Judith Weber
Title | Associate Dean for Research |
Institution | University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
Department | Nursing Research, College of Nursing |
Address | B2010B ACH South Campus 220 UAMS Campus Dr. Mail Slot # 529 Little Rock AR 72205
Phone | 501-296-1982 |
vCard | Download vCard |
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
Department | Pediatrics, College of Medicine |
Division | Developmental Nutrition |
Title | Assistant Professor |
Institution | University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
Department | College of Public Health |
Research GR034198 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Aug 1, 2022 - Jul 31, 2023 NIH/Nat. Inst. of General Medical Sciences - Pass Through: UAMS ACHRI Flow Through GR034198 Weber COBRE PH2 YR2 Admn Core Role: Principal Investigator |
| 34102 Carryforward Main (WEBER, JUDITH L)Aug 1, 2021 - Jul 31, 2022 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through ACHRI 34102 Weber Carryforward Main Role: Principal Investigator |
| 34102CarryforwardMain (WEBER, JUDITH L)Aug 1, 2021 - Jul 31, 2022 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through ACHRI 34102 Weber Carryforward Main Role: Principal Investigator |
| IHS (WEBER, JUDITH L)Dec 1, 2019 - Sep 30, 2023 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Innovative Care Model for Older Adults with Chronic Heart Failure (i-COACH): A Comparative Effective Role: Principal Investigator |
| IHS-2018C3-14770 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Dec 1, 2019 - Sep 30, 2023 Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Innovative Care Model for Older Adults with Chronic Heart Failure (i-COACH): A Comparative Effective Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI 034533 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Jun 26, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through Building Cross Sector Farm to School Leadership in AR Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI034533 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Jun 26, 2017 - Jun 30, 2018 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through Building Cross Sector Farm to School Leadership in AR Role: Principal Investigator |
| P20GM109096 (WEBER, JUDITH LYNNE)Aug 1, 2016 - Jul 31, 2026 NIH Center for Childhood Obesity Prevention Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI # 034972 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Aug 1, 2016 - Jul 31, 2021 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI # 034973 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Aug 1, 2016 - Jul 31, 2021 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI # 034982 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Aug 1, 2016 - Jul 31, 2021 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI # 034983 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Aug 1, 2016 - Jul 31, 2021 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| Pending (WEBER, JUDITH L)Aug 1, 2016 - Jul 31, 2021 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI #034641 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Jun 1, 2016 - Sep 30, 2020 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI# TBD (WEBER, JUDITH L)Jun 1, 2016 - Sep 30, 2020 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI # TBD (CHEN, JIN-RAN)May 15, 2016 - Apr 30, 2021 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACHRI# 035705 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Jul 1, 2014 - Jun 30, 2015 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through FY15 Childhood Obesity Prevention Research Program - Bridging Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACHRI#035705 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Jul 1, 2014 - Jun 30, 2015 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through FY15 Childhood Obesity Prevention Research Program - Bridging Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI #039048 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Mar 1, 2014 - Oct 31, 2019 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI # 034908 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Sep 1, 2013 - Aug 31, 2018 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through Arkansas AmeriCorps State - Arkansas Garden Crops (ACHRI # 034903) Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI #034909 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Sep 1, 2013 - Aug 31, 2018 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through Arkansas AmeriCorps State - Arkansas Garden Crops (ACHRI # 034903) Role: Principal Investigator |
| ACRI#034908 (WEBER, JUDITH L)Sep 1, 2013 - Aug 31, 2018 UAMS ACHRI Flow Through Arkansas AmeriCorps State - Arkansas Garden Crops (ACHRI # 034903) Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HL065053 (WEBER, JUDITH LYNNE)Sep 30, 1999 - Aug 31, 2003 NIH ENERGY EXPENDITURE, DIET AND BODY FAT IN CHILDREN Role: Principal Investigator |
Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications.
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Franks AM, Teeter BS, Davis P, Allred M, Landes RD, Koturbash I, Weber J. First-year evaluation of a campus-wide, cross-disciplinary scholarly writing development program supported by a center for biomedical research excellence (COBRE). PLoS One. 2024; 19(10):e0312322. PMID: 39471171.
