Frits Van Rhee
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
Department | Internal Med, College of Medicine |
Address | 8-186 Cancer Institute 4104 Outpatient Circle Mail Slot # 816 Little Rock AR 72205
Phone | 501-526-2873 |
.gif) | 0000-0001-9959-1282  |
vCard | Download vCard |
Overview Dr. Frits van Rhee received his medical degree at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands, and his PhD at the Imperial College of Science, Medicine and Technology, University of London. He trained in internal medicine and hematology in the UK, and in bone marrow transplantation (BMT) at Oxford and the Royal Postgraduate Medical School in London. Dr. van Rhee is a professor of medicine and director of developmental and translational medicine with the Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. He also holds the Charles and Clydene Scharlau Chair for Hematological Malignancies Research. Dr. van Rhee holds memberships in the International Society for Experimental Hematology, the International Society for Cellular Therapy, and the European Group for Bone and Marrow Transplantation. He serves on the editorial review boards for Annals of Hematology, Bone Marrow Transplantation, and Cytotherapy. He has written hundreds of manuscripts and abstracts, as well as presented at scientific meetings. Dr. van Rhee's current research focuses on immunotherapy for myeloma. Dr. van Rhee is also a world-leading expert in Castleman's Disease.PublicationsMake an appointment with the UAMS Myeloma Institute
Research 2R01 HL 141408-06 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Sep 1, 2023 - May 31, 2024 NIH/Nat. Heart, Lung & Blood Institute - Pass Through: University of Pennsylvania JAK1/2 as a Central Regulator of iMCD Pathogenesis and Novel Therapeutic Target Role: Principal Investigator |
| 1-R01-FD (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Sep 15, 2022 - Aug 31, 2026 Food & Drug Administration - Pass Through: University of Pennsylvania Medical Center ACCELERATE: An Efficient and Innovative Natural History Study Addressing Unmet Needs in Castleman Disease Role: Principal Investigator |
| 1-R01-FD-007632-01 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Sep 15, 2022 - Aug 31, 2026 Food & Drug Administration - Pass Through: University of Pennsylvania Medical Center ACCELERATE: An Efficient and Innovative Natural History Study Addressing Unmet Needs in Castleman Disease Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01FD007632 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Sep 15, 2022 - Aug 31, 2026 Food & Drug Administration - Pass Through: University of Pennsylvania Medical Center ACCELERATE: An Efficient and Innovative Natural History Study Addressing Unmet Needs in Castleman Disease Role: Principal Investigator |
| S1803 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jul 1, 2020 NIH/Nat. Cancer Institute - Pass Through: SouthWest Oncology Group S1803, Phase III Study of Daratumumab/rHuPH20 (NSC-810307) + Lenalidomide or Lenalidomide as Post-Autologous Stem Cell Transplant Maintenance Therapy in Patients with Multiple Myeloma (MM) Using Minimal Residual Disease to Direct...260489 Role: Principal Investigator |
| 54767414PCD2001 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)May 5, 2020 Janssen Research & Development, LLC No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01 HL 141408 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jun 15, 2018 - May 31, 2023 NIH/Nat. Cancer Institute - Pass Through: University of Pennsylvania mTOR as a Central Regulator of iMCD Pathogenesis and Novel Therapeutic Target Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01HL141408 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jun 15, 2018 - May 31, 2023 NIH/Nat. Cancer Institute - Pass Through: University of Pennsylvania mTOR as a Central Regulator of iMCD Pathogenesis and Novel Therapeutic Target - Continuation Role: Principal Investigator |
| M13 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Apr 26, 2018 - May 15, 2019 AbbVie Inc A Phase 1/2 Study Evaluating the Safety and Pharmacokinetics of ABT-199 in Subjects with Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma Role: Principal Investigator |
| M13-367 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Apr 26, 2018 - May 15, 2019 AbbVie Inc No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| GSK525762 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Aug 9, 2017 GlaxoSmithKline No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| 54767414MMY2023 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jun 15, 2017 Janssen Research & Development, LLC No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| M15 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)May 30, 2017 AbbVie Inc A Phase 2, Open-Label, Multi-Center Study of Venetoclax in Combination with Carfilzomiib and Dexamethasone in Subjects with Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma Role: Principal Investigator |
| M15-538 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)May 30, 2017 AbbVie Inc No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| CA204 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Mar 16, 2017 - Mar 16, 2020 Bristol-Meyers Squibb A Phase II Pilot Study of Expanded Natural Killer Cells and Elotuzumab to Eradicate High-Risk Myeloma Post Autologous Stem Cell Transplant Role: Principal Investigator |
| CA204-151 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Mar 16, 2017 - Mar 16, 2020 Bristol-Meyers Squibb No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01CA209882 (DELGADO-CALLE, JESUS)Mar 15, 2017 - Jun 30, 2028 NIH Contribution of osteocytes to the musculoskeletal effects of Multiple Myeloma Role: Co-Investigator |
| INSIGHT MM (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jun 6, 2016 - Jun 29, 2017 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| INSIGHTMM (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jun 6, 2016 - Jun 29, 2017 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. the INSIGHT-MM study Role: Principal Investigator |
| Edmonston Strain of Measles Virus (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Apr 8, 2015 Magnis Therapeutics, LLC No FP attached Role: Principal Investigator |
| EdmonstonStrainofMeaslesVirus (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Apr 8, 2015 Magnis Therapeutics, LLC UARK 2014-21: Phase II Trial of Oncolytic Virotherapy by Systemic Administration of Edmonston Strain of Measles Virus, Genetically Engineered to Express NIS with Cyclophosphamide in Patients with Recurrent or Refractory Multiple Myeloma Role: Principal Investigator |
| UARK# 2012-02 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Apr 21, 2014 Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. UARK# 2012-02 TOTAL THERAPY 5B: A PHASE II TRIAL FOR HIGH-RISK MYELOMA EVALUATING Role: Principal Investigator |
| Castleman’‘s Disease (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jan 9, 2012 Janssen Research & Development, LLC Polymorphism in Castleman’s Disease Role: Principal Investigator |
| JNJ28431754 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Apr 14, 2011 - Feb 16, 2016 Centocor, Inc. Protocol CNTO328MCD2002; Phase 2, An Open-label, Multicenter Study to Evaluate th Role: Principal Investigator |
| CNTO 328 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Dec 30, 2009 - May 9, 2013 Centocor, Inc. A Randomized, Double blind, Placebo controlled Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of CNTO 328 (Anti IL 6 Monoclonal Antibody) Plus Best Supportiv Role: Principal Investigator |
| Zoster (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Dec 23, 2009 GlaxoSmithKline A Phase I/IIa Randomized, Observer-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Study to evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of the GSK Biologicals’ Herp Role: Principal Investigator |
| Zoster-001 PRI (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Dec 23, 2009 GlaxoSmithKline A Phase I/IIa Randomized, Observer-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Study to evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of the GSK Biologicals’ Herp Role: Principal Investigator |
| KOS953 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jul 1, 2009 Bristol-Meyers Squibb Phase 3 Randomized, open-label clinical trial of tanespimycin (KO953) plus Bortezomib Compared to bortezomib alone in patients with multiple myeloma i Role: Principal Investigator |
| CNTO328 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jun 6, 2009 - Jun 5, 2011 Centocor, Inc. The role of interleukin-6 polymorphism in Castleman’s Disease Role: Principal Investigator |
| BCT07 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Feb 24, 2009 - Aug 24, 2010 CaridianBCT Engraftment Kinetics of Peripheral Blood Stem Cells (PBSC's) Isolated Using the Spectra Optia Apheresis System Role: Principal Investigator |
| BCT07-30 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Feb 24, 2009 - Aug 24, 2010 CaridianBCT Engraftment Kinetics of Peripheral Blood Stem Cells (PBSC's) Isolated Using the Spectra Optia Apheresis System Role: Principal Investigator |
| KAG (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Aug 27, 2008 - Aug 26, 2010 Genzyme KAG 301-Phase 3 Randomized, Open-Label Clinical Trial of Tanespimycin (Kos 953) plus Bortezomib Compared to Bortezomib Alone in Patients with Multiple Role: Principal Investigator |
| R01CA134522 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Aug 22, 2008 - Jun 30, 2014 NIH Potentiating Natural Killer Cell Anti-Myeloma Effects Role: Principal Investigator |
| A2 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jul 25, 2008 - Jul 24, 2013 United BioSource Corporation Qualitative Research in Castleman's Disease: Exploring Patients' Perspectives through Interviews, Project #A2-7438 Role: Principal Investigator |
| A2-7438 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jul 25, 2008 - Jul 24, 2013 United BioSource Corporation Qualitative Research in Castleman's Disease: Exploring Patients' Perspectives through Interviews, Project #A2-7438 Role: Principal Investigator |
| 28 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Oct 1, 2006 - Sep 30, 2008 Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation KIRLigand Mismatched Natural Killer Cell Therapy for Myeloma Role: Principal Investigator |
| 28-06 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Oct 1, 2006 - Sep 30, 2008 Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation KIR-Ligand Mismatched Natural Killer Cell Therapy for Myeloma Role: Principal Investigator |
| CRA UARK 2006-41, Prot. HuLuc63-1701 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Sep 1, 2005 - Mar 30, 2010 Protein Design Labs, Inc UARK 2006-41 A Phase 1, Multi-Center, Open-Label, Dose Escalation Study of HuLuc63 (Humanized anti-CS1 Monoclonal lgG1 antibody) in Subjects with Adva Role: Principal Investigator |
| UARK 91-004 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Sep 1, 2005 - Mar 30, 2010 Protein Design Labs, Inc UARK 2006-41 A Phase 1, Multi-Center, Open-Label, Dose Escalation Study of HuLuc63 (Humanized anti-CS1 Monoclonal lgG1 antibody) in Subjects with Adva Role: Principal Investigator |
| AMD3100-3102 CTA (VAN RHEE, FRITS)May 6, 2005 - Apr 30, 2008 AnorMED, Inc. UARK 2004-61: (AMD3100-3102) A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Comparative Trial of AMD3100 (240 ug/kg) plus G-CSF (10 ug/k Role: Principal Investigator |
| C0328T03 28552 CTA (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Mar 4, 2005 - Aug 31, 2007 Centocor, Inc. 2004-23: (Protocol C0328T03) A Phase I Study of a Chimeric Antibody Against Interleukin-6 (CNTO 328) Administered Biweekly as an Intravenous Infusion Role: Principal Investigator |
| C0328T0328552CTA (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Mar 4, 2005 - Aug 31, 2007 Centocor, Inc. 2004-23: (Protocol C0328T03) A Phase I Study of a Chimeric Antibody Against Interleukin-6 (CNTO 328) Administered Biweekly as an Intravenous Infusion Role: Principal Investigator |
| 2003 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Aug 27, 2004 - Jun 1, 2006 Amgen, Inc. UARK 2003-41, A Phase II Study of High-Dose Density Therapy with Tandem Autologous Transplants for Patients with Multiple Myeloma Role: Principal Investigator |
| 2003-41 Amgen 20020791 CTAA1 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Aug 27, 2004 - Jun 1, 2006 Amgen, Inc. UARK 2003-41, A Phase II Study of High-Dose Density Therapy with Tandem Autologous Transplants for Patients with Multiple Myeloma Role: Principal Investigator |
| AMD3100 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jun 3, 2004 - Jan 31, 2008 AnorMED, Inc. 2004-04: Treatment with AMD3100 in Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma Patients to Increase the Number of Peripheral Blood Stem Cells When Giv Role: Principal Investigator |
| AMD3100-2105 CTA (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jun 3, 2004 - Jan 31, 2008 AnorMED, Inc. 2004-04: Treatment with AMD3100 in Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Multiple Myeloma Patients to Increase the Number of Peripheral Blood Stem Cells When Giv Role: Principal Investigator |
| AMD3100-2102 (TRICOT, GUIDO J)Apr 17, 2003 - Apr 17, 2006 AnorMED, Inc. UARK 2003-01, Stem Cell Mobilization and Transplantation of Proven and/or Predicted Poor Mobilizers with Mutliple Myeloma Role: Principal Investigator |
| AMD3100-2102 Amend1 (TRICOT, GUIDO J)Apr 17, 2003 - Apr 17, 2006 AnorMED, Inc. UARK 2003-01, Stem Cell Mobilization and Transplantation of Proven and/or Predicted Poor Mobilizers with Mutliple Myeloma Role: Principal Investigator |
| UARK 2002-13 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Feb 1, 2003 - Jan 31, 2006 Celgene UARK 2003-26, A Pilot Study of MAGE-3 and NY_ESO Immunotherapy in Combination with DT PACE Chemotherapy/Autologous Transplant in Agressive Mutliple My Role: Principal Investigator |
| UARK 2002-36 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Dec 1, 2002 - Feb 27, 2006 Chugai Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. UARK 2002-36, An Open Label, Phase I Extension Study to Assess the Long-Term Safety and Tolerability of MRA as a Treatment for Castleman’s Disease Role: Principal Investigator |
| 6653 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jul 1, 2001 - Dec 30, 2004 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Tumor Antigen-Pulsed Autologous Dendritic Cell Vaccination Administered Intranodally in Multiple Myeloma Patients Role: Principal Investigator |
| 6653-01 (VAN RHEE, FRITS)Jul 1, 2001 - Dec 30, 2004 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Tumor Antigen-Pulsed Autologous Dendritic Cell Vaccination Administered Intranodally in Multiple Myeloma Patients Role: Principal Investigator |
Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications.
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Al Hadidi S, Ababneh O, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Bailey C, Smith R, Panozzo S, Alapat D, Tricot G, Shaughnessy J, Zhan F, Sawyer J, Siegel ER, Barlogie B, van Rhee F, Zangari M. Long-term follow-up of Total Therapy IV: a phase 3 clinical trial for standard-risk multiple myeloma. Blood Adv. 2025 Feb 25; 9(4):950-953. PMID: 39786380.
Pierson SK, Brandstadter JD, Torigian D, Bagg A, Lechowicz MJ, Alapat D, Casper C, Chadburn A, Chandrakasan S, Dispenzieri A, Foss? A, Hoffmann C, Ide M, Kurzrock R, Mukherjee S, Nasta SD, Navarro JT, Noy A, Oksenhendler E, Sarmiento Bustamante M, Shyamsundar S, Streetly MJ, Wong RSM, Zhang L, Lim MS, Srkalovic G, van Rhee F, Fajgenbaum DC. Characterizing the heterogeneity of Castleman disease and oligocentric subtype: Findings from the ACCELERATE registry. Blood Adv. 2025 Feb 14. PMID: 39951615.
Mohan Lal B, van Rhee F, Al Hadidi S. Current State of Evidence on Definitions and Management of High-Risk Multiple Myeloma. Curr Oncol Rep. 2025 Feb 12. PMID: 39937351.
Mohan Lal B, Alzubi M, Alrawabdeh J, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F, Siegel ER, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Al Hadidi S. Prior Exposure to Belantamab Mafodotin Influences Outcomes with Idecabtagene Vicluecel in Patients with Multiple Myeloma. Blood Adv. 2025 Feb 12. PMID: 39938011.
Otsuka M, Koga T, Sumiyoshi R, Fukui S, Kaneko Y, Shimizu T, Katsube A, Yano S, Masaki Y, Ide M, Yoshifuji H, Kitano M, Sato Y, Sawa N, Niiro H, Nakamura N, Fajgenbaum DC, van Rhee F, Kawakami A. Exploring the Clinical Diversity of Castleman Disease and TAFRO Syndrome: A Japanese Multicenter Study on Lymph Node Distribution Patterns. Am J Hematol. 2025 Jan 25. PMID: 39865257.
Cheng Y, Sun F, Alapat DV, Wanchai V, Mery D, Siegel ER, Xu H, Johnson S, Guo W, Bailey C, Ashby C, Bauer MA, Hadidi SA, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Tricot G, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F. Multi-omics reveal immune microenvironment alterations in multiple myeloma and its precursor stages. Blood Cancer J. 2024 11 06; 14(1):194. PMID: 39505839.
Patel TH, Bachu R, Shrivastava T, Alrawabdeh J, Alzubi M, Hastings J, Dean H, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Tricot G, Zhan F, Shaughnessy JD, van Rhee F, Al Hadidi S. Psychological Impact in Individuals with Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance and Smoldering Multiple Myeloma. Clin Hematol Int. 2024; 6(3):54-60. PMID: 39345654.
