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Search Results to Sara Landes

This is a "connection" page, showing the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.


One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Landes, Sara

Item TypeName
Concept Veterans Health
Concept Hospitals, Veterans
Concept United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Concept Veterans
Academic Article Treating complex trauma among veterans: three stage-based treatment models.
Academic Article Veterans' service utilization and associated costs following participation in dialectical behavior therapy: a preliminary investigation.
Academic Article Assessing fidelity of cognitive behavioral therapy in rural VA clinics: design of a randomized implementation effectiveness (hybrid type III) trial.
Academic Article Dialectical Behavior Therapy Training and Desired Resources for Implementation: Results From a National Program Evaluation in the Veterans Health Administration.
Academic Article Barriers, facilitators, and benefits of implementation of dialectical behavior therapy in routine care: results from a national program evaluation survey in the Veterans Health Administration.
Grant Implementing Caring Contacts for Suicide Prevention in Non-Mental Health Settings
Grant Risk Stratified Enhancements to Clinical Care: Targeting Care for Patients Identified Through Predictive Modeling as Being at High Risk for Suicide, with the Office of Mental Health Operations
Academic Article Adapting and implementing Caring Contacts in a Department of Veterans Affairs emergency department: a pilot study protocol.
Academic Article Creating a Practice-Based Implementation Network: Facilitating Practice Change Across Health Care Systems.
Academic Article Using Administrative Data to Predict Suicide After Psychiatric Hospitalization in the Veterans Health Administration System.
Grant Adapting Caring Contacts to Counteract Adverse Effects of Social Distancing Among High-Risk Veterans During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Grant Veteran Engagement Implementation Strategies to Prevent Rural Veteran Suicide
Grant Behavioral Health QUERI: Advancing 21st Century Mental Health Care for Veterans
Academic Article A review of studies on the system-wide implementation of evidence-based psychotherapies for posttraumatic stress disorder in the Veterans Health Administration
Academic Article Developing alternative training delivery methods to improve psychotherapy implementation in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Academic Article Supporting grass roots implementation of an evidence-based psychotherapy through a virtual community of practice: A case example in the Department of Veterans Affairs
Grant Behavioral Health QUERI: Advancing 21st Century Mental Health Care for Veterans
Academic Article Provider perspectives on delivering dialectical behavior therapy via telehealth during COVID-19 in the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Academic Article Evaluation of the Recovery Engagement and Coordination for Health-Veterans Enhanced Treatment Suicide Risk Modeling Clinical Program in the Veterans Health Administration.
Academic Article Determining feasibility of incorporating consumer engagement into implementation activities: study protocol of a hybrid effectiveness-implementation type II pilot.
Academic Article Adapting Caring Contacts for Veterans in a Department of Veterans Affairs Emergency Department: Results From a Type 2 Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Pilot Study.
Academic Article Implementation strategy to increase clinicians' use of the caring letters suicide prevention intervention.
Academic Article Development of the Veterans Crisis Line Caring Letters Suicide Prevention Intervention.
Academic Article The Veterans Health Administration REACH VET Program: Suicide Predictive Modeling in Practice.
Academic Article Barriers and Facilitators to Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Groups in the Veterans Health Administration.
Academic Article Qualitative Evaluation of a Caring Letters Suicide Prevention Intervention for the Veterans Crisis Line.
Academic Article Implementation of LGBTQ+ affirming care policies in the Veterans Health Administration: preliminary findings on barriers and facilitators in the southern United States.
Academic Article Recruitment tools for transgender and gender diverse veterans in health care research.
Academic Article Impact of Implementation Facilitation on the REACH VET Clinical Program for Veterans at Risk for Suicide.
Academic Article Caring Letters Sent by a Clinician or Peer to At-Risk Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

Search Criteria
  • Veterans