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Search Results to Leonard Mukasa

This is a "connection" page, showing the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.


One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Mukasa, Leonard

Item TypeName
Academic Article Identification of factors for tuberculosis transmission via an integrated multidisciplinary approach.
Concept Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Concept Tuberculosis, Miliary
Concept Tuberculosis
Concept Tuberculosis, Pulmonary
Concept Latent Tuberculosis
Academic Article The road to tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) elimination in Arkansas; a re-examination of risk groups.
Academic Article Initial experience with GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay in the Arkansas Tuberculosis Control Program.
Academic Article TB or not TB; don't miss the obvious.
Academic Article Pulmonary Tuberculosis in a Patient with Cystic Fibrosis.
Academic Article Effectiveness of contact investigations for tuberculosis control in Arkansas.
Academic Article Tuberculosis reinfection in a pregnant cystic fibrosis patient.
Academic Article Tuberculosis and leprosy infections in the Marshallese population of Arkansas, USA.
Academic Article Notes from the Field: Cluster of Tuberculosis Cases Among Marshallese Persons Residing in Arkansas - 2014-2015.
Academic Article High Rate of Treatment Completion in Program Settings With 12-Dose Weekly Isoniazid and Rifapentine for Latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection.
Academic Article Cross-jurisdictional transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Maryland and Washington, D C, 1996-2000, linked to the homeless.
Academic Article Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in a low- to moderate-incidence state: are contact investigations enough?
Academic Article Tuberculosis Outbreak Associated With Delayed Diagnosis and Long Infectious Periods in Rural Arkansas, 2010-2018.
Academic Article Disease phenotypic and geospatial features vary across genetic lineages for Tuberculosis within Arkansas, 2010-2020.
Academic Article Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Tuberculosis Incidence, Arkansas, USA, 2010-2021.

Search Criteria
  • Tuberculosis