Akhtar OS, Szabo A, Bhatlapenumarthi V, Forsberg M, Balev M, Patwari A, Cheruvalath H, Bhutani D, Thanendrarajan S, Dhakal B, Zangari M, Patel T, Shrestha A, Al-Hadidi S, Cooper D, Lentzsch S, van Rhee F, Shah MR, Bag A, D'Souza A, Schinke C, Chakraborty R, Shah N, Mohan M. Immune prognostic score predicts the risk of infection and survival outcomes in patients with relapsed multiple myeloma treated with bispecific antibodies. Br J Haematol. 2024 Nov; 205(5):1830-1834. PMID: 39192546.
Al Hadidi S, Ababneh O, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Bailey C, Tricot G, Shaughnessy J, Zhan F, Sawyer J, Siegel ER, Zangari M, Barlogie B, van Rhee F. Second primary malignancies after tandem autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma. Am J Hematol. 2024 Nov; 99(11):2222-2224. PMID: 39109821.
Went M, Duran-Lozano L, Halldorsson GH, Gunnell A, Ugidos-Damboriena N, Law P, Ekdahl L, Sud A, Thorleifsson G, Thodberg M, Olafsdottir T, Lamarca-Arrizabalaga A, Cafaro C, Niroula A, Ajore R, Lopez de Lapuente Portilla A, Ali Z, Pertesi M, Goldschmidt H, Stefansdottir L, Kristinsson SY, Stacey SN, Love TJ, Rognvaldsson S, Hajek R, Vodicka P, Pettersson-Kymmer U, Sp?th F, Schinke C, Van Rhee F, Sulem P, Ferkingstad E, Hjorleifsson Eldjarn G, Mellqvist UH, Jonsdottir I, Morgan G, Sonneveld P, Waage A, Weinhold N, Thomsen H, F?rsti A, Hansson M, Juul-Vangsted A, Thorsteinsdottir U, Hemminki K, Kaiser M, Rafnar T, Stefansson K, Houlston R, Nilsson B. Deciphering the genetics and mechanisms of predisposition to multiple myeloma. Nat Commun. 2024 Aug 05; 15(1):6644. PMID: 39103364.
Naqvi S, Shrestha A, Alzubi M, Alrawabdeh J, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Schinke C, Al Hadidi S. Weight loss and dysgeusia in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma patients treated with talquetamab. EJHaem. 2024 Aug; 5(4):789-792. PMID: 39157593.
Bustamante MS, Pierson SK, Ren Y, Bagg A, Brandstadter JD, Srkalovic G, Mango N, Alapat D, Lechowicz MJ, Li H, Van Rhee F, Lim MS, Fajgenbaum DC. Longitudinal, natural history study reveals the disease burden of idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease. Haematologica. 2024 07 01; 109(7):2196-2206. PMID: 38205523.
Patel TH, van Rhee F, Al Hadidi S. Cereblon E3 Ligase Modulators Mezigdomide and Iberdomide in Multiple Myeloma. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk. 2024 Nov; 24(11):762-769. PMID: 39003099.
van Rhee F, Fajgenbaum D. Insights into the etiology of Castleman disease. Blood. 2024 05 02; 143(18):1789-1790. PMID: 38696194.
Lee HC, Ramasamy K, Macro M, Davies FE, Abonour R, van Rhee F, Hungria VTM, Puig N, Ren K, Silar J, Enwemadu V, Cherepanov D, Leleu X. Impact of prior lenalidomide or proteasome inhibitor exposure on the effectiveness of ixazomib-lenalidomide-dexamethasone for relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: A pooled analysis from the INSURE study. Eur J Haematol. 2024 Aug; 113(2):190-200. PMID: 38654611.
Shrestha A, Alzubi M, Alrawabdeh J, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Al Hadidi S. B-cell maturation antigen-based therapies post-talquetamab in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. EJHaem. 2024 Jun; 5(3):554-559. PMID: 38895072.
Guo W, Strouse C, Mery D, Siegel ER, Munshi MN, Ashby TC, Cheng Y, Sun F, Wanchai V, Zhang Z, Bailey C, Alapat DV, Peng H, Al Hadidi S, Thanendrarajan S, Schinke C, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Tricot G, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F. A Risk Stratification System in Myeloma Patients with Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation. Cancers (Basel). 2024 Mar 11; 16(6). PMID: 38539451.
Mohan M, Monge J, Shah N, Luan D, Forsberg M, Bhatlapenumarthi V, Balev M, Patwari A, Cheruvalath H, Bhutani D, Thanendrarajan S, Dhakal B, Zangari M, Al-Hadidi S, Cooper D, Lentzsch S, van Rhee F, D'Souza A, Szabo A, Schinke C, Chakraborty R. Teclistamab in relapsed refractory multiple myeloma: multi-institutional real-world study. Blood Cancer J. 2024 03 05; 14(1):35. PMID: 38443345.
Rafae A, van Rhee F, Al Hadidi S. Perspectives on the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma. Oncologist. 2024 Mar 04; 29(3):200-212. PMID: 37995307.
Hammons L, Szabo A, Janardan A, Bhatlapenumarthi V, Annyapu E, Dhakal B, Al Hadidi S, Radhakrishnan SV, Narra R, Bhutani D, Thanendrarajan S, Janz S, Zangari M, Lentzsch S, Van Rhee F, Crescencio JCR, D'Souza A, Chakraborty R, Mohan M, Schinke C. The changing spectrum of infection with BCMA and GPRC5D targeting bispecific antibody (bsAb) therapy in patients with relapsed refractory multiple myeloma. Haematologica. 2024 03 01; 109(3):906-914. PMID: 37646658.
Nishikori A, Nishimura MF, Fajgenbaum DC, Nishimura Y, Maehama K, Haratake T, Tabata T, Kawano M, Nakamura N, Momose S, Sumiyoshi R, Koga T, Yamamoto H, van Rhee F, Kawakami A, Sato Y. Diagnostic challenges of the idiopathic plasmacytic lymphadenopathy (IPL) subtype of idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease (iMCD): Factors to differentiate from IgG4-related disease. J Clin Pathol. 2024 Feb 20. PMID: 38378248.
Mohan M, Szabo A, Patwari A, Esselmann J, Patel T, Bachu R, Rein LE, Janardan A, Bhatlapenumarthi V, Annyapu E, Skoog C, Goff A, Hadidi SA, Radhakrishnan SV, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Shah N, van Rhee F, Dhakal B, Hamadani M, D'Souza A, Schinke C. Autologous stem cell boost improves persistent immune effector cell associated hematotoxicity following BCMA directed chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR T) cell therapy in multiple myeloma. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2024 May; 59(5):647-652. PMID: 38361116.
Shyamsundar S, Pierson SK, Connolly CM, Teles M, Segev DL, Werbel WA, van Rhee F, Casper C, Brandstadter JD, Noy A, Fajgenbaum DC. Castleman disease patients report mild COVID-19 symptoms and mount a humoral response to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Blood Neoplasia. 2024 Mar; 1(1). PMID: 39044861.
Guo W, Zhan Y, Mery D, Siegel ER, Sun F, Cheng Y, Ashby TC, Zhang Z, Bailey C, Alapat DV, Peng H, Hadidi SA, Thanendrarajan S, Schinke C, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Tricot G, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F. Prognostic value of ferritin in ASCT MM patients: integration with GEP models and ISS series systems. Blood Cancer J. 2024 02 14; 14(1):30. PMID: 38355688.
Al Hadidi S, Ababneh OE, Schinke CD, Thanendrarajan S, Bailey C, Smith R, Panozzo S, Alapat D, Cottler-Fox M, Tricot G, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F, Sawyer J, Barlogie B, Zangari M, van Rhee F. Three years of maintenance with VRD in multiple myeloma: results of total therapy IIIB with a 15-year follow-up. Blood Adv. 2024 02 13; 8(3):703-707. PMID: 38052037.
Mao X, Yan W, Mery D, Liu J, Fan H, Xu J, Xu Y, Sui W, Deng S, Zou D, Du C, Yi S, van Rhee F, Barlogie B, Shaughnessy JD, Anderson KC, Zhan F, Qiu L, An G. Development and validation of an individualized and weighted Myeloma Prognostic Score System (MPSS) in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Am J Hematol. 2024 04; 99(4):523-533. PMID: 38247315.
Sun F, Cheng Y, Wanchai V, Guo W, Mery D, Xu H, Gai D, Siegel E, Bailey C, Ashby C, Al Hadidi S, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Ma Y, Yi Q, Orlowski RZ, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Janz S, Bishop G, Tricot G, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F. Bispecific BCMA/CD24 CAR-T cells control multiple myeloma growth. Nat Commun. 2024 Jan 19; 15(1):615. PMID: 38242888.
Sun F, Cheng Y, Chen JR, Wanchai V, Mery DE, Xu H, Gai D, Al Hadidi S, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Tricot G, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F. BCMA- and CST6-specific CAR T cells lyse multiple myeloma cells and suppress murine osteolytic lesions. J Clin Invest. 2024 Jan 02; 134(1). PMID: 37883186.
Garg TK, Garg S, Miousse IR, Wise SY, Carpenter AD, Fatanmi OO, van Rhee F, Singh VK, Hauer-Jensen M. Modulation of Hematopoietic Injury by a Promising Radioprotector, Gamma-Tocotrienol, in Rhesus Macaques Exposed to Partial-Body Radiation. Radiat Res. 2024 01 01; 201(1):55-70. PMID: 38059553.
Lang E, van Rhee F. Idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease: An update in diagnosis and treatment advances. Blood Rev. 2024 Mar; 64:101161. PMID: 38087716.
Pierson SK, Lim MS, Srkalovic G, Brandstadter JD, Sarmiento Bustamante M, Shyamsundar S, Mango N, Lavery C, Austin B, Alapat D, Lechowicz MJ, Bagg A, Li H, Casper C, van Rhee F, Fajgenbaum DC. Treatment consistent with idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease guidelines is associated with improved outcomes. Blood Adv. 2023 11 14; 7(21):6652-6664. PMID: 37656441.
Mango NA, Pierson SK, Sarmiento Bustamante M, Brandstadter JD, van Rhee F, Fajgenbaum DC. Siltuximab administration results in spurious IL-6 elevation in peripheral blood. Am J Hematol. 2024 01; 99(1):E15-E18. PMID: 37867418.
Cheng Y, Sun F, Alapat DV, Wanchai V, Mery D, Guo W, Cao H, Zhu Y, Ashby C, Bauer MA, Nookaew I, Siegel ER, Ying J, Chen JR, Gai D, Peng B, Xu H, Bailey C, Al Hadidi S, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Chesi M, Bergsagel PL, van Rhee F, Janz S, Tricot G, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F. High NEK2 expression in myeloid progenitors suppresses T?cell immunity in multiple myeloma. Cell Rep Med. 2023 10 17; 4(10):101214. PMID: 37794587.
Ling W, Johnson SK, Mehdi SJ, Alapat DV, Bauer M, Zangari M, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, van Rhee F, Yaccoby S. EDNRA-Expressing Mesenchymal Cells Are Expanded in Myeloma Interstitial Bone Marrow and Associated with Disease Progression. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Sep 12; 15(18). PMID: 37760488.
Sarmiento Bustamante M, Shyamsundar S, Coren FR, Bagg A, Srkalovic G, Alapat D, van Rhee F, Lim MS, Lechowicz MJ, Brandstadter JD, Pierson SK, Fajgenbaum DC. Ongoing symptoms following complete surgical excision in unicentric Castleman disease. Am J Hematol. 2023 11; 98(11):E334-E337. PMID: 37635628.
John L, Poos AM, Brobeil A, Schinke C, Huhn S, Prokoph N, Lutz R, Wagner B, Zangari M, Tirier SM, Mallm JP, Schumacher S, Vonficht D, Sol?-Boldo L, Quick S, Steiger S, Przybilla MJ, Bauer K, Baumann A, Hemmer S, Rehnitz C, L?ckerath C, Sachpekidis C, Mechtersheimer G, Haberkorn U, Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss A, Reichert P, Barlogie B, M?ller-Tidow C, Goldschmidt H, Hillengass J, Rasche L, Haas SF, van Rhee F, Rippe K, Raab MS, Sauer S, Weinhold N. Resolving the spatial architecture of myeloma and its microenvironment at the single-cell level. Nat Commun. 2023 08 17; 14(1):5011. PMID: 37591845.
Fahmawi S, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F, van Rhee F, Al Hadidi S. Under-representation of black patients with multiple myeloma in studies supporting International Myeloma Working Group guidelines. J Cancer Policy. 2023 09; 37:100433. PMID: 37468042.
Mehdi SJ, Ghatak K, Ling W, Johnson SK, Epstein J, Nookaew I, Zangari M, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, van Rhee F, Yaccoby S. Growth and dormancy control of myeloma cells by mesenchymal stem cells. Leuk Res. 2023 10; 133:107355. PMID: 37499483.
Mazahreh F, Mazahreh L, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F, van Rhee F, Al Hadidi S. Risk of infections associated with the use of bispecific antibodies in multiple myeloma: a pooled analysis. Blood Adv. 2023 Jul 11; 7(13):3069-3074. PMID: 36857755.
Sun F, Cheng Y, Ying J, Mery D, Al Hadidi S, Wanchai V, Siegel ER, Xu H, Gai D, Ashby TC, Bailey C, Chen JR, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Janz S, Barlogie B, Van Rhee F, Tricot G, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F. A gene signature can predict risk of MGUS progressing to multiple myeloma. J Hematol Oncol. 2023 06 29; 16(1):70. PMID: 37386588.
Shrivastava T, Van Rhee F, Al Hadidi S. Targeting B Cell Maturation Antigen in Patients with Multiple Myeloma: Current Perspectives. Onco Targets Ther. 2023; 16:441-464. PMID: 37359353.
Mohan M, Gong Z, Ashby TC, Al Hadidi S, Thanendrarajan S, Schinke C, Alapat D, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F, van Rhee F, Sawyer JR, Tian E, Zangari M. Concomitant deletion of the short arm (del(1p13.3)) and amplification or gain (1q21) of chromosome 1 by fluorescence in situ hybridization are associated with a poor clinical outcome in multiple myeloma. Cancer. 2023 08 15; 129(16):2491-2498. PMID: 37282609.
Abu Za'nouneh FJ, Ababneh O, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F, van Rhee F, Al Hadidi S. Variability of definition of high-risk multiple myeloma across phase III clinical trials. EJHaem. 2023 May; 4(2):454-458. PMID: 37206288.
Amisha F, Saluja P, Malik P, Van Rhee F. Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) due to anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: A systematic review. EJHaem. 2023 May; 4(2):532-543. PMID: 37206259.
Roy Choudhury S, Byrum SD, Alkam D, Ashby C, Zhan F, Tackett AJ, Van Rhee F. Expression of integrin ?-7 is epigenetically enhanced in multiple myeloma subgroups with high-risk cytogenetics. Clin Epigenetics. 2023 02 04; 15(1):18. PMID: 36737807.
Al Hadidi S, Dongarwar D, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Shaughnessy JD, van Rhee F. Racial Differences in Spinal Cord Compression Related Hospitalizations in Patients with Multiple Myeloma. Clin Hematol Int. 2023 Jun; 5(2-3):57-60. PMID: 36737587.
Al Hadidi S, van Rhee F. Overall Survival Analysis of the Use of Elotuzumab in ELOQUENT-3 Trial. J Clin Oncol. 2023 03 20; 41(9):1788. PMID: 36626704.
Van Rhee F. Nearly 70 years later: the continued unraveling of Castleman disease. Haematologica. 2023 01 01; 108(1):7-8. PMID: 35484683.
Al Hadidi S, Szabo A, Esselmann J, Hammons L, Hussain M, Ogunsesan Y, Thalambedu N, Khan F, Sethi J, Janardan A, Radhakrishnan SV, Thanendrarajan S, Schinke C, Dhakal B, Janz S, Chhabra S, D'Souza A, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Mohan M. Clinical outcome of patients with relapsed refractory multiple myeloma listed for BCMA directed commercial CAR-T therapy. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2023 04; 58(4):443-445. PMID: 36550200.
