David Davies
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
Department | Neurobiology & Developmental Science, College of Medicine |
Division | Neuro & Devel SFaculty |
Address | 936 Shorey 324 UAMS Campus Dr. Mail Slot # 510 Little Rock AR 72205
Phone | 501-686-5184 |
vCard | Download vCard |
Research T99HP33556 (TURNAGE, RICHARD H)Sep 1, 2019 - Jun 30, 2024 Health Resources & Services Administration Medical Student Ed grant for Arkansas - Continuation - Revision Role: Principal Investigator |
| R29AA007145 (DAVIES, DAVID LEWIS)Feb 1, 1987 - Jan 31, 1993 NIH ETHANOL EFFECTS ON GLIAL RESPONSES TO CNS TISSUE INSULT Role: Principal Investigator |
| R23AA007145 (DAVIES, DAVID LEWIS)Feb 1, 1987 - Jan 31, 1990 NIH ETHANOL EFFECTS ON GLIAL RESPONSES TO CNS TISSUE INSULT Role: Principal Investigator |
Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications.
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Gongola A, Gowen JT, Reif RJ, Thrush CR, Newhart H, Peckham M, Schwartz Z, Davies D, Kimbrough MK. Anatomy Scholars Program for Medical Students Entering a Surgical Residency. Med Sci Educ. 2021 Oct; 31(5):1581-1585. PMID: 34603832.
Akhter, N., Benes, H., Daniel, J.C., Garrett, J.E., Hayes, H.R., Kandavalli, N.B., Newton, B.W., Phelan, K.D., Syed, M. Multiple changes in teaching procedures increase student engagement and success in gross anatomy during revision of a medical curriculum. EB 2013. 2013.
Davies D. Alcohol intoxication alters neuronal and glial responses to contusive injury and hemorrhage in the mouse cerebrum. Soc. Neurosci. Abst. 2009.
Davies DL. Alcohol exacerbates the reactions of astrocytes to brain hemorrhage and trauma in the mouse. 2003; 418.14.
Davies DL. Alcohol exacerbates the glial reactions to traumatic brain hemorrhage. 2003; 27 (Issue 5 Supplement):35A.
Davies DL, Savidge, M., Burns, E.R. Use of neuroscience related instructional materials by K-12 teachers and nurses. 2002; 22.36.
Davies DL, Strotman, B.A. Chronic consumption of ethanol exacerbates the scar forming astrocytic response to cerebral trauma in rats. 2002; 891.7.
Davies DL, Savidge, M., Burns, E.R. Development of a workshop to enhance the ability of school personnel to discuss brain injury and alcohol abuse. 2001.
Davies DL, Drew, P.D. Effects of ethanol exposure and withdrawal on microglial activation in vitro. 1999; 25:1576.
Davies DL, Phelan, K.D., Boop, F.A. Structural and electrophysiological traits of astrocytes in adult human temporal lobe cultures. 1997; 23:2263.
Kane, C.J.M., Davies, D.L. Proliferation of astroglia from the adult human cerebral cortex is inhibited by ethanol in vitro. 1996; 20:31A.
Davies DL. Cytopathologic changes in organotypic cultures exposed to ethanol. 1996; 20:31A.
Boop, F.A., Davies DL, Kane, C.J.M. Ethanol inhibits proliferation of astroglia from the adult human cerebrum in culture. 1996; 22:308.
Yoo, K., Krisht, A.F., Al-Mefty, O., Davies DL. Growth of meningioma cells in culture and as transplants. 1996; 22:946.
Davies DL, Boop, F.A. IL-1 beta Alters the morphology of S-100 immunopositive glia in cultures of adult human temporal lobe. 1996; 22:214.
Kane, C.J.M., Boop, F.A., Davies DL. Proliferation of astroglia from the adult human cerebral cortex is inhibited by ethanol in vitro. Brain Res. 1996; 731:39-44.
Davies, D.L. Ethanol alters development of astrocytes and microglia in organotypic cultures of rat neocortex. 1995; 19:49A.
Kane, C.J.M., Herpel, L.B., Vettiyadan, N.S., Davies, D.L. Ethanol regulates gene expression in developing astrocytes in primary culture. 1995; 19:49A.