Edwards T, B?rsheim E, Weber JL, Diaz EC. The oxygen uptake efficiency slope does not accurately predict V? O2peak of children - the Arkansas Active Kids study. Front Physiol. 2024; 15:1358942. PMID: 39391369.
Diaz EC, Adams SH, Weber JL, Cotter M, B?rsheim E. Elevated LDL-C, high blood pressure, and low peak V? O2 associate with platelet mitochondria function in children-The Arkansas Active Kids Study. Front Mol Biosci. 2023; 10:1136975. PMID: 37033448.
Cranmer JM, Scurlock AM, Hale RB, Ward WL, Prodhan P, Weber JL, Casey PH, Jacobs RF. An Adaptable Pediatrics Faculty Mentoring Model. Pediatrics. 2018 05; 141(5). PMID: 29669752.
Whiteside-Mansell L, Weber J, Moore P, Johnson D, Williams E, Ward W, Robbins J, Phillips A. School bonding in early adolescents: Psychometrics of the Brief Survey of School Bonding. JXE. 2013.
Ward WL, Robbins JM, Williams ER, Whiteside-Mansell L, Harden LE, Rouse H, Weber JL. School Garden Effects on Health and Social Risk Behaviors and Academic Achievement: The Role of School Bonding. JNEB. 2013.
Weber JL. Managing through Teamwork. 2013.
Weber J, Carberry A, English E. Policy Related to Farm to School and School Gardens. 2012.
Weber J. Increasing School Bonding through Gardening to Reduce Obesity and Other Risk Behaviors in Children in the Delta: The Delta Garden Study. 2012.
Perry TT, Moore PC, Redwine KM, Robbins JM, Weber JL. Physical activity, screen time and pediatric health related quality of life in the Mississippi Delta. J of Prev Med. 2012; 2(1):1-7.
Weber JL. Increasing School Bonding through Gardening to Reduce Obesity and Other Risk Behaviors in Children in the Delta: The Delta Garden Study. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity: School Garden Symposium. 2012.
Weber JL, Schichtl R. Garden-Based Science Curriculum for Middle School Students. 2012.
English E, Weber J. Farm to School. Arkansas School Nutrition Association Annual Conference. 2012.
English E, Carberry A. School Garden and Farm to School Research and Development in Arkansas. 2012.
Brownell K, English E, Carberry A, Weber J. Middle School Garden to Cafeteria Pilot Project. 2012.
Johnson C, Carberry A, English E, Weber J. Bridging the Gap between Community Food Projects and Community Health Initiatives. Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group's 21st Annual Conference. 2012.
Norman R, Carberry A, Weber J. The Delta Garden Study: Program Overview. Harrisburg Rotary Club. 2012.
Weber J. The Delta Garden Study: An Innovative Approach to Improving Children's Physical, Academic and Social Well-Being. 2012.
Carberry A, Elias B, Herron J, Matts C, Weber J. Using Surveys to Guide Farm to School Cofeteria Program Development. 2012.
Ward WL, Weber JL, Gossett J, Simpson P, Bogle ML, Robbins JM. Health-related quality of life in obese youth in the lower Mississippi Delta. Open J of Prev Med. 2012; 2(3):332-338.
Weber J. Arkansas Children's Hospital Research Institute Delta Garden Study Progress Report. 2012.
English E, Weber J. Addressing Public Health through Garden-based Interventions. 2011.
Urban LE, McCrory MA, Dallal GE, Das SK, Saltzman E, Weber JL, Roberts SB. Accuracy of stated energy contents of chain restaurant foods in a multi-site study. JAMA. 2011; 306(3):287-293.
Phillips MM, Goodell M, Thompson MS, Watkins DR, Schichtl RL, Russell E. The Local Food Environment and Obesity in Public School Age Children in Arkansas: An Investigation of Food Outlet Density and Food Offerings Within a Half-Mile Radius of Public Schools. Arkansas Biosciences Institute Fall Research Symposium. 2010.