Garg TK, Garg S, Miousse IR, Wise SY, Carpenter AD, Fatanmi OO, van Rhee F, Singh VK, Hauer-Jensen M. Gamma-Tocotrienol Modulates Total-Body Irradiation-Induced Hematopoietic Injury in a Nonhuman Primate Model. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Dec 18; 23(24). PMID: 36555814.
Ajore R, Niroula A, Pertesi M, Cafaro C, Thodberg M, Went M, Bao EL, Duran-Lozano L, Lopez de Lapuente Portilla A, Olafsdottir T, Ugidos-Damboriena N, Magnusson O, Samur M, Lareau CA, Halldorsson GH, Thorleifsson G, Norddahl GL, Gunnarsdottir K, F?rsti A, Goldschmidt H, Hemminki K, van Rhee F, Kimber S, Sperling AS, Kaiser M, Anderson K, Jonsdottir I, Munshi N, Rafnar T, Waage A, Weinhold N, Thorsteinsdottir U, Sankaran VG, Stefansson K, Houlston R, Nilsson B. Author Correction: Functional dissection of inherited non-coding variation influencing multiple myeloma risk. Nat Commun. 2022 Dec 13; 13(1):7725. PMID: 36513657.
Thompson MA, Boccadoro M, Leleu X, Vela-Ojeda J, van Rhee F, Weisel KC, Rifkin RM, Usmani SZ, H?jek R, Cook G, Abonour R, Armour M, Morgan KE, Yeh SP, Costello CL, Berdeja JG, Davies FE, Zonder JA, Lee HC, Omel J, Spencer A, Terpos E, Hungria VTM, Puig N, Fu C, Ferrari RH, Ren K, Stull DM, Chari A. Rates of Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination and Correlation With Survival in Multiple Myeloma Patients. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk. 2023 03; 23(3):e171-e181. PMID: 36641358.
Pierson SK, Katz L, Williams R, Mumau M, Gonzalez M, Guzman S, Rubenstein A, Oromendia AB, Beineke P, Foss? A, van Rhee F, Fajgenbaum DC. CXCL13 is a predictive biomarker in idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease. Nat Commun. 2022 11 24; 13(1):7236. PMID: 36433996.
Schinke C, Poos AM, Bauer M, John L, Johnson S, Deshpande S, Carrillo L, Alapat D, Rasche L, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Al Hadidi S, van Rhee F, Davies F, Raab MS, Morgan G, Weinhold N. Characterizing the role of the immune microenvironment in multiple myeloma progression at a single-cell level. Blood Adv. 2022 11 22; 6(22):5873-5883. PMID: 35977111.
Mohan M, Rein LE, Thalambedu N, Ogunsesan Y, Hussain M, Sethi J, Khan F, Gundarlapalli S, Yarlagadda L, Dhakal B, Price M, Shirey M, Warner D, Thanendrarajan S, Janz S, Radhakrishnan SV, Al Hadidi S, Szabo A, D'Souza A, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Chhabra S, Schinke C. Corneal toxicity with belantamab mafodotin: Multi-institutional real-life experience. Am J Hematol. 2022 12; 97(12):E451-E453. PMID: 36097868.
Gai D, Chen JR, Stewart JP, Nookaew I, Habelhah H, Ashby C, Sun F, Cheng Y, Li C, Xu H, Peng B, Garg TK, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Chen F, Barlogie B, van Rhee F, Tricot G, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F. CST6 suppresses osteolytic bone disease in multiple myeloma by blocking osteoclast differentiation. J Clin Invest. 2022 09 15; 132(18). PMID: 35881476.
van Rhee F. Case 16-2022: A Man with Fevers, Night Sweats, and a Mediastinal Mass. N Engl J Med. 2022 08 25; 387(8):762-763. PMID: 36001726.
van Rhee F, Rosenthal A, Kanhai K, Martin R, Nishimura K, Hoering A, Fajgenbaum DC. Siltuximab is associated with improved progression-free survival in idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease. Blood Adv. 2022 08 23; 6(16):4773-4781. PMID: 35793409.
Rasche L, Schinke C, Maura F, Bauer MA, Ashby C, Deshpande S, Poos AM, Zangari M, Thanendrarajan S, Davies FE, Walker BA, Barlogie B, Landgren O, Morgan GJ, van Rhee F, Weinhold N. The spatio-temporal evolution of multiple myeloma from baseline to relapse-refractory states. Nat Commun. 2022 08 03; 13(1):4517. PMID: 35922426.
Alqazaqi R, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Shaughnessy J, Zhan F, Tricot G, van Rhee F, Al Hadidi S. Geographic and Racial Disparities in Access to Chimeric Antigen Receptor-T Cells and Bispecific Antibodies Trials for Multiple Myeloma. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 08 01; 5(8):e2228877. PMID: 36018590.
Al Hadidi S, Dongarwar D, Salihu H, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, van Rhee F. Ethnic Disparities in AL Amyloidosis Outcomes Among Hospitalized Patients in the United States. Clin Hematol Int. 2022 Sep; 4(3):117-120. PMID: 36131130.
Rossi JF, Chiang HC, Lu ZY, Levon K, van Rhee F, Kanhai K, Fajgenbaum DC, Klein B. Optimisation of anti-interleukin-6 therapy: Precision medicine through mathematical modelling. Front Immunol. 2022; 13:919489. PMID: 35928820.
Sudha P, Ahsan A, Ashby C, Kausar T, Khera A, Kazeroun MH, Hsu CC, Wang L, Fitzsimons E, Salminen O, Blaney P, Czader M, Williams J, Abu Zaid MI, Ansari-Pour N, Yong KL, van Rhee F, Pierceall WE, Morgan GJ, Flynt E, Gooding S, Abonour R, Ramasamy K, Thakurta A, Walker BA. Myeloma Genome Project Panel is a Comprehensive Targeted Genomics Panel for Molecular Profiling of Patients with Multiple Myeloma. Clin Cancer Res. 2022 07 01; 28(13):2854-2864. PMID: 35522533.
Al Hadidi S, Zangari M, van Rhee F. Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy in Multiple Myeloma-Challenges and Potential Solutions. JAMA Oncol. 2022 06 01; 8(6):823-824. PMID: 35482363.
Fajgenbaum DC, Pierson SK, Kanhai K, Bagg A, Alapat D, Lim MS, Lechowicz MJ, Srkalovic G, Uldrick TS, van Rhee F. The disease course of Castleman disease patients with fatal outcomes in the ACCELERATE registry. Br J Haematol. 2022 07; 198(2):307-316. PMID: 35507638.
Mohan M, Becnel MR, Shah UA, Dong H, Gundarlapalli S, Peterson T, Orozco JS, Horowitz S, Chhabra S, Dhakal B, Thanendrarajan S, Radhakrishnan SV, Al Hadidi S, Tan C, Mailankody S, Hultcrantz M, Korde N, Hassoun H, Lesokhin AM, Thomas SK, Patel KK, Manasanch EE, Weber DM, Szabo A, Kaufman GP, Lee HC, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Usmani SZ, D'Souza A, Orlowski RZ, Schinke C. Clinical efficacy of sequencing CD38 targeting monoclonal antibodies in relapsed refractory multiple myeloma: A multi-institutional experience. Am J Hematol. 2022 07; 97(7):E276-E280. PMID: 35472167.
Nishimura Y, Nishimura MF, Fajgenbaum DC, van Rhee F, Sato Y, Otsuka F. Global public awareness of Castleman disease and TAFRO syndrome between 2015 and 2021: A Google Trends analysis. EJHaem. 2022 Aug; 3(3):748-753. PMID: 36051051.
Abushukair H, Syaj S, Ababneh O, Qarqash A, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Al Hadidi S. First- versus second-generation Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitors in Waldenstr?m's Macroglobulinemia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Hematol. 2022 07; 97(7):942-950. PMID: 35358350.
Al Hadidi S, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, van Rhee F. Enrollment of Black Participants in Pivotal Clinical Trials Supporting US Food and Drug Administration Approval of Chimeric Antigen Receptor-T Cell Therapy for Hematological Malignant Neoplasms. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 04 01; 5(4):e228161. PMID: 35442451.
Mohan M, Gundarlapalli S, Szabo A, Yarlagadda N, Kakadia S, Konda M, Jillella A, Fnu A, Ogunsesan Y, Yarlagadda L, Thalambedu N, Munawar H, Graziutti M, Al Hadidi S, Alapat D, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Schinke C. Tandem autologous stem cell transplantation in patients with persistent bone marrow minimal residual disease after first transplantation in multiple myeloma. Am J Hematol. 2022 06 01; 97(6):E195-E198. PMID: 35285981.
Larsen K, Spencer H, Mohan M, Bailey C, Hill K, Kottarathara M, Parikh R, Hoque S, Erra A, Mitma AA, Mathur P, Yarlagadda L, Gundarlapalli S, Ogunsesan Y, Hussain M, Thalambedu N, Sehti J, Al Hadidi S, Thanendrarajan S, Graziutti M, Zangari M, Barlogie B, van Rhee F, Tricot G, Schinke C. Feasibility of Outpatient Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Myeloma and Risk Factors Predictive of Hospital Admission. J Clin Med. 2022 Mar 16; 11(6). PMID: 35329966.
Lang E, Sande B, Brodkin S, van Rhee F. Idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease treated with siltuximab for 15?years: a case report. Ther Adv Hematol. 2022; 13:20406207221082552. PMID: 35251585.
Mohan M, Kendrick S, Szabo A, Yarlagadda N, Atwal D, Pandey Y, Roy A, Parikh R, Lopez J, Thanendrarajan S, Schinke C, Alapat D, Sawyer J, Tian E, Tricot G, van Rhee F, Zangari M. Clinical implications of loss of bone marrow minimal residual disease negativity in multiple myeloma. Blood Adv. 2022 02 08; 6(3):808-817. PMID: 34807986.
Ajore R, Niroula A, Pertesi M, Cafaro C, Thodberg M, Went M, Bao EL, Duran-Lozano L, Lopez de Lapuente Portilla A, Olafsdottir T, Ugidos-Damboriena N, Magnusson O, Samur M, Lareau CA, Halldorsson GH, Thorleifsson G, Norddahl GL, Gunnarsdottir K, F?rsti A, Goldschmidt H, Hemminki K, van Rhee F, Kimber S, Sperling AS, Kaiser M, Anderson K, Jonsdottir I, Munshi N, Rafnar T, Waage A, Weinhold N, Thorsteinsdottir U, Sankaran VG, Stefansson K, Houlston R, Nilsson B. Functional dissection of inherited non-coding variation influencing multiple myeloma risk. Nat Commun. 2022 01 10; 13(1):151. PMID: 35013207.
Mikulasova A, Kent D, Trevisan-Herraz M, Karataraki N, Fung KTM, Ashby C, Cieslak A, Yaccoby S, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Thanendrarajan S, Schinke C, Morgan GJ, Asnafi V, Spicuglia S, Brackley CA, Corcoran AE, Hambleton S, Walker BA, Rico D, Russell LJ. Epigenomic translocation of H3K4me3 broad domains over oncogenes following hijacking of super-enhancers. Genome Res. 2022 07; 32(7):1343-1354. PMID: 34933939.
Roy Choudhury S, Ashby C, Zhan F, van Rhee F. Epigenetic Deregulation of Telomere-Related Genes in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Patients. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Dec 17; 13(24). PMID: 34944968.
Baker D, Bimali M, Carrillo L, Sachedina A, Alapat D, Hoque MS, Kottarathara M, Parikh R, Erra A, Mitma AA, Mathur P, Ogunsesan Y, Yarlagadda L, Gundarlapalli S, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Van Rhee F, Tricot G, Schinke C. Predicting risk of progression in relapsed multiple myeloma using traditional risk models, focal lesion assessment with PET-CT and minimal residual disease status. Haematologica. 2021 12 01; 106(12):3215-3218. PMID: 34847659.
Pierson SK, Shenoy S, Oromendia AB, Gorzewski AM, Langan Pai RA, Nabel CS, Ruth JR, Parente SAT, Arenas DJ, Guilfoyle M, Reddy M, Weinblatt M, Shadick N, Bower M, Pria AD, Masaki Y, Katz L, Mezey J, Beineke P, Lee D, Tendler C, Kambayashi T, Foss? A, van Rhee F, Fajgenbaum DC. Discovery and validation of a novel subgroup and therapeutic target in idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease. Blood Adv. 2021 09 14; 5(17):3445-3456. PMID: 34438448.
Baker D, Bimali M, Carrillo L, Sachedina A, Alapat D, Hoque MS, Kottarathara M, Parikh R, Erra A, Mitma AA, Mathur P, Ogunsesan Y, Yarlagadda L, Gundarlapalli S, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Van Rhee F, Tricot G, Schinke C. Predicting risk of progression in relapsed multiple myeloma using traditional risk models, focal lesion assessment with PET-CT and minimal residual disease status. Haematologica. 2021 08 12. PMID: 34382384.
Yarlagadda L, Gundarlapalli S, Parikh R, Landes RD, Kottarathara M, Ogunsesan Y, Hoque S, Mitma AA, Bailey C, Hill KM, Thanendrarajan S, Graziutti M, Mohan M, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Tricot G, Schinke C. Salvage Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in Daratumumab-Refractory Multiple Myeloma. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Aug 10; 13(16). PMID: 34439174.
Boyle EM, Rosenthal A, Ghamlouch H, Wang Y, Farmer P, Rutherford M, Ashby C, Bauer M, Johnson SK, Wardell CP, Wang Y, Hoering A, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Barlogie B, Dhodapkar MV, Davies FE, Morgan GJ, van Rhee F, Walker BA. Plasma cells expression from smouldering myeloma to myeloma reveals the importance of the PRC2 complex, cell cycle progression, and the divergent evolutionary pathways within the different molecular subgroups. Leukemia. 2022 02; 36(2):591-595. PMID: 34365473.
Nishimura Y, Fajgenbaum DC, Pierson SK, Iwaki N, Nishikori A, Kawano M, Nakamura N, Izutsu K, Takeuchi K, Nishimura MF, Maeda Y, Otsuka F, Yoshizaki K, Oksenhendler E, van Rhee F, Sato Y. Validated international definition of the thrombocytopenia, anasarca, fever, reticulin fibrosis, renal insufficiency, and organomegaly clinical subtype (TAFRO) of idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease. Am J Hematol. 2021 10 01; 96(10):1241-1252. PMID: 34265103.
Mohan M, Meek JC, Meek ME, Broadwater R, Alapat D, van Rhee F. Combinatorial treatment for unresectable unicentric Castleman disease. Eur J Haematol. 2021 Oct; 107(4):484-488. PMID: 34242421.
Li C, Xia J, Franqui-Machin R, Chen F, He Y, Ashby TC, Teng F, Xu H, Liu D, Gai D, Johnson SK, van Rhee F, Janz S, Shaughnessy JD, Tricot G, Frech I, Zhan F. TRIP13 modulates protein deubiquitination and accelerates tumor development and progression of B cell malignancies. J Clin Invest. 2021 07 15; 131(14). PMID: 34061780.
Boyle EM, Rosenthal A, Wang Y, Farmer P, Rutherford M, Ashby C, Bauer M, Johnson SK, Wardell CP, Hoering A, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Barlogie B, Davies FE, Walker BA, van Rhee F, Morgan GJ. High-risk transcriptional profiles in multiple myeloma are an acquired feature that can occur in any subtype and more frequently with each subsequent relapse. Br J Haematol. 2021 10; 195(2):283-286. PMID: 34244996.
Mohan M, Szabo A, Yarlagadda N, Gundarlapalli S, Thanendrarajan S, Kendrick S, Schinke C, Alapat D, Sawyer J, Tian E, Tricot G, van Rhee F, Zangari M. Persistent bone marrow minimal residual disease as a "high-risk" disease feature in multiple myeloma. Am J Hematol. 2021 09 01; 96(9):E341-E344. PMID: 34050985.
Biran N, Dhakal B, Lentzsch S, Siegel D, Usmani SZ, Rossi A, Rosenbaum C, Bhutani D, Vesole DH, Rodriguez C, Nooka AK, van Rhee F, Stork-Sloots L, de Snoo F, Bhattacharyya PK, Dash DP, Z?mr?t?? S, van Vliet MH, Hari P, Niesvizky R. Gene expression profiling impacts treatment decision making in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients in the prospective PROMMIS trial. EJHaem. 2021 Aug; 2(3):375-384. PMID: 35844693.