Sims, T.J., Davies, D.L., Gilmore, S.A. Alteration in glial morphologies and antigenic phenotypes following irradiation. 1994; 20:1326.
Davies, D.L., Mendelson, B. Impact of ethanol on development of organotypic cultures from neocortex and spinal cord. 1994; 20:1614.
Davies, D.L. Effects of alcohol on glial morphology. 1993.
Gilmore, S.A., Sims, T.J., Davies, D.L., Durgun, M.B. Depletion of microglia from immature spinal cord. 1993; 20:873.
Sims, T.J., Gilmore, S.A., Davies, D.L. Glial replacement following their depletion in the rat spinal cord. 1993; 19:57.
Bowyer, J.F., Lipe, G.W., Davies, D.L. Release of glutamate from cultured striatal glia: Effects of glutamine-, kynurenate- and kainate-exposure. 1992; 18:1602.
Davies, D.L., Sims, T.J., Gilmore, S.A. Glial development in primary cultures established from x-irradiated neonatal spinal cord. 1992; 18:1117.
Vernadakis, A., Kentroti, S., Brodie, C., Sakellaridis, N., Mangoura, D., Davies DL. In Vitro Methods in Toxicology. Neuron and glia interrelationships in developmental neurotoxicity in vitro. 1992.
Davies DL. Alcohol and Neurobiology: Brain Development and Hormone Regulation. The responses of astrocytes to ethanol. 1992.
Gilmore, S.A., Sims, T.J., Davies, D.L. Principles of glial development. 1992; 13:864-865.
Garcia-Rill, E., Davies DL, Skinner, R.D., Biedermann, J.A., McHalffey, C. Fibroblast growth factor-induced survival of cholinergic mesopontine neurons in culture. Develop. Brain Res. 1991; 60:267-270.
Davies, D.L., Ross, T.M. Modulation of 2-deoxy glucose uptake in cultured astrocytes. 1991; 17:1499.
Smith, D.E., Davies DL. Effect of perinatal administration of ethanol on the CA1 pyramidal cell of the hippocampus and the Purkinje cell of the cerebellum: An ultrastructural survey. J. Neurocytol. 1990; 19:708-717.
Davies, D.L., Ross, T.M. Chronic exposure of cerebral cells in culture to ethanol: Cellular proliferation and composition. 1990; 14:281.
Davies, D.L. Ethanol alters the cerebral response to traumatic injury. 1989; 13:317.
Davies, D.L., Owens, R.B. Time course of mitogen induced alterations in the cell cycle of cultured rat astrocytes. 1989; 15:511.
Davies, D.L. Astrocytic responses to ethanol. 1988; 12:322.
Vernadakis, A., Sakellaridis, N., Mangoura, D., Davies DL. Model Systems of Development and Aging of the Nervous System. Comparison of glial cells from newborn and aged mouse in culture. 1987.
Davies, D.L., Jang, T. Interaction of brain-derived mitogens and ethanol on astrocytic cell kinetics. 1987; 13:74.
Davies, D.L., Smith, S., Gilmore, S.A. Impact of x-radiation on the response of astrocytes to myelin basic protein. 1987; 218:31A.
Skinner, R.D., Davies, D.L., Conrad, C., Henderson, V., Garcia-Rill, E. Development of the pedunculopontine nucleus. II. 1987; 13:1176.
Vernadakis, A., Davies DL, Sakellaridis, N., Mangoura, D. Patterns of glial cell growth in culture: age of tissue source, cell passage and microenvironment. J. Neurosci. Res. 1986; 15:79-85.
Davies DL, Sakellaridis, N., Valcana, T., Vernadakis, A. Cholinergic neurotoxicity by ethylcholine azirdinium (AF64A) in neuron-enriched cultures. Brain Res. 1986; 378:251-261.
Davies, D.L., Vernadakis, A. Comparison of ethanol effects on neural development: In vivo and in culture studies. 1986; 7:363.
Vernadakis, A., Sakellaridis, N., Mangoura, D., Davies DL, Parker, K. Dynamic Properties of Glial Cells. Cellular and Molecular Aspects. Cellular and molecular aspects of glial cells with aging. 1986.
Davies, D.L. Impact of ethanol exposure on astrocyte differentiation in culture. 1986; 4: Suppl. 1 S64-S65.