Weber JL. Can Digging in the Dirt Keep Kids Healthy?. 2010; Pages 18-21(English).
Farrell VA, Harris M, Lohman TG, Going SB, Thomson CA, Weber J. Comparison between dietary assessment methods for determining associations between nutrient intakes and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009; 109(5):899-904.
Weber JL, Watkins DR, Thompson MS, McCracken A, Jo CH. School Partnership for Obesity Research and Prevention (SPORT) Phase II Confirms Obesity Reduction Findings from SPORT Phase I. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2009.
Weber JL, Watkins DR, Thompson MS, McCracken A, Jo CH. The School Partnership for Obesity Research and PrevenTion (S.P.O.R.T.) Reduces Body Fat in 3rd and 4th Grade Children. Lisbon, Portugal. 2009.
Weber JL, Szeto KL, Russell E, Watkins D. School Partnership for Obesity Research and PrevenTion (SPORT) Reduces Body Fat in 3rd and 4th Grade Children. 2008.
Weber JL, Szeto KL, Russell E, Watkins D. School Partnership for Obesity Research and Prevention (SPORT) Study. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2008.
Weber JL, Bogle M, Yadrick K, Connell C, Zoellner J, McCabe-Sellers B, Bradley B, Champagne C. The role of community walking programs to improve health, and prevent obesity, in rural, high risk, minority populations. SYMPOSIUM. 2007.
Weber JL, Logan HP, King EM, Watkins DR, Jo CH, Stigger F, Sims D, McCabe-Sellers B. Implementation of a 12- month community-based walking program to promote health in a rural, high risk, minority population. 2007.
Stuff JE, Casey PH, Connell CL, Champagne CM, Gossett JM, Harsha D, McCabe-Sellers B, Robbins JM, Simpson PH, Szeto KL, Weber JL, Bogle ML. Household food insecurity and obesity, chronic disease and chronic disease risk factors. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. 2007; 1:43-62.
Weber JL, Bogle M, Yadrick K, Connell C, Zoellner J, McCabe-Sellers B, Bradley B, Champagne C. The role of community walking programs to improve health, and prevent obesity, in rural, high risk, minority populations. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2007.
Weber JL, Logan HP, King EM, Watkins DR, Jo CH, Stigger F, Sims D, McCabe-Sellers B. Implementation of a 12- month community-based walking program to promote health in a rural, high risk, minority population. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2007.
Weber JL. School partnership for obesity research and prevention (SPORT). 2006.
Casey PH, Simpson PM, Gossett JM, Bogle ML, Champagne CM, Connell C, Harsha D, McCabe-Sellers B, Robbins JM, Stuff JE, Weber J. The association of child and household food insecurity with childhood overweight status. Pediatrics. 2006 Nov; 118(5):e1406-13. PMID: 17079542.
Weber JL, Szeto K, Parker JG. 12-Month walking program decreases body fat and blood pressure, and improves fitness in rural worksite female employees. 2006.
Weber JL, Logan H, King E, Watkins D, Parker J, Stigger F, Sims D, McCabe-Sellers B. Implementation of a rural community-based walking program. 2006.
Weber JL. School partnership for obesity research and prevention (SPORT). Injury Free Coalition for Kids Annual Conference. 2006.
Weber JL, Szeto K, Parker JG. 12-Month walking program decreases body fat and blood pressure, and improves fitness in rural worksite female employees. North American Association for the Study of Obesity. 2006.
Weber JL, Logan H, King E, Watkins D, Parker J, Stigger F, Sims D, McCabe-Sellers B. Implementation of a rural community-based walking program. North American Association for the Study of Obesity. 2006.
Goolsby SL, Casey PH, Stuff JE, Zaghloul S, Weber J, Gossett J, Simpson P, Bogle ML. Consumption of calcium among African American adolescent girls. Ethn Dis. 2006; 16(2):476-82. PMID: 17682251.