Mitma AA, Burgess MJ, van Rhee F. Ehrlichia-induced hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis after autologous stem cell transplant. Transpl Infect Dis. 2021 Aug; 23(4):e13621. PMID: 33877729.
Schinke CD, Bird JT, Qu P, Yaccoby S, Lyzogubov VV, Shelton R, Ling W, Boyle EM, Deshpande S, Byrum SD, Washam C, Mackintosh S, Stephens O, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Shaughnessy J, Zhan F, Barlogie B, van Rhee F, Walker BA. PHF19 inhibition as a therapeutic target in multiple myeloma. Curr Res Transl Med. 2021 07; 69(3):103290. PMID: 33894670.
H?jek R, Minar?k J, Straub J, Pour L, Jungova A, Berdeja JG, Boccadoro M, Brozova L, Spencer A, van Rhee F, Vela-Ojeda J, Thompson MA, Abonour R, Chari A, Cook G, Costello CL, Davies FE, Hungria VT, Lee HC, Leleu X, Puig N, Rifkin RM, Terpos E, Usmani SZ, Weisel KC, Zonder JA, Barinov? M, Kuhn M, ?ilar J, C?pkov? L, Galvez K, Lu J, Elliott J, Stull DM, Ren K, Maisnar V. Ixazomib-lenalidomide-dexamethasone in routine clinical practice: effectiveness in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma. Future Oncol. 2021 Jul; 17(19):2499-2512. PMID: 33769076.
Mohan M, Kumar M, Samant R, Van Hemert R, Tian E, Desai S, van Rhee F, Thanendrarajan S, Schinke C, Suva LJ, Sharma S, Milad M, Kendrick S, Zangari M. Bone remineralization of lytic lesions in multiple myeloma - The Arkansas experience. Bone. 2021 05; 146:115876. PMID: 33556629.
Landau HJ, Yellapantula V, Diamond BT, Rustad EH, Maclachlan KH, Gundem G, Medina-Martinez J, Ossa JA, Levine MF, Zhou Y, Kappagantula R, Baez P, Attiyeh M, Makohon-Moore A, Zhang L, Boyle EM, Ashby C, Blaney P, Patel M, Zhang Y, Dogan A, Chung DJ, Giralt S, Lahoud OB, Peled JU, Scordo M, Shah G, Hassoun H, Korde NS, Lesokhin AM, Lu S, Mailankody S, Shah U, Smith E, Hultcrantz ML, Ulaner GA, van Rhee F, Morgan GJ, Landgren O, Papaemmanuil E, Iacobuzio-Donahue C, Maura F. Author Correction: Accelerated single cell seeding in relapsed multiple myeloma. Nat Commun. 2021 Jan 20; 12(1):591. PMID: 33473129.
Boyle EM, Deshpande S, Tytarenko R, Ashby C, Wang Y, Bauer MA, Johnson SK, Wardell CP, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Facon T, Dumontet C, Barlogie B, Arbini A, Rustad EH, Maura F, Landgren O, Zhan F, van Rhee F, Schinke C, Davies FE, Morgan GJ, Walker BA. The molecular make up of smoldering myeloma highlights the evolutionary pathways leading to multiple myeloma. Nat Commun. 2021 01 12; 12(1):293. PMID: 33436579.
Pierson SK, Khor JS, Ziglar J, Liu A, Floess K, NaPier E, Gorzewski AM, Tamakloe MA, Powers V, Akhter F, Haljasmaa E, Jayanthan R, Rubenstein A, Repasky M, Elenitoba-Johnson K, Ruth J, Jacobs B, Streetly M, Angenendt L, Patier JL, Ferrero S, Zinzani PL, Terriou L, Casper C, Jaffe E, Hoffmann C, Oksenhendler E, Foss? A, Srkalovic G, Chadburn A, Uldrick TS, Lim M, van Rhee F, Fajgenbaum DC. ACCELERATE: A Patient-Powered Natural History Study Design Enabling Clinical and Therapeutic Discoveries in a Rare Disorder. Cell Rep Med. 2020 12 22; 1(9):100158. PMID: 33377129.
van Rhee F, Oksenhendler E, Srkalovic G, Voorhees P, Lim M, Dispenzieri A, Ide M, Parente S, Schey S, Streetly M, Wong R, Wu D, Maillard I, Brandstadter J, Munshi N, Bowne W, Elenitoba-Johnson KS, F?ssa A, Lechowicz MJ, Chandrakasan S, Pierson SK, Greenway A, Nasta S, Yoshizaki K, Kurzrock R, Uldrick TS, Casper C, Chadburn A, Fajgenbaum DC. International evidence-based consensus diagnostic and treatment guidelines for unicentric Castleman disease. Blood Adv. 2020 12 08; 4(23):6039-6050. PMID: 33284946.
Deshpande S, Tytarenko RG, Wang Y, Boyle EM, Ashby C, Schinke CD, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, Zhan F, Davies FE, Morgan GJ, van Rhee F, Walker BA. Monitoring treatment response and disease progression in myeloma with circulating cell-free DNA. Eur J Haematol. 2021 Feb; 106(2):230-240. PMID: 33107092.
Danziger SA, McConnell M, Gockley J, Young MH, Rosenthal A, Schmitz F, Reiss DJ, Farmer P, Alapat DV, Singh A, Ashby C, Bauer M, Ren Y, Smith K, Couto SS, van Rhee F, Davies F, Zangari M, Petty N, Orlowski RZ, Dhodapkar MV, Copeland WB, Fox B, Hoering A, Fitch A, Newhall K, Barlogie B, Trotter MWB, Hershberg RM, Walker BA, Dervan AP, Ratushny AV, Morgan GJ. Bone marrow microenvironments that contribute to patient outcomes in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: A cohort study of patients in the Total Therapy clinical trials. PLoS Med. 2020 11; 17(11):e1003323. PMID: 33147277.
van Rhee F, Rossi JF, Simpson D, Foss? A, Dispenzieri A, Kuruvilla J, Goh YT, Cho SG, Capra M, Liu T, Casper C, Cavet J, Wong RS. Newly diagnosed and previously treated multicentric Castleman disease respond equally to siltuximab. Br J Haematol. 2021 01; 192(1):e28-e31. PMID: 33128769.
Fajgenbaum DC, Wu D, Goodman A, Wong R, Chadburn A, Nasta S, Srkalovic G, Mukherjee S, Leitch H, Jayanthan R, Ferrero S, Sato Y, Schey S, Dispenzieri A, Oksenhendler E, Zinzani PL, Lechowicz MJ, Hoffmann C, Pemmaraju N, Bagg A, Fossa A, Lim MS, van Rhee F. Insufficient evidence exists to use histopathologic subtype to guide treatment of idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease. Am J Hematol. 2020 12; 95(12):1553-1561. PMID: 32894785.
Dhodapkar MV, Sexton R, Hoering A, Van Rhee F, Barlogie B, Orlowski R. Race-Dependent Differences in Risk, Genomics, and Epstein-Barr Virus Exposure in Monoclonal Gammopathies: Results of SWOG S0120. Clin Cancer Res. 2020 11 15; 26(22):5814-5819. PMID: 32816893.
Choudhury SR, Ashby C, Tytarenko R, Bauer M, Wang Y, Deshpande S, Den J, Schinke C, Zangari M, Thanendrarajan S, Davies FE, van Rhee F, Morgan GJ, Walker BA. The functional epigenetic landscape of aberrant gene expression in molecular subgroups of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. J Hematol Oncol. 2020 08 06; 13(1):108. PMID: 32762714.
Landau HJ, Yellapantula V, Diamond BT, Rustad EH, Maclachlan KH, Gundem G, Medina-Martinez J, Ossa JA, Levine MF, Zhou Y, Kappagantula R, Baez P, Attiyeh M, Makohon-Moore A, Zhang L, Boyle EM, Ashby C, Blaney P, Patel M, Zhang Y, Dogan A, Chung DJ, Giralt S, Lahoud OB, Peled JU, Scordo M, Shah G, Hassoun H, Korde NS, Lesokhin AM, Lu S, Mailankody S, Shah U, Smith E, Hultcrantz ML, Ulaner GA, van Rhee F, Morgan GJ, Landgren O, Papaemmanuil E, Iacobuzio-Donahue C, Maura F. Accelerated single cell seeding in relapsed multiple myeloma. Nat Commun. 2020 07 17; 11(1):3617. PMID: 32680998.
Schinke C, Boyle EM, Ashby C, Wang Y, Lyzogubov V, Wardell C, Qu P, Hoering A, Deshpande S, Ryan K, Thanendrarajan S, Mohan M, Yarlagadda N, Khan M, Choudhury SR, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Davies F, Barlogie B, Morgan G, Walker BA. Genomic analysis of primary plasma cell leukemia reveals complex structural alterations and high-risk mutational patterns. Blood Cancer J. 2020 06 19; 10(6):70. PMID: 32555163.
Pai RL, Japp AS, Gonzalez M, Rasheed RF, Okumura M, Arenas D, Pierson SK, Powers V, Layman AAK, Kao C, Hakonarson H, van Rhee F, Betts MR, Kambayashi T, Fajgenbaum DC. Type I IFN response associated with mTOR activation in the TAFRO subtype of idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease. JCI Insight. 2020 05 07; 5(9). PMID: 32376796.
van Rhee F, Casper C, Voorhees PM, Fayad LE, Gibson D, Kanhai K, Kurzrock R. Long-term safety of siltuximab in patients with idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease: a prespecified, open-label, extension analysis of two trials. Lancet Haematol. 2020 Mar; 7(3):e209-e217. PMID: 32027862.
Nishimura KK, Barlogie B, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Walker BA, Rosenthal A, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Davies FE, Hoering A, Morgan GJ. Long-term outcomes after autologous stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma. Blood Adv. 2020 Jan 28; 4(2):422-431. PMID: 31990333.
Boyle EM, Ashby C, Tytarenko RG, Deshpande S, Wang H, Wang Y, Rosenthal A, Sawyer J, Tian E, Flynt E, Hoering A, Johnson SK, Rutherford MW, Wardell CP, Bauer MA, Dumontet C, Facon T, Thanendrarajan S, Schinke CD, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Barlogie B, Cairns D, Jackson G, Thakurta A, Davies FE, Morgan GJ, Walker BA. BRAF and DIS3 Mutations Associate with Adverse Outcome in a Long-term Follow-up of Patients with Multiple Myeloma. Clin Cancer Res. 2020 05 15; 26(10):2422-2432. PMID: 31988198.
Du Z, Weinhold N, Song GC, Rand KA, Van Den Berg DJ, Hwang AE, Sheng X, Hom V, Ailawadhi S, Nooka AK, Singhal S, Pawlish K, Peters ES, Bock C, Mohrbacher A, Stram A, Berndt SI, Blot WJ, Casey G, Stevens VL, Kittles R, Goodman PJ, Diver WR, Hennis A, Nemesure B, Klein EA, Rybicki BA, Stanford JL, Witte JS, Signorello L, John EM, Bernstein L, Stroup AM, Stephens OW, Zangari M, Van Rhee F, Olshan A, Zheng W, Hu JJ, Ziegler R, Nyante SJ, Ingles SA, Press MF, Carpten JD, Chanock SJ, Mehta J, Colditz GA, Wolf J, Martin TG, Tomasson M, Fiala MA, Terebelo H, Janakiraman N, Kolonel L, Anderson KC, Le Marchand L, Auclair D, Chiu BC, Ziv E, Stram D, Vij R, Bernal-Mizrachi L, Morgan GJ, Zonder JA, Huff CA, Lonial S, Orlowski RZ, Conti DV, Haiman CA, Cozen W. A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of multiple myeloma among men and women of African ancestry. Blood Adv. 2020 01 14; 4(1):181-190. PMID: 31935283.
Mohan M, Weinhold N, Schinke C, Thanedrarajan S, Rasche L, Sawyer JR, Tian E, van Rhee F, Zangari M. Daratumumab in high-risk relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma patients: adverse effect of chromosome 1q21 gain/amplification and GEP70 status on outcome. Br J Haematol. 2020 04; 189(1):67-71. PMID: 31820442.
Fajgenbaum DC, Langan RA, Japp AS, Partridge HL, Pierson SK, Singh A, Arenas DJ, Ruth JR, Nabel CS, Stone K, Okumura M, Schwarer A, Jose FF, Hamerschlak N, Wertheim GB, Jordan MB, Cohen AD, Krymskaya V, Rubenstein A, Betts MR, Kambayashi T, van Rhee F, Uldrick TS. Identifying and targeting pathogenic PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling in IL-6-blockade-refractory idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease. J Clin Invest. 2019 08 13; 129(10):4451-4463. PMID: 31408438.
Sawyer JR, Tian E, Walker BA, Wardell C, Lukacs JL, Sammartino G, Bailey C, Schinke CD, Thanendrarajan S, Davies FE, Morgan GJ, Barlogie B, Zangari M, van Rhee F. An acquired high-risk chromosome instability phenotype in multiple myeloma: Jumping 1q Syndrome. Blood Cancer J. 2019 08 09; 9(8):62. PMID: 31399558.
Rasche L, Kumar M, Gershner G, Samant R, Van Hemert R, Heidemeier A, Lapa C, Bley T, Buck A, McDonald J, Hillengass J, Epstein J, Thanendrarajan S, Schinke C, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Barlogie B, Davies FE, Morgan GJ, Weinhold N. Lack of Spleen Signal on Diffusion Weighted MRI is associated with High Tumor Burden and Poor Prognosis in Multiple Myeloma: A Link to Extramedullary Hematopoiesis? Theranostics. 2019; 9(16):4756-4763. PMID: 31367255.
Nabel CS, Sameroff S, Shilling D, Alapat D, Ruth JR, Kawano M, Sato Y, Stone K, Spetalen S, Valdivieso F, Feldman MD, Chadburn A, Foss? A, van Rhee F, Lipkin WI, Fajgenbaum DC. Virome capture sequencing does not identify active viral infection in unicentric and idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease. PLoS One. 2019; 14(6):e0218660. PMID: 31242229.
Russell SJ, Babovic-Vuksanovic D, Bexon A, Cattaneo R, Dingli D, Dispenzieri A, Deyle DR, Federspiel MJ, Fielding A, Galanis E, Lacy MQ, Leibovich BC, Liu MC, Mu?oz-Al?a M, Miest TC, Molina JR, Mueller S, Okuno SH, Packiriswamy N, Peikert T, Raffel C, Van Rhee F, Ungerechts G, Young PR, Zhou Y, Peng KW. Oncolytic Measles Virotherapy and Opposition to Measles Vaccination. Mayo Clin Proc. 2019 09; 94(9):1834-1839. PMID: 31235278.
van Rhee F, Stone K. Storming the Castle with TCP. Blood. 2019 04 18; 133(16):1697-1698. PMID: 31000513.
Ashby C, Tytarenko RG, Wang Y, Weinhold N, Johnson SK, Bauer M, Wardell CP, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Davies FE, Sawyer JR, Morgan GJ, Walker BA. Poor overall survival in hyperhaploid multiple myeloma is defined by double-hit bi-allelic inactivation of TP53. Oncotarget. 2019 Jan 22; 10(7):732-737. PMID: 30774775.
Mehdi SJ, Johnson SK, Epstein J, Zangari M, Qu P, Hoering A, van Rhee F, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Barlogie B, Davies FE, Morgan GJ, Yaccoby S. Mesenchymal stem cells gene signature in high-risk myeloma bone marrow linked to suppression of distinct IGFBP2-expressing small adipocytes. Br J Haematol. 2019 02; 184(4):578-593. PMID: 30408155.
