21420511.
McGinley BM, Carroll JL. Chronic Lung Disease of Childhood: Control of Breathing During Wake and Sleep. Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology. 2011; 24(1):39-43.
Donnelly DF, Kim I, Yang D, Carroll JL. Role of MaxiK-type calcium dependent K+ channels in rat carotid body hypoxia transduction during postnatal development. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2011 Jun 30; 177(1):1-8. PMID: 21356332.
Cole FS, Alleyne C, Barks JD, Boyle RJ, Carroll JL, Dokken D, Edwards WH, Georgieff M, Gregory K, Johnston MV, Kramer M, Mitchell C, Neu J, Pursley DM, Robinson WM, Rowitch DH. NIH Consensus Development Conference statement: inhaled nitric-oxide therapy for premature infants. Pediatrics. 2011 Feb; 127(2):363-9. PMID: 21220405.
Agarwal A, Kim I, Carroll JL. ATP Inhibits Carotid Body Glomus Cell Hypoxia Response Via P2y12 Receptors. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011.
Cole FS, Alleyne C, Barks JD, Boyle RJ, Carroll JL, Dokken D, Edwards WH, Georgieff M, Gregory K, Johnston MV, Kramer M, Mitchell C, Neu J, Pursley DM, Robinson W, Rowitch DH. NIH consensus development conference: Inhaled nitric oxide therapy for premature infants. NIH Consens State Sci Statements. 2010 Oct 29; 27(5):1-34. PMID: 21042341.
Cole FS, Alleyne C, Barks JD, Boyle RJ, Carroll JL, Dokken D, Edwards WH, Georgieff, Gregory K, Johnston MV, Kramer M, Mitchell C, Neu J, Pursley DM, Robinson W, Rowitch DH. NIH Concensus Development Conference: Inhaled Nitric Oxide Therapy for Premature Infants. NIH Concensus State Sci Statements. 2010; 27(5):[Epub ahead of print].
McGrath-Morrow SA, Gower WA, Rothblum-Oviatt C, Brody AS, Langston C, Fan LL, Lefton-Greif MA, Crawford TO, Troche M, Sandlund JT, Auwaerter PG, Easley B, Loughlin GM, Carroll JL, Lederman HM. Evaluation and management of pulmonary disease in ataxia-telangiectasia. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2010 Sep; 45(9):847-59. PMID: 20583220.
Carroll JL, Agarwal A. Development of ventilatory control in infants. Paediatr Respir Rev. 2010 Dec; 11(4):199-207. PMID: 21109177.
Jambhekar SK, Carroll JL, Keiles S. Report of two patients with associated conditions in addition to cystic fibrosis. J Cyst Fibros. 2010 Jul; 9(4):269-71. PMID: 20510657.
Agarwal A, Yang D, Kim I, Carroll JL. Purinergic Modulation Of Carotid Body Glomus Cell Hypoxia Response During Postnatal Development in Rats. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2010.
Donnelly DF, Bavis RW, Kim I, Dbouk HA, Carroll JL. Time course of alterations in pre- and post-synaptic chemoreceptor function during developmental hyperoxia. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2009 Sep 30; 168(3):189-97. PMID: 19465165.
Kim D, Cavanaugh EJ, Kim I, Carroll JL. Heteromeric TASK-1/TASK-3 is the major oxygen-sensitive background K+ channel in rat carotid body glomus cells. J Physiol. 2009 Jun 15; 587(Pt 12):2963-75. PMID: 19403596.
Kim I, Yang DJ, Donnelly DF, Carroll JL. Arterial Chemoreceptors. Fluoresceinated Peanut Agglutinin (PNA) is a Marker for Live O2 Sensing Glomus Cells in Rat Carotid Body. 2009; Vol. 648, pg. 185-190.
Kim JH, Kim I, Carroll JL, Carroll J. Arterial Chemoreceptors. Modification of Relative Gene Expression Ratio Obtained from Real Time qPCR with Whole Carotid Body by Using Mathematical Equations. 2009; Vol. 648 pg. 125-135.
Kim JH, Kim I, Carroll JL. Modification of Relative Gene Expression Ratio Obtained from Real Time qPCR with Whole Carotid Body Using Mathematical Equations. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2009; 648:125-135.
Donghee Kim, Eric J Cavanaugh, Insook Kim, Carroll JL. Functional Expression of Background K+ Channels in Rat Carotid Body Cells. Experimental Biology. 2009.
Gauda EB, Carroll JL, Donnelly DF. Arterial Chemoreceptors. Developmental Maturation of Chemosensitivity to Hypoxia of Peripheral Arterial Chemoreceptors – Invited Article. 2009.