Weber JL, Goolsby S, Mullins SH. Knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of employees about healthy foods and physical activity for development of an obesity prevention intervention in rural worksites. 2005.
Stuff JE, Casey PH, Szeto K, Gossett J, Weber JL, SimpsonP, Champagne C, Connell C, Harsha D, Robbins J, McCabe-Sellers B, Bogle ML. Household food insecurity and adult chronic disease in the Lower Mississippi Delta. 2005.
Stuff JE, Casey PH, Szeto K, Gossett J, Weber JL, Simpson P, Champagne C, Connell C, Harsha D, Robbins J, McCabe-Sellers B, Bogle ML. Household food insecurity and adult chronic disease in the Lower Mississippi Delta. Federation of American Experimental Biology. 2005.
Weber JL, Tilford JM, Szeto KL, Wheeler G. Economic analysis of replacing high fat vending snacks with healthier choices. 2005.
Weber JL, Goolsby S, Mullins SH. Knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of employees about healthy foods and physical activity for development of an obesity prevention intervention in rural worksites. North American Society for the Study of Obesity. 2005.
Tucker KL, Maras J, Zaghloul S, Champagne C, Carithers T, Goolsby S, Connell C, Weber J, Bogle ML. A regional food-frequency questionnaire for the US Mississippi Delta. Pub Health Nutr. 2005; 8(1):87 - 96.
Weber JL, Tilford JM, Szeto KL, Wheeler G. Economic analysis of replacing high fat vending snacks with healthier choices. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2005.
Weber JL, Going SB, Simpson PM, Lohman TG, Flick E, Eklund J, Gladstone J. BMI underestimates obesity and related disease risk in 8-13 year old American Indian children. oral presentation. 2004.
Weber JL, Lytle L, Gittelsohn J, Cunningham-Sabo L, Heller K, Anliker JA, Stevens J, Hurley J, Ring K. Validity of self-reported dietary intake at school meals by American Indian children: the Pathways Study. J Am Diet Assoc. 2004 May; 104(5):746-52. PMID: 15127059.
Weber JL, Going SB, Simpson PM, Lohman TG, Flick E, Eklund J, Gladstone J. BMI underestimates obesity and related disease risk in 8-13 year old American Indian children. Pediatric Academic Societies’ Meeting. 2004.
Casey PH, Szeto KL, Gossett J, Stuff J, Weber JL, Connell C, Champagne C, Harshaw D, Robbins J, McCabe-Sellers B, Bogle M. Household food in insecurity status and adult obesity. 2004.
Harsha D, Connell C, Champagne P, Casey P, Robbins J, Simpson P, Stuff J, Weber JL, McCabe-Sellers B, Szeto K, Gossett J, Kramer T, Bogle M. Food security and weight status in Lower Mississippi River Delta children. Pediatric Academic Societies’ Meeting. 2004.
Weber JL, Hall RA, Szeto KL, Goolsby S, Simpson PM. Relationship of body composition and self-reported intake of selected nutrients in overweight Lower Mississippi Delta African American girls. 2004.
Harris MM, Thompson JW, Rockenbach JC, Justus MB, Bost J, Weber JL. Statewide assessment strategies for BMI in Arkansas school settings. Pediatric Academic Societies’ Meeting. 2004.
Harris MM, Thompson JW, Rockenbach JC, Justus MB, Bost J, Weber JL. Statewide assessment strategies for BMI in Arkansas school settings. 2004.
Weber JL, Parker JG, Simpson PM, Flick EL, Going SB, Eklund J. Self-reported energy intake by American Indian children compared with total energy expenditure measured by doubly labeled water. Quebec City, Canada. 2004.
Harsha D, Connell C, Champagne P, Casey P, Robbins J, Simpson P, Stuff J, McCabe-Sellers B, Szeto K, Gossett J, Kramer T, Bogle M. Food security and weight status in Lower Mississippi River Delta children. 2004.
Casey PH, Szeto KL, Gossett J, Stuff J, Weber JL, Connell C, Champagne C, Harshaw D, Robbins J, McCabe-Sellers B, Bogle M. Household food in insecurity status and adult obesity. Experimental Biology Meeting. 2004.