Morra DE, Pierson SK, Shilling D, Nemat S, Appiani C, Guilfoyle M, Tendler C, van Rhee F, Fajgenbaum DC. Predictors of response to anti-IL6 monoclonal antibody therapy (siltuximab) in idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease: secondary analyses of phase II clinical trial data. Br J Haematol. 2019 01; 184(2):232-241. PMID: 30203839.
van Rhee F, Voorhees P, Dispenzieri A, Foss? A, Srkalovic G, Ide M, Munshi N, Schey S, Streetly M, Pierson SK, Partridge HL, Mukherjee S, Shilling D, Stone K, Greenway A, Ruth J, Lechowicz MJ, Chandrakasan S, Jayanthan R, Jaffe ES, Leitch H, Pemmaraju N, Chadburn A, Lim MS, Elenitoba-Johnson KS, Krymskaya V, Goodman A, Hoffmann C, Zinzani PL, Ferrero S, Terriou L, Sato Y, Simpson D, Wong R, Rossi JF, Nasta S, Yoshizaki K, Kurzrock R, Uldrick TS, Casper C, Oksenhendler E, Fajgenbaum DC. International, evidence-based consensus treatment guidelines for idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease. Blood. 2018 11 15; 132(20):2115-2124. PMID: 30181172.
Qiang YW, Ye S, Huang Y, Chen Y, Van Rhee F, Epstein J, Walker BA, Morgan GJ, Davies FE. MAFb protein confers intrinsic resistance to proteasome inhibitors in multiple myeloma. BMC Cancer. 2018 Jul 06; 18(1):724. PMID: 29980194.
Johnsrud AJ, Johnsrud JJ, Susanibar SA, Kamimoto JJ, Kothari A, Burgess M, Van Rhee F, Rico JC. Infectious and immunological sequelae of daratumumab in multiple myeloma. Br J Haematol. 2019 04; 185(1):187-189. PMID: 29974956.
Rasche L, Angtuaco EJ, Alpe TL, Gershner GH, McDonald JE, Samant RS, Kumar M, Van Hemert R, Epstein J, Deshpande S, Tytarenko R, Yaccoby S, Hillengass J, Thanendrarajan S, Schinke C, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Walker BA, Barlogie B, Morgan GJ, Davies FE, Weinhold N. The presence of large focal lesions is a strong independent prognostic factor in multiple myeloma. Blood. 2018 07 05; 132(1):59-66. PMID: 29784643.
Pierson SK, Stonestrom AJ, Shilling D, Ruth J, Nabel CS, Singh A, Ren Y, Stone K, Li H, van Rhee F, Fajgenbaum DC. Plasma proteomics identifies a 'chemokine storm' in idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease. Am J Hematol. 2018 07; 93(7):902-912. PMID: 29675946.
Khan M, Stone K, van Rhee F. Daratumumab for POEMS Syndrome. Mayo Clin Proc. 2018 04; 93(4):542-544. PMID: 29622102.
Morgan GJ, He J, Tytarenko R, Patel P, Stephens OW, Zhong S, Deshpande S, Bauer M, Weinhold N, Schinke C, Rasche L, Bailey M, Ali S, Ross J, Miller VA, Stephens P, Thanendrarajan S, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Mughal T, Davies FE, Walker BA. Kinase domain activation through gene rearrangement in multiple myeloma. Leukemia. 2018 11; 32(11):2435-2444. PMID: 29654269.
Davies FE, Rosenthal A, Rasche L, Petty NM, McDonald JE, Ntambi JA, Steward DM, Panozzo SB, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Schinke CD, Thanendrarajan S, Walker B, Weinhold N, Barlogie B, Hoering A, Morgan GJ. Treatment to suppression of focal lesions on positron emission tomography-computed tomography is a therapeutic goal in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma. Haematologica. 2018 06; 103(6):1047-1053. PMID: 29567784.
Schinke C, Qu P, Mehdi SJ, Hoering A, Epstein J, Johnson SK, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Thanendrarajan S, Barlogie B, Davies FE, Yaccoby S, Morgan GJ. The Pattern of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Expression Is an Independent Marker of Outcome in Multiple Myeloma. Clin Cancer Res. 2018 06 15; 24(12):2913-2919. PMID: 29563136.
Gralewski JH, Post GR, van Rhee F, Yuan Y. Myeloid transformation of plasma cell myeloma: molecular evidence of clonal evolution revealed by next generation sequencing. Diagn Pathol. 2018 Feb 20; 13(1):15. PMID: 29463311.
van Rhee F, Greenway A, Stone K. Treatment of Idiopathic Castleman Disease. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2018 02; 32(1):89-106. PMID: 29157622.
van Rhee F, Munshi NC. Castleman Disease. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am. 2018 02; 32(1):xiii-xiv. PMID: 29157623.
Mohan M, Buros A, Mathur P, Gokden N, Singh M, Susanibar S, Jo Kamimoto J, Hoque S, Radhakrishnan M, Matin A, Davis C, Grazziutti M, Thanendrarajan S, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Davies F, Morgan G, Epstein J, Barlogie B, Schinke C. Clinical characteristics and prognostic factors in multiple myeloma patients with light chain deposition disease. Am J Hematol. 2017 Aug; 92(8):739-745. PMID: 28383130.
Thanendrarajan S, Tian E, Qu P, Mathur P, Schinke C, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Rasche L, Weinhold N, Alapat D, Bellamy W, Ashby C, Mattox S, Epstein J, Yaccoby S, Barlogie B, Hoering A, Bauer M, Walker BA, Davies FE, Morgan GJ. The level of deletion 17p and bi-allelic inactivation of TP53 has a significant impact on clinical outcome in multiple myeloma. Haematologica. 2017 09; 102(9):e364-e367. PMID: 28550191.
Schinke C, Hoering A, Wang H, Carlton V, Thanandrarajan S, Deshpande S, Patel P, Molnar G, Susanibar S, Mohan M, Mathur P, Radhakrishnan M, Hoque S, Jo Kamimoto J, Grazziutti M, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Insuasti-Beltran G, Alapat D, Post G, Yaccoby S, Epstein J, Rasche L, Johnson S, Moorhead M, Willis T, Barlogie B, Walker B, Weinhold N, Davies FE, Morgan GJ. The prognostic value of the depth of response in multiple myeloma depends on the time of assessment, risk status and molecular subtype. Haematologica. 2017 08; 102(8):e313-e316. PMID: 28522572.
Rasche L, Angtuaco E, McDonald JE, Buros A, Stein C, Pawlyn C, Thanendrarajan S, Schinke C, Samant R, Yaccoby S, Walker BA, Epstein J, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Meissner T, Goldschmidt H, Hemminki K, Houlston R, Barlogie B, Davies FE, Morgan GJ, Weinhold N. Low expression of hexokinase-2 is associated with false-negative FDG-positron emission tomography in multiple myeloma. Blood. 2017 07 06; 130(1):30-34. PMID: 28432222.
Rasche L, Weinhold N, Morgan GJ, van Rhee F, Davies FE. Immunologic approaches for the treatment of multiple myeloma. Cancer Treat Rev. 2017 Apr; 55:190-199. PMID: 28431262.
Mohan M, Samant RS, Yoon D, Buros AF, Branca A, Montgomery CO, Nicholas R, Suva LJ, Morello R, Thanendrarajan S, Schinke C, Yaccoby S, van Rhee F, Davies FE, Morgan GJ, Zangari M. Extensive Remineralization of Large Pelvic Lytic Lesions Following Total Therapy Treatment in Patients With Multiple Myeloma. J Bone Miner Res. 2017 Jun; 32(6):1261-1266. PMID: 28240368.
Fajgenbaum DC, Uldrick TS, Bagg A, Frank D, Wu D, Srkalovic G, Simpson D, Liu AY, Menke D, Chandrakasan S, Lechowicz MJ, Wong RS, Pierson S, Paessler M, Rossi JF, Ide M, Ruth J, Croglio M, Suarez A, Krymskaya V, Chadburn A, Colleoni G, Nasta S, Jayanthan R, Nabel CS, Casper C, Dispenzieri A, Foss? A, Kelleher D, Kurzrock R, Voorhees P, Dogan A, Yoshizaki K, van Rhee F, Oksenhendler E, Jaffe ES, Elenitoba-Johnson KS, Lim MS. International, evidence-based consensus diagnostic criteria for HHV-8-negative/idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease. Blood. 2017 Mar 23; 129(12):1646-1657. PMID: 28087540.
Boyiadzis M, Bishop MR, Abonour R, Anderson KC, Ansell SM, Avigan D, Barbarotta L, Barrett AJ, Van Besien K, Bergsagel PL, Borrello I, Brody J, Brufsky J, Cairo M, Chari A, Cohen A, Cortes J, Forman SJ, Friedberg JW, Fuchs EJ, Gore SD, Jagannath S, Kahl BS, Kline J, Kochenderfer JN, Kwak LW, Levy R, de Lima M, Litzow MR, Mahindra A, Miller J, Munshi NC, Orlowski RZ, Pagel JM, Porter DL, Russell SJ, Schwartz K, Shipp MA, Siegel D, Stone RM, Tallman MS, Timmerman JM, Van Rhee F, Waller EK, Welsh A, Werner M, Wiernik PH, Dhodapkar MV. The Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer consensus statement on immunotherapy for the treatment of hematologic malignancies: multiple myeloma, lymphoma, and acute leukemia. J Immunother Cancer. 2016; 4:90. PMID: 28018601.
Jethava YS, Mitchell A, Epstein J, Zangari M, Yaccoby S, Tian E, Waheed S, Khan R, Papanikolaou X, Grazziutti M, Cottler-Fox M, Petty N, Steward D, Panozzo S, Bailey C, Hoering A, Crowley J, Sawyer J, Morgan G, Barlogie B, van Rhee F. Adverse Metaphase Cytogenetics Can Be Overcome by Adding Bortezomib and Thalidomide to Fractionated Melphalan Transplants. Clin Cancer Res. 2017 Jun 01; 23(11):2665-2672. PMID: 27810902.
Qiang YW, Ye S, Chen Y, Buros AF, Edmonson R, van Rhee F, Barlogie B, Epstein J, Morgan GJ, Davies FE. MAF protein mediates innate resistance to proteasome inhibition therapy in multiple myeloma. Blood. 2016 12 22; 128(25):2919-2930. PMID: 27793878.
McDonald JE, Kessler MM, Gardner MW, Buros AF, Ntambi JA, Waheed S, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Heuck CJ, Petty N, Schinke C, Thanendrarajan S, Mitchell A, Hoering A, Barlogie B, Morgan GJ, Davies FE. Assessment of Total Lesion Glycolysis by 18F FDG PET/CT Significantly Improves Prognostic Value of GEP and ISS in Myeloma. Clin Cancer Res. 2017 04 15; 23(8):1981-1987. PMID: 27698001.
Weinhold N, Ashby C, Rasche L, Chavan SS, Stein C, Stephens OW, Tytarenko R, Bauer MA, Meissner T, Deshpande S, Patel PH, Buzder T, Molnar G, Peterson EA, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Thanendrarajan S, Schinke C, Tian E, Epstein J, Barlogie B, Davies FE, Heuck CJ, Walker BA, Morgan GJ. Clonal selection and double-hit events involving tumor suppressor genes underlie relapse in myeloma. Blood. 2016 09 29; 128(13):1735-44. PMID: 27516441.
Liu AY, Nabel CS, Finkelman BS, Ruth JR, Kurzrock R, van Rhee F, Krymskaya VP, Kelleher D, Rubenstein AH, Fajgenbaum DC. Idiopathic multicentric Castleman's disease: a systematic literature review. Lancet Haematol. 2016 Apr; 3(4):e163-75. PMID: 27063975.
Thanendrarajan S, Davies FE, Morgan GJ, Schinke C, Mathur P, Heuck CJ, Zangari M, Epstein J, Yaccoby S, Weinhold N, Barlogie B, van Rhee F. Monoclonal antibody therapy in multiple myeloma: where do we stand and where are we going? Immunotherapy. 2016; 8(3):367-84. PMID: 26888183.
Jethava YS, van Rhee F. Transplantation for Multiple Myeloma. Cancer Treat Res. 2016; 169:227-250. PMID: 27696266.
Mathur P, Paydak H, Thanendrarajan S, van Rhee F. Atrial Fibrillation in Hematologic Malignancies, Especially After Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Review of Risk Factors, Current Management, and Future Directions. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk. 2016 Feb; 16(2):70-5. PMID: 26776085.
van Rhee F, Casper C, Voorhees PM, Fayad LE, van de Velde H, Vermeulen J, Qin X, Qi M, Tromp B, Kurzrock R. A phase 2, open-label, multicenter study of the long-term safety of siltuximab (an anti-interleukin-6 monoclonal antibody) in patients with multicentric Castleman disease. Oncotarget. 2015 Oct 06; 6(30):30408-19. PMID: 26327301.
Casper C, Chaturvedi S, Munshi N, Wong R, Qi M, Schaffer M, Bandekar R, Hall B, van de Velde H, Vermeulen J, Reddy M, van Rhee F. Analysis of Inflammatory and Anemia-Related Biomarkers in a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Siltuximab (Anti-IL6 Monoclonal Antibody) in Patients With Multicentric Castleman Disease. Clin Cancer Res. 2015 Oct 01; 21(19):4294-304. PMID: 26124203.
Khan R, Dhodapkar M, Rosenthal A, Heuck C, Papanikolaou X, Qu P, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Jethava Y, Epstein J, Yaccoby S, Hoering A, Crowley J, Petty N, Bailey C, Morgan G, Barlogie B. Four genes predict high risk of progression from smoldering to symptomatic multiple myeloma (SWOG S0120). Haematologica. 2015 Sep; 100(9):1214-21. PMID: 26022710.
Sawyer JR, Tian E, Heuck CJ, Johann DJ, Epstein J, Swanson CM, Lukacs JL, Binz RL, Johnson M, Sammartino G, Zangari M, Davies FE, van Rhee F, Morgan GJ, Barlogie B. Evidence of an epigenetic origin for high-risk 1q21 copy number aberrations in multiple myeloma. Blood. 2015 Jun 11; 125(24):3756-9. PMID: 25943786.
van Rhee F, Rothman M, Ho KF, Fleming S, Wong RS, Foss? A, Dispenzieri A, Cavet J, Munshi N, Vermeulen J, Casper C. Patient-reported Outcomes for Multicentric Castleman's Disease in a Randomized, Placebo-controlled Study of Siltuximab. Patient. 2015 Apr; 8(2):207-16. PMID: 25736164.
Singh ZN, Jethava Y, Post GR, Alapat D, Sawyer J, Waheed S, Nair B, Usmani SZ, Bailey C, Petty N, Van Rhee F, Barlogie B. Fulminant onset of acute leukemia from normal hematopoiesis within 3?months of follow up for multiple myeloma treated with total therapy protocols. Clin Case Rep. 2015 Mar; 3(3):183-92. PMID: 25838910.
Szmania S, Lapteva N, Garg T, Greenway A, Lingo J, Nair B, Stone K, Woods E, Khan J, Stivers J, Panozzo S, Campana D, Bellamy WT, Robbins M, Epstein J, Yaccoby S, Waheed S, Gee A, Cottler-Fox M, Rooney C, Barlogie B, van Rhee F. Ex vivo-expanded natural killer cells demonstrate robust proliferation in vivo in high-risk relapsed multiple myeloma patients. J Immunother. 2015 Jan; 38(1):24-36. PMID: 25415285.
Morgan GJ, van Rhee F. Haematological cancer: Optimizing the treatment of multiple myeloma. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2014 Dec; 11(12):686-8. PMID: 25348792.
Barlogie B, Mitchell A, van Rhee F, Epstein J, Morgan GJ, Crowley J. Curing myeloma at last: defining criteria and providing the evidence. Blood. 2014 Nov 13; 124(20):3043-51. PMID: 25293776.
Liu YC, Stone K, van Rhee F. Siltuximab for multicentric Castleman disease. Expert Rev Hematol. 2014 Oct; 7(5):545-57. PMID: 25110138.
Johnson SK, Stewart JP, Bam R, Qu P, Barlogie B, van Rhee F, Shaughnessy JD, Epstein J, Yaccoby S. CYR61/CCN1 overexpression in the myeloma microenvironment is associated with superior survival and reduced bone disease. Blood. 2014 Sep 25; 124(13):2051-60. PMID: 25061178.
van Rhee F, Wong RS, Munshi N, Rossi JF, Ke XY, Foss? A, Simpson D, Capra M, Liu T, Hsieh RK, Goh YT, Zhu J, Cho SG, Ren H, Cavet J, Bandekar R, Rothman M, Puchalski TA, Reddy M, van de Velde H, Vermeulen J, Casper C. Siltuximab for multicentric Castleman's disease: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Oncol. 2014 Aug; 15(9):966-74. PMID: 25042199.
van Rhee F, Giralt S, Barlogie B. The future of autologous stem cell transplantation in myeloma. Blood. 2014 Jul 17; 124(3):328-33. PMID: 24894774.