Gauda EB, Carroll JL, Donnelly DF. Developmental maturation of chemosensitivity to hypoxia of peripheral arterial chemoreceptors. 2009; 648:243-55.
Gauda EB, Carroll JL, Donnelly DF. Developmental maturation of chemosensitivity to hypoxia of peripheral arterial chemoreceptors--invited article. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2009; 648:243-55. PMID: 19536487.
Carroll JL, Kim I, Dbouk H, Yang DJ, Bavis RW, Donnelly DF. Time-dependence of hyperoxia-induced impairment in peripheral chemoreceptor activity and glomus cell calcium response. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2009; 648:299-306. PMID: 19536493.
Jambhekar S, Carroll JL. Diagnosis of pediatric obstructive sleep disordered breathing: beyond the gold standard. Expert Rev Respir Med. 2008 Dec; 2(6):791-809. PMID: 20477240.
Carroll JL, Donnelly DF. Sleep and Breathing During Sleep in Children: Developmental Approach. Peripheral chemoreceptor maturation. 2008.
Berlinski A, Carroll JL. Pediatric Respiratory Medicine. Eosinophilic Lung Diseases and Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. 2008; 45.
Kim I, Yang DJ, Carroll JL. Modification of rat carotid body glomus cell O2 sensing by RNA interference method. FASEB. 2007.
Lefton-Greif MA, Carroll JL, Loughlin GM. Long-term follow-up of oropharyngeal dysphagia in children without apparent risk factors. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2006 Nov; 41(11):1040-8. PMID: 16871618.
Kim I, Yang DJ, Carroll JL. Gene expression of TREK K+ channels in rat carotid body (CB). FASEB. 2006.
Kim I, Donnelly DF, Carroll JL. Modulation of gene expression in subfamilies of TASK K+ channels by chronic hyperoxia exposure in rat carotid body. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2006; 580:37-41; discussion 351-9. PMID: 16683695.
Kim I, Kim JH, Carroll JL. Postnatal changes in gene expression of subfamilies of TASK K+ channels in rat carotid body. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2006; 580:43-7; discussion 351-9. PMID: 16683696.
Kim I, Kim JH, Carroll JL. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Postnatal Changes In Gene Expression of Subfamilies of TASK K+ Channels in Rat Carotid Body. 2006; 580.
Bairam A, Carroll JL. Neurotransmitters in carotid body development. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2005 Nov 15; 149(1-3):217-32. PMID: 15919246.
Carroll JL, Kim I. Postnatal development of carotid body glomus cell O2 sensitivity. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2005 Nov 15; 149(1-3):201-15. PMID: 15886071.
Bavis R, Carroll JL. Development of Respiratory Control. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2005; 145(1-3):1-2.
Kim I, Carroll JL. Postnatal development of carotid body glomus cell O2 senstivity. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, Special Issue on Development of Respiratory Control, Bavis R & Carroll JL, co-guest editors. 2005; 149(1-3):201-15.
Amin RS, Kimball TR, Kalra M, Jeffries JL, Carroll JL, Bean JA, Witt SA, Glascock BJ, Daniels SR. Left ventricular function in children with sleep-disordered breathing. Am J Cardiol. 2005 Mar 15; 95(6):801-4. PMID: 15757619.
Donnelly DF, Kim I, Carle C, Carroll JL. Perinatal hyperoxia for 14 days increases nerve conduction time and the acute unitary response to hypoxia of rat carotid body chemoreceptors. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2005 Jul; 99(1):114-9. PMID: 15731397.
Carroll JL, Boyle KM, Wasicko MJ, Sterni LM. Dopamine D2 receptor modulation of carotid body type 1 cell intracellular calcium in developing rats. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2005 May; 288(5):L910-6. PMID: 15681393.
Donnelly DF, Carroll JL. Mitochondrial function and carotid body transduction. High Alt Med Biol. 2005; 6(2):121-32. PMID: 16060847.
Kim I, Boyle KM, Carroll JL. Postnatal development of E-4031-sensitive potassium current in rat carotid chemoreceptor cells. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2005 Apr; 98(4):1469-77. PMID: 15591286.
Amin RS, Carroll JL, Jeffries JL, Grone C, Bean JA, Chini B, Bokulic R, Daniels SR. Twenty-four-hour ambulatory blood pressure in children with sleep-disordered breathing. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2004 Apr 15; 169(8):950-6. PMID: 14764433.
Carroll JL. Apparent Life Threatening Event (ALTE) assessment. Pediatr Pulmonol Suppl. 2004; 26:108-9. PMID: 15029617.