Vernadakis, A., Sakellaridis, N., Davies, D.L., Mangoura, D., Linderholdm, S., Parker, K., Estin, C. Cellular and molecular aspects of glial cells with aging. 1985.
Vernadakis, A., Davies, D.L., Sakellaridis, N., Mangoura, D. Patterns of glial cell growth in culture: age of tissue source, cell passage, and microenvironment. 1985.
Davies, D.L., Valcana, T., Sakellaridis, N., Vernadakis, A. Cytopathologic effects of cholinotoxin AF64A on primary neural cultures. 1985; 16:274.
Davies, D.L., Vernadakis, A. A model for co-cultivation of astrocytes and neurons within a restricted microenvironment. 1985; 44: Suppl. S145.
Vernadakis, A., Davies DL, Gremo, F. Toxic Reactions of the Developing Nervous System. Neural culture: A tool to study cellular neurotoxicity. 1985; (1985):559-583.
Sakellaridis, N., Davies, D.L., Mangoura, D., Vernadakis, A. Retention of glial cell properties with passage in culture. II. 1984; 7 (4):145.
Davies, D.L., Sakellaridis, N., Mangoura, D., Vernadakis, A. Retention of glial cell properties with passage in culture. I. 1984; Age 7 (4):144-145.
Davies, D.L., Sakellaridis, N., Deitrich, R., Vernadakis, A. Ethanol-related changes in adenylate cyclase activity in glial cell cultures. 1983; 25:178.
Davies, D.L., Vernadakis, A. Ethanol effects on glial cell cultures: Cell proliferation and glutamine synthetase activity. 1983; 9:(1):450.
Davies, D.L., Vernadakis, A. Effects of ethanol on the astrocytic marker glutamine synthetase in the cerebral hemispheres of chick embryos. 1983; 1:229.
Smith, D.E., Davies, D.L. The postnatal development of the murine cerebellar Purkinje cell following perinatal administration of ethanol. 1982.
Smith, D.E., Davies, D.L. Alterations in the postnatal development of the cerebellar Purkinje cell following perinatal ethanol administration. 1981; 202:152.
Smith, D.E., Davies, D.L. The effect of perinatally administered ethanol on the postnatal development of the Purkinje cell in the mouse cerebellum. 1981; 7:953.
Davies, D.L., Smith, D.E. Morphologic alternation in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells following perinatal ethanol administration. 1981; 7:72.
Davies, D.L., Smith, D.E. Effects of perinatally administered ethanol on hippocampal development. 1981; 5:147.
Arcos, J.C., Bryant, G.M., Davies DL, Argus, M.F., Griffin, G.W. Polycyclic Hydrocarbons and Cancer: Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Environment. Hydrocarbon-nitrosamine pulmonary syncarcinogenesis: Reciprocal effects on metabolism. 1978; (1978):271-282.
Arcos, J.C., Davies DL, Brown, C.E.L., Argus, M.F. Repressible and inducible enzymic forms of dimethylnitrosamine-demethylase. Z. Krebsforsch. 1977; 89:181-199.
Davies DL, Bryant, G.M., Arcos, J.C., Argus, M.F. Brief communication: Age-dependence of hepatic dimethylnitrosamine-demethylase activity in the rat. J. Nat. Cancer Inst. 1976; 56:1057-1058.
Davies, D.L., Bryant, G.M., Arcos, J.C., Argus, M.F. Investigations on the mechanism of hydrocarbon-nitrosamine syncarcinogenesis. 1976; 18:158.
Arcos, J.C., Davies, D.L., Argus, M.F., Brown, C.E.L. Evidence for dimethylnitrosamine-demethylase isoenzymes. 1976; 18:211.
Arcos, J.C., Davies, D.L., Argus, M.F. Isoenzymic duality of dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) - demethylase. 1976; 17:67.
Bagwell, J.N., Davies DL, Ruby, J.R. The effects of prostaglandin F alpha on the fine structure of the corpus luteum of the hysterectomized guinea pig. Anat. Rec. 1975; 183:229-242.
Bagwell, J.N., Davies, D.L., Ruby, J.R. An ultrastructural study of prostaglandin F2 alpha-induced luteolysis in the hysterectomized guinea pig. 1974; 178:301-302.
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