Harnack L, Anliker JA, Himes J, Ring K, Jobe J, Thompson J, Weber JL, Snyder P, Gittelsohn J, Clay T. Intervention-related bias in reporting of food intake by fifth-grade children participating in an obesity prevention study. Am J Epidem. 2004; 160(11):1117-1121.
Weber JL, Hall RA, Szeto KL, Goolsby S, Simpson PM. Relationship of body composition and self-reported intake of selected nutrients in overweight Lower Mississippi Delta African American girls. Pediatric Academic Societies’ Meeting. 2004.
Robbins JM, Casey PH, Szeto K, Jo CH, Simpson PM, Weber JL. Are children in the Lower Mississippi Delta protected from the consequences of food insecurity?. Experimental Biology. 2004.
Cunningham-Sabo L, Snyder MP, Anliker J, Thompson J, Weber JL, Thomas O, Ring K, Stewart D, Platero H, Nielsen L. Impact of the Pathways food service intervention on breakfast served in American-Indian schools. Prev Med. 2003; 37(6 Pt 2):S46 - S54.
Story M, Snyder MP, Anliker J, Weber JL, Cunningham-Sabo L, Stone EJ, Chamberlain A, Ethelbah B, Suchindran C, Ring K. Changes in the nutrient content of school lunches: results from the Pathways study. Prev Med. 2003; 37(6 Pt 2):S35 - S45.
Himes JH, Ring K, Gittelsohn J, Cunningham-Sabo L, Weber J, Thompson J, Harnack L, Suchindran C. Impact of the Pathways intervention on dietary intakes of American Indian schoolchildren. Prev Med. 2003; 37(6 Pt 2):S55 - S61.
Going S, Lohman T, Houtkooper L, Metcalfe L, Flint-Wagner H, Blew R, Stanford V, Cussler E, Martin J, Teixeira P, Harris M, Milliken L, Figueroa-Galvez A, Weber J. Effects of exercise on bone mineral density in calcium-replete postmenopausal women with and without hormone replacement therapy. Osteo Int. J. 2003; 14(8):637 - 644.
Weber JL, Hall RA, Szeto KL, Goolsby S, Simpson PM. Relationship of body composition and self-reported intake of selected nutrients of overweight Lower Mississippi Delta African American girls. oral presentation. 2003.
Goolsby SL, Weber JL, Bogle ML, Stuff J, Zaghloul S, Gossett J, Simpson P. Assessing calcium intake in children in the Lower Mississippi Delta (LDM) using 24-hour dietary recall. The 5th International Dietary Assessment Conference. 2003.
Stuff JE, Horton JA, Bogle ML, Connell C, Ryan D, Zaghoul S, Thornton A, Simpson P, Gossett J, Szeto K, Weber JL. High prevalence of food insecurity and hunger in households in Rural Lower Mississippi Delta. Chaing Rai, Thailand. 2003.
Weber JL, Goolsby S, Szeto K, Flick E, Hall R. Validation of a record-assisted dietary recall in 8 to 11 year old overweight African American girls from the Lower Mississippi Delta. Chaing Rai, Thailand. 2003.
Stuff JE, Horton JA, Bogle ML, Connell C, Ryan D, Zaghoul S, Thornton A, Simpson P, Gossett J, Szeto K, Weber JL. High prevalence of food insecurity and hunger in households in rural LMD. The 5th International Dietary Assessment Conference. 2003.
Goolsby SL, Weber JL, Bogle ML, Stuff J, Zaghloul S, Gossett J, Simpson P. Assessing calcium intake in children in the Lower Mississippi Delta (LDM) using 24-hour dietary recall. oral presentation. 2003.
Weber JL, Goolsby S, Szeto K, Flick E, Hall R. Validation of a record-assisted dietary recall in 8 to 11 year old overweight African American girls from the Lower Mississippi Delta. The 5th International Dietary Assessment Conference. 2003.