I. Kim, Carroll JL. Acid-sensitive and insensitive O2-sensing potassium channels in neonatal rat carotid body type I cells. Experimental Biology. 2004.
Kim I, Carroll JL. Gene expression of background K+ channels increases with postnatal age in rat carotid body. Experimental Biology. 2004.
Carroll JL. Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in children: new controversies, new directions. Clin Chest Med. 2003 Jun; 24(2):261-82. PMID: 12800783.
Buysse DJ, Young T, Edinger JD, Carroll J, Kotagal S. Clinicians' use of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders: results of a national survey. Sleep. 2003 Feb 01; 26(1):48-51. PMID: 12627732.
Carroll JL. Oxygen Sensing: Responses and Adaptation to Hypoxia. Postnatal maturation of the carotid chemoreceptor O2 sensitivity at the cellular level. 2003.
Kim I, Boyle KM, Carle C, Donnelly DF, Carroll JL. Perinatal hyperoxia reduces the depolarization and calcium increase in response to an acute hypoxia challege in rat carotid chemoreceptor cells. Experimental Biology. 2003.
Bairam A, Carroll JL, Labelle Y, Khandjian EW. Differential changes in dopamine D2- and D1-receptor mRNA levels induced by hypoxia in the arterial chemoreflex pathway organs in one-day-old and adult rabbits. Biol Neonate. 2003; 84(3):222-31. PMID: 14504446.
Carroll JL. Developmental plasticity in respiratory control. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2003 Jan; 94(1):375-89. PMID: 12486025.
R. Amin, J. Jeffries, B. Glasscock, S. Witt, T. Kimball, S. Daniels, Carroll JL. Left ventricular functions in children with obstructive sleep apnea. American Thoracic Society International Conference. 2003.
Boyle KM, Carroll JL. Developmental changes in effects of E-4031 on carotid chemoreceptor type I cell intracellular calcium response to hypoxia. Experimental Biology. 2003.
Carroll JL, Kim I, Carle C, Donnell DF. Perinatal hyperoxia impairs responsiveness of single-unit, rat carotid chemoreceptor activity. Experimental Biology. 2003.
Kim I, Boyle KM, Carroll JL. E-4031 sensitive current in rat carotid chemoreceptor type I cells decreases with age between birth and 11-16 days. Experimental Biology. 2003.
Katz ES, Greene MG, Carson KA, Galster P, Loughlin GM, Carroll J, Marcus CL. Night-to-night variability of polysomnography in children with suspected obstructive sleep apnea. J Pediatr. 2002 May; 140(5):589-94. PMID: 12032527.
Katz ES, Greene MG, Carson KA, Galster P, Loughin GM, Carroll JL, Marcus CL. Night-to-night variability of polysomnography in children with suspected. J Pediatr. 2002; 140(5):589-94.
Carroll JL, Siska E. The Subsequent Sibling: Major Risk Reduction Measures. THe SIDS Survival Guide: Information and comfort for greiving family and friends adn professionals who seek to help them. 2002.
R. Amin, J. Jeffries, B. Glascock, S. Witt, T. Kimball, J. Carroll, S. Daniels. Twenty-Four-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure (BP) In Children With Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). American Thoracic Society. 2002.
Carroll JL. Sleep Medicine. Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing In Children. 2002.
Kim I, May J, Carroll JL. Age-related differential effects of pHo on background K+ conductance and O2 sensitivity in rat carotid body type I cells. Experimental Biology. 2002.
Carroll JL, Wasicko MJ. Developmental changes in effects of anoxia and quinidine on carotid chemoreceptor type 1 cell membrane potential (Em) and background potassium conductance. Experimental Biology. 2002.
Carroll JL, Donnelly DF. Peripheral Chemoreceptor Maturation. Sleep and Breathing During Sleep in Children: A Developmental Approach. 2000.
Carole L. Marcus, Sandra England, Robert D. Annett, Lee J. Brooks, Robert T. Brouillette, Carroll JL, Carol L. Rosen, Gerald Rosen, Daivd Tunkel. Cardiorespiratory Sleep Studies in Children: Establishment of Normative Data and Polysomnographic Predictors of Morbidity. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1999; 160(4):1381-1387.
Loughlin GM, Carroll JL. Principles and Practice of Pediatrics. Apparent Life Threatening Events. 1999.
Carroll JL, Loughlin GM. Principles and Practice of Pediatrics. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. 1999.
Wasicko, MJ, Sterni LM, Bamford OS, Montrose MH, Carroll JL. Carotid Chemoreceptor Cell Oxygen Sensitivity: Resetting at Birth and Time Course of Maturation. J Physiol. 1999; 15;514(2):493-503.