Liu YC, Szmania S, van Rhee F. Profile of elotuzumab and its potential in the treatment of multiple myeloma. Blood Lymphat Cancer. 2014 Jun; 2014(4):15-27. PMID: 26005365.
van Rhee F. Engineering more efficacious antibody therapy for myeloma. Blood. 2014 May 15; 123(20):3062-3. PMID: 24832938.
Tian E, Sawyer JR, Heuck CJ, Zhang Q, van Rhee F, Barlogie B, Epstein J. In multiple myeloma, 14q32 translocations are nonrandom chromosomal fusions driving high expression levels of the respective partner genes. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2014 Jul; 53(7):549-57. PMID: 24638926.
Fajgenbaum DC, van Rhee F, Nabel CS. HHV-8-negative, idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease: novel insights into biology, pathogenesis, and therapy. Blood. 2014 May 08; 123(19):2924-33. PMID: 24622327.
Liu YC, Reddi HV, Waheed S, Alapat D, Highsmith WE, Edmondson RD, Barlogie B, van Rhee F. A compound T60A and V122I heterozygosity in the transthyretin gene causing early onset severe cardiac amyloidosis. Amyloid. 2014 Jun; 21(2):134-5. PMID: 24517438.
Sawyer JR, Tian E, Heuck CJ, Epstein J, Johann DJ, Swanson CM, Lukacs JL, Johnson M, Binz R, Boast A, Sammartino G, Usmani S, Zangari M, Waheed S, van Rhee F, Barlogie B. Jumping translocations of 1q12 in multiple myeloma: a novel mechanism for deletion of 17p in cytogenetically defined high-risk disease. Blood. 2014 Apr 17; 123(16):2504-12. PMID: 24497533.
Batchu RB, Gruzdyn OV, Moreno-Bost AM, Szmania S, Jayandharan G, Srivastava A, Kolli BK, Weaver DW, van Rhee F, Gruber SA. Efficient lysis of epithelial ovarian cancer cells by MAGE-A3-induced cytotoxic T lymphocytes using rAAV-6 capsid mutant vector. Vaccine. 2014 Feb 12; 32(8):938-43. PMID: 24406390.
Lapteva N, Szmania SM, van Rhee F, Rooney CM. Clinical grade purification and expansion of natural killer cells. Crit Rev Oncog. 2014; 19(1-2):121-32. PMID: 24941378.
Abdallah AO, Atrash S, Shahid Z, Jameel M, Grazziutti M, Apewokin S, Kumar NS, Restrepo A, Waheed S, Van Rhee F, Heuck CJ, Johann D, Barlogie B, Usmani SZ. Patterns of central nervous system involvement in relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk. 2014 Jun; 14(3):211-4. PMID: 24373936.
Reddi HV, Jenkins S, Theis J, Thomas BC, Connors LH, Van Rhee F, Highsmith WE. Homozygosity for the V122I mutation in transthyretin is associated with earlier onset of cardiac amyloidosis in the African American population in the seventh decade of life. J Mol Diagn. 2014 Jan; 16(1):68-74. PMID: 24184229.
Hu B, Chen Y, Usmani SZ, Ye S, Qiang W, Papanikolaou X, Heuck CJ, Yaccoby S, Williams BO, Van Rhee F, Barlogie B, Epstein J, Qiang YW. Characterization of the molecular mechanism of the bone-anabolic activity of carfilzomib in multiple myeloma. PLoS One. 2013; 8(9):e74191. PMID: 24066119.
Papanikolaou X, Szymonifka J, Rosenthal A, Heuck CJ, Mitchell A, Johann D, Keller J, Waheed S, Usmani SZ, Van Rhee F, Bailey C, Petty N, Hoering A, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Metronomic therapy is an effective salvage treatment for heavily pre-treated relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma. Haematologica. 2013 Jul; 98(7):1147-53. PMID: 23716540.
Kurzrock R, Voorhees PM, Casper C, Furman RR, Fayad L, Lonial S, Borghaei H, Jagannath S, Sokol L, Usmani SZ, van de Velde H, Qin X, Puchalski TA, Hall B, Reddy M, Qi M, van Rhee F. A phase I, open-label study of siltuximab, an anti-IL-6 monoclonal antibody, in patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, or Castleman disease. Clin Cancer Res. 2013 Jul 01; 19(13):3659-70. PMID: 23659971.
Usmani SZ, Sawyer J, Rosenthal A, Cottler-Fox M, Epstein J, Yaccoby S, Sexton R, Hoering A, Singh Z, Heuck CJ, Waheed S, Chauhan N, Johann D, Abdallah AO, Muzaffar J, Petty N, Bailey C, Crowley J, van Rhee F, Barlogie B. Risk factors for MDS and acute leukemia following total therapy 2 and 3 for multiple myeloma. Blood. 2013 Jun 06; 121(23):4753-7. PMID: 23603914.
Bam R, Ling W, Khan S, Pennisi A, Venkateshaiah SU, Li X, van Rhee F, Usmani S, Barlogie B, Shaughnessy J, Epstein J, Yaccoby S. Role of Bruton's tyrosine kinase in myeloma cell migration and induction of bone disease. Am J Hematol. 2013 Jun; 88(6):463-71. PMID: 23456977.
Venkateshaiah SU, Khan S, Ling W, Bam R, Li X, van Rhee F, Usmani S, Barlogie B, Epstein J, Yaccoby S. NAMPT/PBEF1 enzymatic activity is indispensable for myeloma cell growth and osteoclast activity. Exp Hematol. 2013 Jun; 41(6):547-557.e2. PMID: 23435312.
Fajgenbaum DC, Fajgenbaum D, Rosenbach M, van Rhee F, Nasir A, Reutter J. Eruptive cherry hemangiomatosis associated with multicentric Castleman disease: a case report and diagnostic clue. JAMA Dermatol. 2013 Feb; 149(2):204-8. PMID: 23426475.
Stone K, Woods E, Szmania SM, Stephens OW, Garg TK, Barlogie B, Shaughnessy JD, Hall B, Reddy M, Hoering A, Hansen E, van Rhee F. Interleukin-6 receptor polymorphism is prevalent in HIV-negative Castleman Disease and is associated with increased soluble interleukin-6 receptor levels. PLoS One. 2013; 8(1):e54610. PMID: 23372742.
Usmani SZ, Mitchell A, Waheed S, Crowley J, Hoering A, Petty N, Brown T, Bartel T, Anaissie E, van Rhee F, Barlogie B. Prognostic implications of serial 18-fluoro-deoxyglucose emission tomography in multiple myeloma treated with total therapy 3. Blood. 2013 Mar 07; 121(10):1819-23. PMID: 23305732.
Heuck CJ, Szymonifka J, Hansen E, Shaughnessy JD, Usmani SZ, van Rhee F, Anaissie E, Nair B, Waheed S, Alsayed Y, Petty N, Bailey C, Epstein J, Hoering A, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Thalidomide in total therapy 2 overcomes inferior prognosis of myeloma with low expression of the glucocorticoid receptor gene NR3C1. Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Oct 01; 18(19):5499-506. PMID: 22855579.
Waheed S, Mitchell A, Usmani S, Epstein J, Yaccoby S, Nair B, van Hemert R, Angtuaco E, Brown T, Bartel T, McDonald J, Anaissie E, van Rhee F, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Standard and novel imaging methods for multiple myeloma: correlates with prognostic laboratory variables including gene expression profiling data. Haematologica. 2013 Jan; 98(1):71-8. PMID: 22733020.
Usmani SZ, Heuck C, Mitchell A, Szymonifka J, Nair B, Hoering A, Alsayed Y, Waheed S, Haider S, Restrepo A, Van Rhee F, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Extramedullary disease portends poor prognosis in multiple myeloma and is over-represented in high-risk disease even in the era of novel agents. Haematologica. 2012 Nov; 97(11):1761-7. PMID: 22689675.
Usmani SZ, Sexton R, Hoering A, Heuck CJ, Nair B, Waheed S, Al Sayed Y, Chauhan N, Ahmad N, Atrash S, Petty N, van Rhee F, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Second malignancies in total therapy 2 and 3 for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: influence of thalidomide and lenalidomide during maintenance. Blood. 2012 Aug 23; 120(8):1597-600. PMID: 22674807.
Garg TK, Szmania SM, Khan JA, Hoering A, Malbrough PA, Moreno-Bost A, Greenway AD, Lingo JD, Li X, Yaccoby S, Suva LJ, Storrie B, Tricot G, Campana D, Shaughnessy JD, Nair BP, Bellamy WT, Epstein J, Barlogie B, van Rhee F. Highly activated and expanded natural killer cells for multiple myeloma immunotherapy. Haematologica. 2012 Sep; 97(9):1348-56. PMID: 22419581.
Zonder JA, Mohrbacher AF, Singhal S, van Rhee F, Bensinger WI, Ding H, Fry J, Afar DE, Singhal AK. A phase 1, multicenter, open-label, dose escalation study of elotuzumab in patients with advanced multiple myeloma. Blood. 2012 Jul 19; 120(3):552-9. PMID: 22184404.
Shaughnessy JD, Qu P, Usmani S, Heuck CJ, Zhang Q, Zhou Y, Tian E, Hanamura I, van Rhee F, Anaissie E, Epstein J, Nair B, Stephens O, Williams R, Waheed S, Alsayed Y, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Pharmacogenomics of bortezomib test-dosing identifies hyperexpression of proteasome genes, especially PSMD4, as novel high-risk feature in myeloma treated with Total Therapy 3. Blood. 2011 Sep 29; 118(13):3512-24. PMID: 21628408.
Li X, Ling W, Pennisi A, Wang Y, Khan S, Heidaran M, Pal A, Zhang X, He S, Zeitlin A, Abbot S, Faleck H, Hariri R, Shaughnessy JD, van Rhee F, Nair B, Barlogie B, Epstein J, Yaccoby S. Human placenta-derived adherent cells prevent bone loss, stimulate bone formation, and suppress growth of multiple myeloma in bone. Stem Cells. 2011 Feb; 29(2):263-73. PMID: 21732484.
Moreno-Bost A, Szmania S, Stone K, Garg T, Hoerring A, Szymonifka J, Shaughnessy J, Barlogie B, Prentice HG, van Rhee F. Epigenetic modulation of MAGE-A3 antigen expression in multiple myeloma following treatment with the demethylation agent 5-azacitidine and the histone deacetlyase inhibitor MGCD0103. Cytotherapy. 2011 May; 13(5):618-28. PMID: 21171821.
Waheed S, Shaughnessy JD, van Rhee F, Alsayed Y, Nair B, Anaissie E, Szymonifka J, Hoering A, Crowley J, Barlogie B. International staging system and metaphase cytogenetic abnormalities in the era of gene expression profiling data in multiple myeloma treated with total therapy 2 and 3 protocols. Cancer. 2011 Mar 01; 117(5):1001-9. PMID: 20945320.
van Rhee F, Fayad L, Voorhees P, Furman R, Lonial S, Borghaei H, Sokol L, Crawford J, Cornfeld M, Qi M, Qin X, Herring J, Casper C, Kurzrock R. Siltuximab, a novel anti-interleukin-6 monoclonal antibody, for Castleman's disease. J Clin Oncol. 2010 Aug 10; 28(23):3701-8. PMID: 20625121.
Yi Q, Szmania S, Freeman J, Qian J, Rosen NA, Viswamitra S, Cottler-Fox M, Barlogie B, Tricot G, van Rhee F. Optimizing dendritic cell-based immunotherapy in multiple myeloma: intranodal injections of idiotype-pulsed CD40 ligand-matured vaccines led to induction of type-1 and cytotoxic T-cell immune responses in patients. Br J Haematol. 2010 Sep; 150(5):554-64. PMID: 20618329.
van Rhee F, Stone K, Szmania S, Barlogie B, Singh Z. Castleman disease in the 21st century: an update on diagnosis, assessment, and therapy. Clin Adv Hematol Oncol. 2010 Jul; 8(7):486-98. PMID: 20864917.
van Rhee F, Szymonifka J, Anaissie E, Nair B, Waheed S, Alsayed Y, Petty N, Shaughnessy JD, Hoering A, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Total Therapy 3 for multiple myeloma: prognostic implications of cumulative dosing and premature discontinuation of VTD maintenance components, bortezomib, thalidomide, and dexamethasone, relevant to all phases of therapy. Blood. 2010 Aug 26; 116(8):1220-7. PMID: 20501894.
Barlogie B, Anaissie E, van Rhee F, Shaughnessy JD, Szymonifka J, Hoering A, Petty N, Crowley J. Reiterative survival analyses of total therapy 2 for multiple myeloma elucidate follow-up time dependency of prognostic variables and treatment arms. J Clin Oncol. 2010 Jun 20; 28(18):3023-7. PMID: 20479421.
van Rhee F. Light-chain MGUS: implications for clinical practice. Lancet. 2010 May 15; 375(9727):1670-1. PMID: 20472153.
Zhou Y, Chen L, Barlogie B, Stephens O, Wu X, Williams DR, Cartron MA, van Rhee F, Nair B, Waheed S, Pineda-Roman M, Alsayed Y, Anaissie E, Shaughnessy JD. High-risk myeloma is associated with global elevation of miRNAs and overexpression of EIF2C2/AGO2. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Apr 27; 107(17):7904-9. PMID: 20385818.
Nair B, van Rhee F, Shaughnessy JD, Anaissie E, Szymonifka J, Hoering A, Alsayed Y, Waheed S, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Superior results of Total Therapy 3 (2003-33) in gene expression profiling-defined low-risk multiple myeloma confirmed in subsequent trial 2006-66 with VRD maintenance. Blood. 2010 May 27; 115(21):4168-73. PMID: 20124509.
Nair B, Van RF, Shaughnessy JD, Anaissie E, Szymonifka J, Hoering A, Alsayed Y, Waheed S, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Superior results of Total Therapy 3 (2003-33) in gene expression profiling-defined low-risk multiple myeloma confirmed in subsequent trial 2006-66 with bortezomib, lenalidomide and dexamethasone (VRD) maintenance. Blood. 2010.
Barlogie B, Attal M, Crowley J, van Rhee F, Szymonifka J, Moreau P, Durie BG, Harousseau JL. Long-term follow-up of autotransplantation trials for multiple myeloma: update of protocols conducted by the intergroupe francophone du myelome, southwest oncology group, and university of arkansas for medical sciences. J Clin Oncol. 2010 Mar 01; 28(7):1209-14. PMID: 20085933.
Van Rhee F, Fayad L, Voorhees P, Furman R, Lonial S, Borghaei H, Sokol L, Cornfeld M, Qi M, Qin X, Herring J, Casper C, Kurzrock R. CNTO 328, a Novel- Anti-Interleukin-6 Monoclonal Antibody, is an Active Treatment for Castleman Disease. J Clin Oncol. 2010.
Van Rhee F, Szymonifka J, Anaissie E, Nair B, Waheed S, Alsayed Y, Petty N, Shaughnessy Jr JD, Hoering A, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Total Therapy 3 (2003-33) in Gene Expression Profiling-Defined Low-Risk Multiple Myeloma Confirmed in Subsequent Trial 2006-66 with Bortezemib, Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone (VRD) Maintenance. Blood. 2010.
Van Rhee F, Anaissie E, Angtuaco E, Bartel T, Epstein J, Nair B, Shaughnessy Jr J, Yaccoby S, Barlogie B. Williams Hematology. Myeloma. 2010; 9.
van Rhee F. Turning up the heat on myeloma. Blood. 2009 Oct 29; 114(18):3724-5. PMID: 19875523.
van Rhee F, Szmania SM, Dillon M, van Abbema AM, Li X, Stone MK, Garg TK, Shi J, Moreno-Bost AM, Yun R, Balasa B, Ganguly B, Chao D, Rice AG, Zhan F, Shaughnessy JD, Barlogie B, Yaccoby S, Afar DE. Combinatorial efficacy of anti-CS1 monoclonal antibody elotuzumab (HuLuc63) and bortezomib against multiple myeloma. Mol Cancer Ther. 2009 Sep; 8(9):2616-24. PMID: 19723891.