Weber JL, Parker JG, Simpson PM, Flick EL, Going SB, Eklund J. Self-reported energy intake by American Indian children compared with total energy expenditure measured by doubly labeled water. ISBNPA. 2003.
Weber JL, Hall RA, Szeto KL, Goolsby S, Simpson PM. Relationship of body composition and self-reported intake of selected nutrients in overweight Lower Mississippi Delta African American girls. ISBNPA. 2003.
Weber JL, Going S, Simpson P, Lohman T, Flick E, Eklund J, Gladstone J. BMI underestimates obesity and related disease risk in 8-13 year old American Indian children. oral presentation. 2002.
Going S, Weber JL, Simpson P, Parker J, Flick E, Lohman T, Eklund J, Gladstone J. Physical activity assessment in American Indian children and adolescents. Oral presentation. 2002.
Lytle LA, Dixon LB, Cunningham-Sabo L, Evans M, Gittelsohn J, Hurley J, Snyder P, Stevens J, Weber J, Anliker J, Heller K, Story M. Dietary intakes of Native American children: findings from the pathways feasibility study. J Am Diet Assoc. 2002; 102(4):555 - 558.
Story M, Snyder P, Anliker J, Cunningham-Sabo L, Weber JL, Platero H, Stone EJ. Nutrient content of school meals in elementary schools on American Indian reservations. J Am Diet Assoc. 2002; 102(2):253 - 256.
Weber JL, Going S, Simpson P, Lohman T, Flick E, Eklund J, Gladstone J. BMI underestimates obesity and related disease risk in 8-13 year old American Indian children. International Congress on Obesity. 2002.
Going S, Weber JL, Simpson P, Parker J, Flick E, Lohman T, Eklund J, Gladstone J. Physical activity assessment in American Indian children and adolescents. International Congress on Obesity. 2002.
Weber JL, Reid PM, Greaves KA, DeLany JP, Stanford VA, Going SB, Howell WH, Houtkooper LB. Validity of self-reported energy intake in lean and obese young women, using two nutrient databases, compared with total energy expenditure assessed by doubly labeled water. Euro J Clin Nut. 2001; 55(11):940 - 950.
Weber JL, Stanford VA, Harris MM, Lohman TG, Going SB, Houtkooper LB. Comparison of a one-year food frequency questionnaire with 8 days of diet records collected over the same year. 2000.
Lohman TG, Caballero B, Himes JH, Davis CE, Stewart D, Houtkooper L, Going SB, Hunsberger S, Weber JL, Reid R, Stephenson L. Estimation of body fat from anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance in Native American children. Int J Obesity. 2000; 24(8):982 - 988.
Reid PM, Earthman CP, Sawaya D, Weber JL, DeLany JP, Houtkooper LB, Howell WH. Bioimpedance spectroscopy measures body cell mass change in exercising postmenopausal women. oral presentation. 2000.
Reid PM, Earthman CP, Sawaya D, Weber JL, DeLany JP, Houtkooper LB, Howell WH. Strength training exercise lowers total and activity energy expenditure of postmenopausal women. oral presentation. 2000.
Reid PM, Earthman CP, Sawaya D, Weber JL, DeLany JP, Houtkooper LB, Howell WH. Strength training exercise lowers total and activity energy expenditure of postmenopausal women. 2000; 14:A527.
Weber JL, Stanford VA, Harris MM, Lohman TG, Going SB, Houtkooper LB. Comparison of a one-year food frequency questionnaire with 8 days of diet records collected over the same year. Fourth International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods. 2000.
Reid PM, Earthman CP, Sawaya D, Weber JL, DeLany JP, Houtkooper LB, Howell WH. Bioimpedance spectroscopy measures body cell mass change in exercising postmenopausal women. 2000; 32(Suppl 5) S113.
Snyder P, Anliker J, Cunningham-Sabo L, Dixon LB, Altaha J, Chamberlain A, Davis S, Evans M, Hurley J, Weber JL. The Pathways study: a model for lowering the fat in school meals. Am J Clin Nut. 1999; 69(4 Suppl):810S - 815S.