Carroll JL, LS Sterni. Pediatric Respiratory Medicine. Eosinophilic Lung Disorders; Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. 1999; (1997).
Marcus CL, Carroll JL. Principles and Practice of Pediatrics. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. 1999.
Carroll JL, Siska ES. Am Fam Physician ed. Apr 1998. Chapter 7. SIDS: counseling parents to reduce the risk. SIDS: counseling parents to reduce the risk. 1998; 7.
Greene MG, Carroll JL. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine. Clinical features and diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea in infants and children. 1997.
Carroll JL, Siska E. The SIDS Survival Guide: Information and comfort for grieving family and friends and professionals who seek to help them. The subsequent sibling: Major risk reduction measures. 1997.
Loughlin GM, Brouillette RT, Brooks LJ, Carroll JL, Chipps BE, England SJ, Ferber R, Ferraro NF, Gaultier C, Givan DC, Haddad GG, Maddern BR, Mallory GB, Nathanson IT, Rosen CL, Thach BT, Davidson-Ward SL, Weese-Mayer DE, Wohl ME. Standards And Indications For Cardiopulmonary Sleep Studies in Children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1996; 153(2):866-878.
Carroll JL. In, Child and Adolescent Sleep Disorders. Sleep related upper airway obstruction in children and adolescents. 1996; 5(3).
Harper RM, Gozal D, Aljadeff G, Carroll JL, Dong XW, Rector DM. Pressor-induced responses of the cat ventral medullary surface. Am J Physiol. 1995 Feb; 268(2 Pt 2):R324-33. PMID: 7864225.
Harper RM, Gozal D, Aljadeff G, Carroll JL, Dong XW, Rector DM. Pressor-induced responses of the cat ventral medullary surface. Am J Physiol. 1995; 268(2 Pt 2):R324 - R333.
Carroll JL, Loughlin GM. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Sleep Medicine in the Child. Obstructive sleep apnea in children: Clinical Features. 1995; pp. 163-192.
Loughlin GM, Carroll JL. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Sleep Medicine in the Child. Breathing during sleep in infants and children with lung disease. 1995.
Meny R, Carroll JL. Perinatal and Pediatric Respriatory Care. Sudden infant death syndrome and sleep disorders. 1995.
Carroll JL, Loughlin GM. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Sleep Medicine in the Child. Primary snoring in children. 1995; pp. 155-162.
Carroll JL, Loughlin GM. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Sleep Medicine in the Child. Obstructive sleep apnea in children: Diagnosis and Management. 1995.
Gozal D, Aljadeff G, Carroll JL, Rector DM, Harper RM. Afferent contributions to intermediate area of the cat ventral medullary surface during mild hypoxia. Neurosci Lett. 1994 Aug 29; 178(1):73-6. PMID: 7816345.
Gozal D, Aljadeff G, Carroll JL, Rector DM, Harper RM. Afferent contributions to intermediate area of the cat ventral medullary surface during mild hypoxia. Neurosci Lett. 1994; 178(1):73 - 76.
Marcus CL, Carroll JL. Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Lung Disease. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. 1993.
Marcus CL, Carroll JL, Carroll J. Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Lung Disease. Central hypoventilation and hyperventilation syndromes. 1993; pp. 697-706.
McColley SA, Carroll JL. Disorders of Feeding and Swallowing in Infants and Children. 1993.
Marcus CL, Carroll JL. Principles and Practice of Pediatrics. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. 1993.
Loughlin GM, Carroll JL. Pediatric Lung Disease. The Year Book of Pulmonary Disease. 1990.
Loughlin GM, Carroll JL. Principles and Practice of Pediatrics. Unexplained Infant Death and Apparent Life Threatening Events. 1990.
Carroll JL, Taussig LM. Pulmonary Disorders. Immunologic Disorders of Infants and Children. 1989.
Mortola JP, Okubo S, Carroll JL. The Newborn Lung. In Hypoxia: The Tolerable Limits. 1988.
Zempsky WT, Rosenstein BJ, Carroll JL, Oski F.A. Effect of pancreatic enzyme supplements on iron absorption. Am. J. Dis. Child. 1988; 143(8):969-972.
Carroll JL, Bureau MA. Decline in peripheral chemoreceptor excitatroy stimulation during acute hypoxia in the newborn lamb. J. Appl. Physiol. 1987; 63(2):795-802.
Kanter RK, Carroll JL. Early pneumococcal sepsis after pulmonary aspiration and the adult respiratory distress syndrome. Crit Care Med. 1983; 11(11):906 - 907.
Carroll JL, Clayton JE, Lemen RJ. Physiology and clinical usefullness of some common pulmonary physical findings. Arizona Medicine. 1983; 40.
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