Shaughnessy JD, Zhou Y, Haessler J, van Rhee F, Anaissie E, Nair B, Waheed S, Alsayed Y, Epstein J, Crowley J, Barlogie B. TP53 deletion is not an adverse feature in multiple myeloma treated with total therapy 3. Br J Haematol. 2009 Nov; 147(3):347-51. PMID: 19702643.
Hoering A, Crowley J, Shaughnessy JD, Hollmig K, Alsayed Y, Szymonifka J, Waheed S, Nair B, van Rhee F, Anaissie E, Barlogie B. Complete remission in multiple myeloma examined as time-dependent variable in terms of both onset and duration in Total Therapy protocols. Blood. 2009 Aug 13; 114(7):1299-305. PMID: 19515721.
Bartel TB, Haessler J, Brown TL, Shaughnessy JD, van Rhee F, Anaissie E, Alpe T, Angtuaco E, Walker R, Epstein J, Crowley J, Barlogie B. F18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in the context of other imaging techniques and prognostic factors in multiple myeloma. Blood. 2009 Sep 03; 114(10):2068-76. PMID: 19443657.
Nair B, Shaughnessy JD, Zhou Y, Astrid-Cartron M, Qu P, van Rhee F, Anaissie E, Alsayed Y, Waheed S, Hollmig K, Szymonifka J, Petty N, Hoering A, Barlogie B. Gene expression profiling of plasma cells at myeloma relapse from tandem transplantation trial Total Therapy 2 predicts subsequent survival. Blood. 2009 Jun 25; 113(26):6572-5. PMID: 19389881.
Zhou Y, Nair B, Shaughnessy JD, Cartron MA, Haessler J, Anaissie E, van Rhee F, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Cytogenetic abnormalities in multiple myeloma: poor prognosis linked to concomitant detection in random and focal lesion bone marrow samples and associated with high-risk gene expression profile. Br J Haematol. 2009 Jun; 145(5):637-41. PMID: 19344415.
Van rhee F, Nair, B. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Multiple Myeloma. 2009; 8.
Shi J, Tricot G, Szmania S, Rosen N, Garg TK, Malaviarachchi PA, Moreno A, Dupont B, Hsu KC, Baxter-Lowe LA, Cottler-Fox M, Shaughnessy JD, Barlogie B, van Rhee F. Infusion of haplo-identical killer immunoglobulin-like receptor ligand mismatched NK cells for relapsed myeloma in the setting of autologous stem cell transplantation. Br J Haematol. 2008 Dec; 143(5):641-53. PMID: 18950462.
Tricot G, Barlogie B, Zangari M, van Rhee F, Hoering A, Szymonifka J, Cottler-Fox M. Mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells in myeloma with either pegfilgrastim or filgrastim following chemotherapy. Haematologica. 2008 Nov; 93(11):1739-42. PMID: 18728024.
Barlogie B, van Rhee F, Shaughnessy JD, Epstein J, Yaccoby S, Pineda-Roman M, Hollmig K, Alsayed Y, Hoering A, Szymonifka J, Anaissie E, Petty N, Kumar NS, Srivastava G, Jenkins B, Crowley J, Zeldis JB. Seven-year median time to progression with thalidomide for smoldering myeloma: partial response identifies subset requiring earlier salvage therapy for symptomatic disease. Blood. 2008 Oct 15; 112(8):3122-5. PMID: 18669874.
Barlogie B, Haessler J, Pineda-Roman M, Anaissie E, van Rhee F, Kiwan E, Steward D, Gurley J, Jenkins B, Crowley J. Completion of premaintenance phases in total therapies 2 and 3 improves clinical outcomes in multiple myeloma: an important variable to be considered in clinical trial designs. Cancer. 2008 Jun 15; 112(12):2720-5. PMID: 18433012.
van Rhee F, Dhodapkar M, Shaughnessy JD, Anaissie E, Siegel D, Hoering A, Zeldis J, Jenkins B, Singhal S, Mehta J, Crowley J, Jagannath S, Barlogie B. First thalidomide clinical trial in multiple myeloma: a decade. Blood. 2008 Aug 15; 112(4):1035-8. PMID: 18502827.
Barlogie B, Pineda-Roman M, van Rhee F, Haessler J, Anaissie E, Hollmig K, Alsayed Y, Waheed S, Petty N, Epstein J, Shaughnessy JD, Tricot G, Zangari M, Zeldis J, Barer S, Crowley J. Thalidomide arm of Total Therapy 2 improves complete remission duration and survival in myeloma patients with metaphase cytogenetic abnormalities. Blood. 2008 Oct 15; 112(8):3115-21. PMID: 18492953.
Hsi ED, Steinle R, Balasa B, Szmania S, Draksharapu A, Shum BP, Huseni M, Powers D, Nanisetti A, Zhang Y, Rice AG, van Abbema A, Wong M, Liu G, Zhan F, Dillon M, Chen S, Rhodes S, Fuh F, Tsurushita N, Kumar S, Vexler V, Shaughnessy JD, Barlogie B, van Rhee F, Hussein M, Afar DE, Williams MB. CS1, a potential new therapeutic antibody target for the treatment of multiple myeloma. Clin Cancer Res. 2008 May 01; 14(9):2775-84. PMID: 18451245.
Van RF, Shaughnessy Jr JD, Anaissie E, Siegel D, Hoering A, Zeldis J, Jenkins B, Singhal S, Mehta J, Crowley J, Jagannath S, Barlogie B. First thalidomide clinical trial in multiple myeloma: a decade later. Blood. 2008.
Pineda-Roman, M, Barlogie, B, Anaissie, E, Zangari, M, Bolejack, V, Van Rhee, F, Tricot, G, Crowley, J. High-dose melphalan-based autotransplants for muliple myeloma: the Arkansas experience since 1989 in 3077 patients. Cancer. 2008; 112(8):1754-1764.
Pineda-Roman M, Barlogie B, Anaissie E, Zangari M, Bolejack V, van Rhee F, Tricot G, Crowley J. High-dose melphalan-based autotransplants for multiple myeloma: the Arkansas experience since 1989 in 3077 patients. Cancer. 2008 Apr 15; 112(8):1754-64. PMID: 18300230.
Zangari M, van Rhee F, Anaissie E, Pineda-Roman M, Haessler J, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Eight-year median survival in multiple myeloma after total therapy 2: roles of thalidomide and consolidation chemotherapy in the context of total therapy 1. Br J Haematol. 2008 May; 141(4):433-44. PMID: 18371114.
Pineda-Roman M, Zangari M, Haessler J, Anaissie E, Tricot G, van Rhee F, Crowley J, Shaughnessy JD, Barlogie B. Sustained complete remissions in multiple myeloma linked to bortezomib in total therapy 3: comparison with total therapy 2. Br J Haematol. 2008 Mar; 140(6):625-34. PMID: 18302711.
Van RF, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Response: Top tertile SFLC reduction indeed is an independent feature of myeloma aggressiveness. Blood. 2008; 111(4):2491 - .
Haessler J, Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F, Crowley J, Epstein J, van Rhee F, Anaissie E, Pineda-Roman M, Zangari M, Hollmig K, Mohiuddin A, Alsayed Y, Hoering A, Tricot G, Barlogie B. Benefit of complete response in multiple myeloma limited to high-risk subgroup identified by gene expression profiling. Clin Cancer Res. 2007 Dec 01; 13(23):7073-9. PMID: 18056185.
Barlogie B, Anaissie E, van Rhee F, Pineda-Roman M, Zangari M, Shaughnessy J, Epstein J, Crowley J. The Arkansas approach to therapy of patients with multiple myeloma. Best Pract Res Clin Haematol. 2007 Dec; 20(4):761-81. PMID: 18070718.
van Rhee F. Is double autologous stem-cell transplantation appropriate for new multiple myeloma patients? Nat Clin Pract Oncol. 2008 Feb; 5(2):70-1. PMID: 17984985.
Szmania S, Gnjatic S, Tricot G, Stone K, Zhan F, Moreno A, Thuro B, Melenhorst J, Barrett J, Shaughnessy J, Old LJ, Barlogie B, Brichard VG, van Rhee F. Immunization with a recombinant MAGE-A3 protein after high-dose therapy for myeloma. J Immunother. 2007 Nov-Dec; 30(8):847-54. PMID: 18049337.
Shi J, Tricot GJ, Garg TK, Malaviarachchi PA, Szmania SM, Kellum RE, Storrie B, Mulder A, Shaughnessy JD, Barlogie B, van Rhee F. Bortezomib down-regulates the cell-surface expression of HLA class I and enhances natural killer cell-mediated lysis of myeloma. Blood. 2008 Feb 01; 111(3):1309-17. PMID: 17947507.
Barlogie B, Tricot G, Haessler J, van Rhee F, Cottler-Fox M, Anaissie E, Waldron J, Pineda-Roman M, Thertulien R, Zangari M, Hollmig K, Mohiuddin A, Alsayed Y, Hoering A, Crowley J, Sawyer J. Cytogenetically defined myelodysplasia after melphalan-based autotransplantation for multiple myeloma linked to poor hematopoietic stem-cell mobilization: the Arkansas experience in more than 3,000 patients treated since 1989. Blood. 2008 Jan 01; 111(1):94-100. PMID: 17895401.
Barlogie B, Anaissie E, van Rhee F, Haessler J, Hollmig K, Pineda-Roman M, Cottler-Fox M, Mohiuddin A, Alsayed Y, Tricot G, Bolejack V, Zangari M, Epstein J, Petty N, Steward D, Jenkins B, Gurley J, Sullivan E, Crowley J, Shaughnessy JD. Incorporating bortezomib into upfront treatment for multiple myeloma: early results of total therapy 3. Br J Haematol. 2007 Jul; 138(2):176-85. PMID: 17593024.
van Rhee F, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Allografting or autografting for myeloma. N Engl J Med. 2007 Jun 21; 356(25):2646-8; author reply 2646-8. PMID: 17582078.
Shaughnessy JD, Haessler J, van Rhee F, Anaissie E, Pineda-Roman M, Cottler-Fox M, Hollmig K, Zangari M, Mohiuddin A, Alsayed Y, Grazziutti M, Epstein J, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Testing standard and genetic parameters in 220 patients with multiple myeloma with complete data sets: superiority of molecular genetics. Br J Haematol. 2007 Jun; 137(6):530-6. PMID: 17489983.
van Rhee F, Bolejack V, Hollmig K, Pineda-Roman M, Anaissie E, Epstein J, Shaughnessy JD, Zangari M, Tricot G, Mohiuddin A, Alsayed Y, Woods G, Crowley J, Barlogie B. High serum-free light chain levels and their rapid reduction in response to therapy define an aggressive multiple myeloma subtype with poor prognosis. Blood. 2007 Aug 01; 110(3):827-32. PMID: 17416735.
Walker R, Barlogie B, Haessler J, Tricot G, Anaissie E, Shaughnessy JD, Epstein J, van Hemert R, Erdem E, Hoering A, Crowley J, Ferris E, Hollmig K, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Pineda-Roman M, Mohiuddin A, Yaccoby S, Sawyer J, Angtuaco EJ. Magnetic resonance imaging in multiple myeloma: diagnostic and clinical implications. J Clin Oncol. 2007 Mar 20; 25(9):1121-8. PMID: 17296972.
Moreno A, Van rhee F. Cancer and Gene Therapy. Retroviral applications for the immunotherapy of cancer. 2007; 13.
Pineda-Roman M, Bolejack V, Arzoumanian V, Anaissie E, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Walker R, Hollmig K, Shaughnessy JD, Epstein J, Krishna S, Crowley J, Barlogie B. Complete response in myeloma extends survival without, but not with history of prior monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance or smouldering disease. Br J Haematol. 2007 Feb; 136(3):393-9. PMID: 17156398.
Shaughnessy JD, Zhan F, Burington BE, Huang Y, Colla S, Hanamura I, Stewart JP, Kordsmeier B, Randolph C, Williams DR, Xiao Y, Xu H, Epstein J, Anaissie E, Krishna SG, Cottler-Fox M, Hollmig K, Mohiuddin A, Pineda-Roman M, Tricot G, van Rhee F, Sawyer J, Alsayed Y, Walker R, Zangari M, Crowley J, Barlogie B. A validated gene expression model of high-risk multiple myeloma is defined by deregulated expression of genes mapping to chromosome 1. Blood. 2007 Mar 15; 109(6):2276-84. PMID: 17105813.
Zhan F, Barlogie B, Arzoumanian V, Huang Y, Williams DR, Hollmig K, Pineda-Roman M, Tricot G, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Dhodapkar M, Shaughnessy JD. Gene-expression signature of benign monoclonal gammopathy evident in multiple myeloma is linked to good prognosis. Blood. 2007 Feb 15; 109(4):1692-700. PMID: 17023574.
Szmania S, Tricot G, van Rhee F. NY-ESO-1 immunotherapy for multiple myeloma. Leuk Lymphoma. 2006 Oct; 47(10):2037-48. PMID: 17071474.
Barlogie B, Tricot GJ, van Rhee F, Angtuaco E, Walker R, Epstein J, Shaughnessy JD, Jagannath S, Bolejack V, Gurley J, Hoering A, Vesole D, Desikan R, Siegel D, Mehta J, Singhal S, Munshi NC, Dhodapkar M, Jenkins B, Attal M, Harousseau JL, Crowley J. Long-term outcome results of the first tandem autotransplant trial for multiple myeloma. Br J Haematol. 2006 Oct; 135(2):158-64. PMID: 16939489.
Zhan F, Huang Y, Colla S, Stewart JP, Hanamura I, Gupta S, Epstein J, Yaccoby S, Sawyer J, Burington B, Anaissie E, Hollmig K, Pineda-Roman M, Tricot G, van Rhee F, Walker R, Zangari M, Crowley J, Barlogie B, Shaughnessy JD. The molecular classification of multiple myeloma. Blood. 2006 Sep 15; 108(6):2020-8. PMID: 16728703.
Hanamura I, Stewart JP, Huang Y, Zhan F, Santra M, Sawyer JR, Hollmig K, Zangarri M, Pineda-Roman M, van Rhee F, Cavallo F, Burington B, Crowley J, Tricot G, Barlogie B, Shaughnessy JD. Frequent gain of chromosome band 1q21 in plasma-cell dyscrasias detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization: incidence increases from MGUS to relapsed myeloma and is related to prognosis and disease progression following tandem stem-cell transplantation. Blood. 2006 Sep 01; 108(5):1724-32. PMID: 16705089.
van Rhee F. Con: allogeneic transplantation in multiple myeloma. Clin Adv Hematol Oncol. 2006 May; 4(5):391-4. PMID: 16728948.
Barlogie B, Zangari M, Bolejack V, Hollmig K, Anaissie E, van Rhee F, Pineda-Roman M, Mohiuddin A, Crowley J, Tricot G. Superior 12-year survival after at least 4-year continuous remission with tandem transplantations for multiple myeloma. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma. 2006 May; 6(6):469-74. PMID: 16796777.
Barlogie B, Tricot G, Anaissie E, Shaughnessy J, Rasmussen E, van Rhee F, Fassas A, Zangari M, Hollmig K, Pineda-Roman M, Lee C, Talamo G, Thertulien R, Kiwan E, Krishna S, Fox M, Crowley J. Thalidomide and hematopoietic-cell transplantation for multiple myeloma. N Engl J Med. 2006 Mar 09; 354(10):1021-30. PMID: 16525139.
Barlogie B, Tricot G, Rasmussen E, Anaissie E, van Rhee F, Zangari M, Fassas A, Hollmig K, Pineda-Roman M, Shaughnessy J, Epstein J, Crowley J. Total therapy 2 without thalidomide in comparison with total therapy 1: role of intensified induction and posttransplantation consolidation therapies. Blood. 2006 Apr 01; 107(7):2633-8. PMID: 16322468.
Batchu RB, Moreno AM, Szmania SM, Bennett G, Spagnoli GC, Ponnazhagan S, Barlogie B, Tricot G, van Rhee F. Protein transduction of dendritic cells for NY-ESO-1-based immunotherapy of myeloma. Cancer Res. 2005 Nov 01; 65(21):10041-9. PMID: 16267030.
van Rhee F, Szmania SM, Zhan F, Gupta SK, Pomtree M, Lin P, Batchu RB, Moreno A, Spagnoli G, Shaughnessy J, Tricot G. NY-ESO-1 is highly expressed in poor-prognosis multiple myeloma and induces spontaneous humoral and cellular immune responses. Blood. 2005 May 15; 105(10):3939-44. PMID: 15671442.