Weber JL, Cunningham-Sabo L, Skipper B, Lytle L, Stevens J, Gittelsohn J, Anliker J, Heller K, Pablo JL. Portion-size estimation training in second- and third-grade American Indian children. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999; 69(4 Suppl):782S - 787S.
Weber JL, Houtkooper L, Howell WH, Reid P, Stanford V, DeLany J, Greaves K. Underreporting of energy intake by lean, athletic and obese, sedentary young women using two nutrient databases. 1998.
Weber JL, Houtkooper L, Howell WH, Reid P, Stanford V, DeLany J, Greaves K. Underreporting of energy intake by lean, athletic and obese, sedentary young women using two nutrient databases. 1998; 52(Suppl 12) S19.
Weber JL, Lytle L, Gittelsohn J, Cunningham-Sabo L, Anliker J, Stevens J, Heller K, Hurley J, White J. Validation of self-reported dietary intake in American Indian children: The Pathways Study. oral presentation. 1997.
Weber JL, Lytle L, Gittelsohn J, Cunningham-Sabo L, Anliker J, Stevens J, Heller K, Hurley J, White J. Validation of self-reported dietary intake in American Indian children: The Pathways study. Am Soc Clin Nutr Annual Meeting. 1997.
Weber JL, Tinsley AM, Houtkooper LB, Lohman TG. Multi-method training increases portion-size estimation accuracy by food type. J Am Diet Assoc. 1997; 97(2):176 - 179.
Weber JL, Cunningham-Sabo L, Skipper B, Lytle L, Stevens J, Gittelsohn J, Anliker J. Development of a method for the self-report of dietary intake by American Indian children. Indian Health Service Eighth Annual Research Conference. 1996.
Weber JL, Cunningham-Sabo L, Skipper B, Lytle L, Stevens J, Gittelsohn J, Anliker J. Development of a method for the self-report of dietary intake by American Indian children. oral presentation. 1996.
Lohman TG, Weber JL, Himes J, Caballero B, Skipper B, Reid R, Stewart MS, Hunsberger S. Body composition assessment in American Indian children. oral presentation. 1996.
Lohman TG, Weber JL, Himes J, Caballero B, Skipper B, Reid R, Stewart MS, Hunsberger S. Body composition assessment in American Indian Children. Indian Health Service Eighth Annual Research Conference. 1996.
Weber JL, Lytle L, Cunningham-Sabo L, Stevens J, Gittelsohn J, Anliker J. Assessment of dietary intake in American Indian children in the Pathways study. 1996; A816.
Weber JL, Lytle L, Cunningham-Sabo L, Stevens J, Gittelsohn J, Anliker J. Assessment of dietary intake in American Indian children in the Pathways Study. oral presentation. 1996.
Houtkooper LB, Ritenbaugh C, Aickin M, Lohman TG, Going SB, Weber JL, Greaves KA, Boyden TW, Pamenter RW, Hall MC. Nutrients, body composition and exercise are related to change in bone mineral density in premenopausal women. 1995; 125(5):1229 - 1237.
Weber JL, Lohman TG, Houtkooper LB. Multi-method training increases portion size estimation accuracy. 1995.
Weber JL, Tinsley AM, Houtkooper LB, Lohman TG. Impacts of memory and application of knowledge on ability to accurately estimate portion sizes of foods six months after multi-method training. oral presentation. 1994.
Weber JL, Tinsley AM, Houtkooper LB, Lohman TG. Impacts of memory and application of knowledge on ability to accurately estimate portion sizes of foods six months after multi-method training. 1994; 19-99.
Weber JL, Tinsley AM, Houtkooper LB, Lohman TG. Impacts of memory and application of knowledge on ability to accurately estimate portion sizes of foods six months after multi-method training. Soc Nut Edu Pro. 1994; 19:99.
Weber JL. Effects of training on portion-size estimation. 1993.
Stewart B, Weber JL, Tinsley AM. Gardening-based nutrition education program impacts nutrition knowledge and behavior. 1989; 14:93.
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