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Search Results to Pearl Anna Mcelfish

This is a "connection" page, showing the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.


One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Mcelfish, Pearl Anna

Item TypeName
Concept Infant
Concept Infant, Newborn
Academic Article Structural and Socio-cultural Barriers to Prenatal Care in a US Marshallese Community.
Academic Article Social and economic influences on infant and child feeding practices in a Marshallese community.
Academic Article Adverse Pregnancy and Neonatal Outcomes Among Marshallese Women Living in the United States.
Academic Article Nuclear radiation and prevalence of structural birth defects among infants born to women from the Marshall Islands.
Academic Article A mixed-methods longitudinal study of Marshallese infant feeding beliefs and experiences in the United States: a study protocol.
Academic Article Best of Intentions: Influential Factors in Infant Feeding Intent among Marshallese Pregnant Women.
Academic Article Stressful life events and social support among pregnant Marshallese women.
Academic Article "It's Okay With Our Culture but We're in a Different Place and We Have to Show Respect": Marshallese Migrants and Exclusive Breastfeeding Initiation.
Academic Article Parent/guardian intentions to vaccinate children against COVID-19 in the United States.
Academic Article Dietary Practices during Pregnancy in a Marshallese Community: A Mixed Methods Analysis.
Academic Article Marshallese Mothers' and Marshallese Maternal Healthcare Providers' Perspectives on Contraceptive Use and Reproductive Life Planning Practices and Influences.
Academic Article Preterm birth among Pacific Islanders in the United States and the US-affiliated Pacific Islands: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Academic Article Exploring the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness of a culturally adapted group prenatal program, CenteringPregnancy, to reduce maternal and infant health disparities among Marshallese Pacific Islanders: A study protocol.
Academic Article Application Status Among Women Enrolled in a Healthy Start Program in Arkansas for the Special Nutrition Program for Women and Children.
Grant Transforming Health outReach for Infants and children (P-5) through Vital community Engagement (THRIVE P-5)
Academic Article Association of the COVID-19 Pandemic With Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Receipt Among Pregnant Individuals: United States, 2016-2022.
Academic Article Breastfeeding Intentions among Pregnant Women Enrolled in a Healthy Start Program in Arkansas.

Search Criteria
  • Infant