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Search Results to Neriman Gokden

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research overview I have had many collaborations with researchers in other departments, especially researchers in the Nephrology and Pharmacology/Toxicology divisions at UAMS and other institutions at both nationally and internationally. In such cases, I contributed to the funded basic research by providing diagnostic evaluation and clinical skills, providing guidance for histology, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy use in research projects by taking full responsibility for ensuring rigorous quality control and quality assurance on all samples processed by the histology core laboratory. The majority of my research relates to genitourinary and renal pathology. - I worked on kidney and prostate cancer in collaboration with Dr. Graham Greene and Dr. Rabi Madi in Urology Department at UAMS, and Dr. Jesse McKenney at Stanford University, CA and Dr. Kiril Trpkov at University of Calgary, Canada. I have been awarded one of our departmental research grants for one of my own projects. - In renal pathology, I work on myeloma-related kidney diseases because of the large number of kidney biopsies coming from myeloma patients at the Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy. My completed projects as PI were in collaboration with Dr. Bart Barlogie at UAMS, Dr. Helen Liapis at Washington University in Saint Louis, MO, and Dr. Patrick Walker at Nephropath Laboratory in Little Rock, AR. They included exploring morphologic heterogeneity of light chain deposition disease and cast nephropathy in a large series of cases. Our results have been published in prestigious, high impact journals. - In collaboration with the program project grant in our nephrology division which was funded by NIH and VA grants, work on kidney lipoprotein lipase, the role of renal tubule triglyceride accumulation in cisplatin-mediated acute renal failure, and the renal survival pathway in ischemia/reperfusion injury has been completed. Our results were published in several prestigious journals. - I have a long standing collaboration with Dr. Phillip Mayeux in the Pharmacology/Toxicology Department. Our completed projects included looking into hemodynamic changes in the kidney in a pediatric rat model of sepsis-induced acute kidney injury, the effects of resveratrol for improving renal microcirculation, protecting the tubular epithelium, and prolonging survival in a mouse model of sepsis-induced acute kidney injury. We also looked into the protective effects of Actinonin in the renal microcirculation during sepsis. Our collaborations were fruitful and several articles were published, one of which made the cover of the journal Kidney International.

Search Criteria
  • Microscopy