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Search Results to Pearl Anna Mcelfish

This is a "connection" page, showing the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.


One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Mcelfish, Pearl Anna

Item TypeName
Concept Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
Academic Article Family Model of Diabetes Education With a Pacific Islander Community.
Academic Article Barriers and opportunities: a community-based participatory research study of health beliefs related to diabetes in a US Marshallese community.
Academic Article Health Beliefs of Marshallese Regarding Type 2 Diabetes.
Academic Article Breast-feeding perceptions, beliefs and experiences of Marshallese migrants: an exploratory study.
Academic Article Improving Culturally Appropriate Care Using a Community-Based Participatory Research Approach: Evaluation of a Multicomponent Cultural Competency Training Program, Arkansas, 2015-2016.
Academic Article Health research participants are not receiving research results: a collaborative solution is needed.
Academic Article Diabetes Self-Care Behaviors Among Marshallese Adults Living in the United States.
Academic Article Physical Activity and Diabetes-related Health Beliefs of Marshallese Adults.
Academic Article Structural and Socio-cultural Barriers to Prenatal Care in a US Marshallese Community.
Academic Article Level of Recommended Heart Attack Knowledge among Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Adults in the United States.
Grant PCORI Engagement Award: Knowledge, Training and Development, and Dissemination
Academic Article Heart Attack and Stroke Symptoms Knowledge of Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the United States: Findings From the National Health Interview Survey.
Academic Article Maternal Health Beliefs, Perceptions, and Experiences in a U.S. Marshallese Community.
Academic Article Sociodemographic Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy, Fear of Infection, and Protection Self-Efficacy.
Academic Article Best of Intentions: Influential Factors in Infant Feeding Intent among Marshallese Pregnant Women.
Academic Article Parent/guardian intentions to vaccinate children against COVID-19 in the United States.
Academic Article Hesitant adopters: An examination of hesitancy among adults in Arkansas who have taken the COVID-19 vaccine.
Academic Article Assessment of diabetes self-care behaviors and knowledge among Marshallese adults with type 2 diabetes in the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
Academic Article Understanding HPV Vaccine Hesitancy and What Helped Hesitant Adopter Parents Have Their Children Vaccinated Despite Their Hesitancy.
Grant Expanding Translational Research in Arkansas
Academic Article Hesitant but vaccinated: Lessons learned from hesitant adopters.

Search Criteria
  • Knowledge