Zangari M, Barlogie B, Anaissie E, Saghafifar F, Eddlemon P, Jacobson J, Lee CK, Thertulien R, Talamo G, Thomas T, Van Rhee F, Fassas A, Fink L, Tricot G. Deep vein thrombosis in patients with multiple myeloma treated with thalidomide and chemotherapy: effects of prophylactic and therapeutic anticoagulation. Br J Haematol. 2004 Sep; 126(5):715-21. PMID: 15327525.
Tricot G, Barlogie B, Van Rhee F. Treatment advances in multiple myeloma. Br J Haematol. 2004 Apr; 125(1):24-30. PMID: 15015964.
Safdar A, Bruorton M, Henslee-Downey JP, Van RF. Role of quantitative human cytomegalovirus PCR in predicting antiviral treatment response among high-risk hematopoietic stem-cell transplant recipients. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2004; 33(4):463 - 464.
Lee CK, Barlogie B, Munshi N, Zangari M, Fassas A, Jacobson J, van Rhee F, Cottler-Fox M, Muwalla F, Tricot G. DTPACE: an effective, novel combination chemotherapy with thalidomide for previously treated patients with myeloma. J Clin Oncol. 2003 Jul 15; 21(14):2732-9. PMID: 12860952.
Zangari M, Barlogie B, Thertulien R, Jacobson J, Eddleman P, Fink L, Fassas A, Van Rhee F, Talamo G, Lee CK, Tricot G. Thalidomide and deep vein thrombosis in multiple myeloma: risk factors and effect on survival. Clin Lymphoma. 2003 Jun; 4(1):32-5. PMID: 12837152.
Fassas AB, Van Rhee F, Tricot G. Predicting long-term survival in multiple myeloma patients following autotransplants. Leuk Lymphoma. 2003 May; 44(5):749-58. PMID: 12802910.
Lee CK, Badros A, Barlogie B, Morris C, Zangari M, Fassas A, van Rhee F, Cottler-Fox M, Jacobson J, Thertulien R, Muwalla F, Mazher S, Anaissie E, Tricot G. Prognostic factors in allogeneic transplantation for patients with high-risk multiple myeloma after reduced intensity conditioning. Exp Hematol. 2003 Jan; 31(1):73-80. PMID: 12543109.
Zhan F, Hardin J, Kordsmeier B, Bumm K, Zheng M, Tian E, Sanderson R, Yang Y, Wilson C, Zangari M, Anaissie E, Morris C, Muwalla F, van Rhee F, Fassas A, Crowley J, Tricot G, Barlogie B, Shaughnessy J. Global gene expression profiling of multiple myeloma, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, and normal bone marrow plasma cells. Blood. 2002 Mar 01; 99(5):1745-57. PMID: 11861292.
Badros A, Barlogie B, Siegel E, Cottler-Fox M, Zangari M, Fassas A, Morris C, Anaissie E, Van Rhee F, Tricot G. Improved outcome of allogeneic transplantation in high-risk multiple myeloma patients after nonmyeloablative conditioning. J Clin Oncol. 2002 Mar 01; 20(5):1295-303. PMID: 11870172.
Van RF. Identification and isolation of Ag-specific T cells by flow sorting. Cytotherapy. 2002; 4(1):93 - 95.
Dodi IA, Van RF, Forde HC, Roura-Mir C, Jaraquemada D, Goldman JM, Madrigal JA. CD4(+) bias in T cells cloned from a CML patient with active graft versus leukemia effect. Cytotherapy. 2002; 4(4):353 - 363.
Mughal TI, Yong A, Szydlo RM, Dazzi F, Olavarria E, Van RF, Kaeda J, Cross NC, Craddock C, Kanfer E, Apperley J, Goldman JM. Molecular studies in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia in remission 5 years after allogeneic stem cell transplant define the risk of subsequent relapse. Br J Haematol. 2001; 115(3):569 - 574.
Chiang KY, Hazlett LJ, Godder KT, Abhyankar SH, Christiansen NP, Van RF, Lee CG, Bridges K, Parrish RS, Henslee-Downey PJ. Epstein-Barr virus-associated B cell lymphoproliferative disorder following mismatched related T cell-depleted bone marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2001; 28(12):1117 - 1123.
Szmania S, Galloway A, Bruorton M, Musk P, Aubert G, Arthur A, Pyle H, Hensel N, Ta N, Lamb L, Dodi T, Madrigal A, Barrett J, Henslee-Downey J, Van RF. Isolation and expansion of cytomegalovirus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes to clinical scale from a single blood draw using dendritic cells and HLA-tetramers. Blood. 2001; 98(3):505 - 512.
Musk P, Szmania S, Galloway AT, Johnson K, Scott A, Guttman S, Bridges K, Bruorton M, Gatlin J, Garcia JV, Lamb L, Chiang KY, Spencer T, Henslee-Downey J, Van RF. In vitro generation of Epstein-Barr virus-specific cytotoxic T cells in patients receiving haplo-identical allogeneic stem cell transplantation. J Immunother (1997 ). 2001; 24(4):312 - 322.
Lamb LS, Musk P, Ye Z, Van RF, Geier SS, Tong JJ, King KM, Henslee-Downey PJ. Human gammadelta(+) T lymphocytes have in vitro graft vs leukemia activity in the absence of an allogeneic response. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2001; 27(6):601 - 606.
Craddock C, Szydlo RM, Klein JP, Dazzi F, Olavarria E, Van RF, Pocock C, Cwynarski K, Apperley JF, Goldman JM. Estimating leukemia-free survival after allografting for chronic myeloid leukemia: a new method that takes into account patients who relapse and are restored to complete remission. Blood. 2000; 96(1):86 - 90.
Sloand EM, Kim S, Maciejewski JP, Van RF, Chaudhuri A, Barrett J, Young NS. Pharmacologic doses of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor affect cytokine production by lymphocytes in vitro and in vivo. Blood. 2000; 95(7):2269 - 2274.
Dazzi F, Szydlo RM, Craddock C, Cross NC, Kaeda J, Chase A, Olavarria E, Van RF, Kanfer E, Apperley JF, Goldman JM. Comparison of single-dose and escalating-dose regimens of donor lymphocyte infusion for relapse after allografting for chronic myeloid leukemia. Blood. 2000; 95(1):67 - 71.
Van rhee F, Kolb HJ. Allogeneic Immunotherapy for Malignant Transfusion. The GVL Effect in Donor Lymphocyte Transfusion. 2000.
Van RF, Jiang YZ, Vigue F, Kirby M, Mavroudis D, Hensel NF, Agarwala V, Clave E, Childs R, Raptis A, Sloand E, Carter C, Read EJ, Barrett J. Human G-CSF-mobilized CD34-positive peripheral blood progenitor cells can stimulate allogeneic T-cell responses: implications for graft rejection in mismatched transplantation. Br J Haematol. 1999; 105(4):1014 - 1024.
Henslee-Downey PJ, Godder K, Abhyankar S, Chiang KY, Lamb LS, Geier SS, Van rhee F, Singhal S, Mehta J. Hematology. Sequential immunomodualtions to achieve engraftment and contro graft-versus-host disease across mismatched MHC barriers. 1999.
Childs R, Sanchez C, Engler H, Preuss J, Rosenfeld S, Dunbar C, Van RF, Plante M, Phang S, Barrett AJ. High incidence of adeno- and polyomavirus-induced hemorrhagic cystitis in bone marrow allotransplantation for hematological malignancy following T cell depletion and cyclosporine. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1998; 22(9):889 - 893.
Raptis A, Clave E, Mavroudis D, Molldrem J, Van RF, Barrett AJ. Polymorphism in CD33 and CD34 genes: a source of minor histocompatibility antigens on haemopoietic progenitor cells?. Br J Haematol. 1998; 102(5):1354 - 1358.
Mavroudis DA, Dermime S, Molldrem J, Jiang YZ, Raptis A, Van RF, Hensel N, Fellowes V, Eliopoulos G, Barrett AJ. Specific depletion of alloreactive T cells in HLA-identical siblings: a method for separating graft-versus-host and graft-versus-leukaemia reactions. Br J Haematol. 1998; 101(3):565 - 570.
Van Rhee MA, Holm JP, Niermeijer MF. [Genetic carrier screening for hemoglobinopathies: the situation in the Netherlands compared with England]. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1998; 142(18):996 - 997.
Van RF, Savage D, Blackwell J, Orchard K, Dazzi F, Lin F, Chase A, Bungey J, Cross NC, Apperley J, Szydlo R, Goldman JM. Adoptive immunotherapy for relapse of chronic myeloid leukemia after allogeneic bone marrow transplant: equal efficacy of lymphocytes from sibling and matched unrelated donors. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1998; 21(10):1055 - 1061.
Raanani P, Dazzi F, Sohal J, Szydlo RM, Van RF, Reiter A, Lin F, Goldman JM, Cross NC. The rate and kinetics of molecular response to donor leucocyte transfusions in chronic myeloid leukaemia patients treated for relapse after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Br J Haematol. 1997; 99(4):945 - 950.
Van RF, Szydlo RM, Hermans J, Devergie A, Frassoni F, Arcese W, De WT, Kolb HJ, Niederwiser D, Jacobsen N, Gahrton G, Bandini G, Carreras E, Bacigalupo A, Michallet M, Ruutu T, Reiffers J, Goldman JM, Apperley J, Gratwohl A. Long-term results after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for chronic myelogenous leukemia in chronic phase: a report from the Chronic Leukemia Working Party of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1997; 20(7):553 - 560.
Barrett AJ, Van RF. Graft-versus-leukaemia. Baillieres Clin Haematol. 1997; 10(2):337 - 355.
Aguiar RC, Sohal J, Van RF, Carapeti M, Franklin IM, Goldstone AH, Goldman JM, Cross NC. TEL-AML1 fusion in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia of adults. M.R.C. Adult Leukaemia Working Party. Br J Haematol. 1996; 95(4):673 - 677.
Van RF, Hochhaus A, Lin F, Melo JV, Goldman JM, Cross NC. p190 BCR-ABL mRNA is expressed at low levels in p210-positive chronic myeloid and acute lymphoblastic leukemias. Blood. 1996; 87(12):5213 - 5217.
Lin F, Van RF, Goldman JM, Cross NC. Kinetics of increasing BCR-ABL transcript numbers in chronic myeloid leukemia patients who relapse after bone marrow transplantation. Blood. 1996; 87(10):4473 - 4478.
Hochhaus A, Lin F, Reiter A, Skladny H, Mason PJ, Van RF, Shepherd PC, Allan NC, Hehlmann R, Goldman JM, Cross NC. Quantification of residual disease in chronic myelogenous leukemia patients on interferon-alpha therapy by competitive polymerase chain reaction. Blood. 1996; 87(4):1549 - 1555.
Spencer A, Szydlo RM, Brookes PA, Kaminski E, Rule S, Van RF, Ward KN, Hale G, Waldmann H, Hows JM, Batchelor JR, Goldman JM. Bone marrow transplantation for chronic myeloid leukemia with volunteer unrelated donors using ex vivo or in vivo T-cell depletion: major prognostic impact of HLA class I identity between donor and recipient. Blood. 1995; 86(9):3590 - 3597.
Van RF, Kolb HJ. Donor leukocyte transfusions for leukemic relapse. Curr Opin Hematol. 1995; 2(6):423 - 430.
Kolb HJ, Schattenberg A, Goldman JM, Hertenstein B, Jacobsen N, Arcese W, Ljungman P, Ferrant A, Verdonck L, Niederwieser D, Van RF, Mittermueller J, De WT, Holler E, Ansari H. Graft-versus-leukemia effect of donor lymphocyte transfusions in marrow grafted patients. Blood. 1995; 86(5):2041 - 2050.
Hochhaus A, Lin F, Reiter A, Skladny H, Van RF, Shepherd PC, Allan NC, Hehlmann R, Goldman JM, Cross NC. Variable numbers of BCR-ABL transcripts persist in CML patients who achieve complete cytogenetic remission with interferon-alpha. Br J Haematol. 1995; 91(1):126 - 131.
Jadayel D, Calabrese G, Min T, Van RF, Swansbury GJ, Dyer MJ, Maitland J, Palka G, Catovsky D. Molecular cytogenetics of chronic myeloid leukemia with atypical t(6;9) (p23;q34) translocation. Leukemia. 1995; 9(6):981 - 987.
Spencer A, Brookes PA, Kaminski E, Hows JM, Szydlo RM, Van RF, Goldman JM, Batchelor JR. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursor frequency analyses in bone marrow transplantation with volunteer unrelated donors. Value in donor selection. Transplantation. 1995; 59(9):1302 - 1308.
Van RF, Kasprzyk A, Jamil A, Dickinson H, Lin F, Cross NC, Galvin MC, Goldman JM, Secker-Walker LM. Detection of the BCR-ABL gene by reverse transcription/polymerase chain reaction and fluorescence in situ hybridization in a patient with Philadelphia chromosome negative acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Br J Haematol. 1995; 90(1):225 - 228.
Van RF, Marks DI, Lin F, Szydlo RM, Hochhaus A, Treleaven J, Delord C, Cross NC, Goldman JM. Quantification of residual disease in Philadelphia-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia: comparison of blood and bone marrow. Leukemia. 1995; 9(2):329 - 335.
Van RF, Lin F, Cross NC, Reid CD, Lakhani AK, Szydlo RM, Goldman JM. Detection of residual leukaemia more than 10 years after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for chronic myelogenous leukaemia. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1994; 14(4):609 - 612.
Datta AR, Barrett AJ, Jiang YZ, Guimaraes A, Mavroudis DA, Van RF, Gordon AA, Madrigal A. Distinct T cell populations distinguish chronic myeloid leukaemia cells from lymphocytes in the same individual: a model for separating GVHD from GVL reactions. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1994; 14(4):517 - 524.
Garicochea B, Van RF, Spencer A, Chase A, Lin F, Cross NC, Goldman JM. Aplasia after donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) for CML in relapse after sex-mismatched BMT: recovery of donor-type haemopoiesis predicted by non-isotopic in situ hybridization (ISH). Br J Haematol. 1994; 88(2):400 - 402.
Van RF, Lin F, Cullis JO, Spencer A, Cross NC, Chase A, Garicochea B, Bungey J, Barrett J, Goldman JM. Relapse of chronic myeloid leukemia after allogeneic bone marrow transplant: the case for giving donor leukocyte transfusions before the onset of hematologic relapse. Blood. 1994; 83(11):3377 - 3383.
Ward KN, Roberts IA, Van RF. Ganciclovir and the prevention of CMV disease after allogeneic BMT: policy at the Hammersmith Hospital. Bone Marrow Transplant. 1994; 13(2):230 - 231.
Van RF, Ware I, Littlewood T. Abnormal haemoglobin electrophoresis caused by BW 12C. J Clin Pathol. 1992; 45(10):930 - .
Van RF, Balsitis M, French EA. Fatal splenic sequestration crisis in adult sickle cell-beta thalassaemia. Postgrad Med J. 1991; 67(792):907 - 908.
Van RF, Blecher TE, DeLepeleire KA, Galloway NR. Bilateral retinal artery occlusion due to mitral valve prolapse. Br J Ophthalmol. 1991; 75(7):436 - 437.
Van RF, Abela M. Coombs negative haemolytic anaemia responding to intravenous immunoglobulins in a patient with myelodysplastic syndrome. Clin Lab Haematol. 1991; 13(1):99 - 101.
Van RF, Beaumont DM. Gastric stricture complicating oral ingestion of bleach. Br J Clin Pract. 1990; 44(12):681 - 682.
Van rhee F, Goldman JM. Cell Therapy. Donor Lymphocyte Therapy in Bone Marrow Transplantation.
Grazziutti, ML, Szmania, S, Kurup, VP, Anaissie, E, Van Rhee, F. Recombinant Aspergullus fumigatus antigen 4 (Af4) induces potent type 1 cellular immune responses: implications for immunotherapy of Aspergillus infections. International Society for Cellular Therapy Annual Meeting.
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