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Search Results to Barry Uretsky

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Uretsky, Barry

Item TypeName
Academic Article Progression of systemic disease and reduced long-term survival in patients with cardiac amyloidosis undergoing heart transplantation. Follow-up results of a multicenter survey.
Academic Article Chronic pseudoaneurysm and coarctation of the aorta: a rare delayed complication of trauma.
Academic Article Time to reperfusion in acute myocardial infarction. It is time to reduce it!
Academic Article Vineberg procedure for inadvertent injury to anomalous left anterior descending artery during tetralogy of fallot repair: four decades later.
Academic Article The cycloxygenase 2 (COX-2) story: it's time to explain, not inflame.
Academic Article Survival advantage in Medicare patients receiving drug-eluting stents compared with bare metal stents: real or artefactual?
Academic Article Positive inotropic therapy for short-term support and long-term management of patients with congestive heart failure: hemodynamic effects and clinical efficacy of MDL 17,043.
Academic Article Randomized study assessing the effect of digoxin withdrawal in patients with mild to moderate chronic congestive heart failure: results of the PROVED trial. PROVED Investigative Group.
Academic Article Modulation of hemodynamic effects with a converting enzyme inhibitor: acute hemodynamic dose-response relationship of a new angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, lisinopril, with observations on long-term clinical, functional, and biochemical responses.
Academic Article Time for left main stenting in patients with LV dysfunction? Proceed with caution!
Academic Article Hemodynamic effects of lisinopril after long-term administration in congestive heart failure.
Academic Article Clinical benefits of low serum digoxin concentrations in heart failure.
Academic Article Primary PCI for the "late presenter" with STEMI: how late is too late?
Academic Article Should serum troponin after PCI be used to predict long-term outcomes?.......Not quite yet!
Academic Article Bare-metal stent thrombosis after noncardiac surgery greater than 10 years after stent implantation.
Academic Article Left ventricular hypertrophy in cyclosporine-induced systemic hypertension after cardiac transplantation.
Academic Article The role of eNOS, iNOS, and NF-kappaB in upregulation and activation of cyclooxygenase-2 and infarct size reduction by atorvastatin.
Academic Article Acute hemodynamic and hormonal effects of CI-930, a new phosphodiesterase inhibitor, in severe congestive heart failure.
Academic Article Successful intermediate-term outcome for patients with cardiac amyloidosis undergoing heart transplantation: results of a multicenter survey.
Academic Article Utility of fractional flow reserve to determine treatment after recent large myocardial infarction with severe left ventricular dysfunction.
Academic Article "Drip-and-ship," "Stay-and-pray," "Freight-and-wait (and possibly inflate)" or simply opening the window wider?: Decision-making regarding time delays in the treatment of ST elevation MI.
Academic Article Preoperative pulmonary hemodynamics and early mortality after orthotopic cardiac transplantation: the Pittsburgh experience.
Academic Article Late coronary stent thrombosis: early vs. late stent thrombosis in the stent era.
Academic Article Long-term hemodynamic follow-up of cardiac transplant patients treated with cyclosporine and prednisone.
Academic Article Effectiveness of percutaneous coronary intervention with drug-eluting stents compared with bypass surgery in diabetics with multivessel coronary disease: comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical data.
Academic Article Distal myocardial protection with intracoronary beta blocker when added to a Gp IIb/IIIa platelet receptor blocker during percutaneous coronary intervention improves clinical outcome.
Academic Article Queuing for coronary angiography during severe supply-demand mismatch in a US public hospital: analysis of a waiting list registry.
Academic Article Development of coronary artery disease in cardiac transplant patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy with cyclosporine and prednisone.
Academic Article Cardiac troponin T in chest pain unit patients without ischemic electrocardiographic changes: angiographic correlates and long-term clinical outcomes.
Academic Article Prolonged intraaortic balloon support for septal rupture after myocardial infarction.
Concept Time Factors
Concept Time
Concept Operative Time
Concept Time-to-Treatment
Academic Article Conversations in cardiology: bridging antiplatelet therapy before surgery.
Academic Article Regadenoson for FFR: time to say good-bye to adenosine?
Academic Article Optimizing selection of antithrombotic therapy in patients requiring PCI and long term anticoagulation.
Academic Article Modified contrast microinjection technique to facilitate chronic total occlusion recanalization.
Academic Article Utilizing Post-Intervention Fractional Flow Reserve to Optimize Acute Results and the Relationship to Long-Term Outcomes.
Academic Article Valvular performance and aortic regurgitation following transcatheter aortic valve replacement using Edwards valve versus CoreValve for severe aortic stenosis: A Meta-analysis.
Academic Article Long-Term Prognosis of Deferred Acute?Coronary Syndrome Lesions Based on Nonischemic Fractional?Flow?Reserve.
Academic Article Clinical and prognostic value of poststenting fractional flow reserve in acute coronary syndromes.
Academic Article The Impact of Proximal Vessel Tortuosity on the Outcomes of Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Insights From a Contemporary Multicenter Registry.
Academic Article The Impact of Age and Sex on In-Hospital Outcomes of Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.
Academic Article A novel stent inflation protocol improves long-term outcomes compared with rapid inflation/deflation deployment method.
Academic Article Clinical Decision-Making for the Hemodynamic "Gray Zone" (FFR 0.75-0.80) and Long-Term Outcomes.
Academic Article Full stent expansion of chronic total occlusion lesions requires prolonged inflation.
Academic Article Improved stent expansion with prolonged compared with short balloon inflation: A meta-analysis.
Academic Article The Hybrid Approach to Chronic?Total?Occlusion Percutaneous?Coronary?Intervention: Update From the PROGRESS CTO Registry.
Academic Article In-hospital Outcomes of Attempting More Than One Chronic Total Coronary Occlusion Through Percutaneous Intervention During the Same Procedure.
Academic Article Prevalence and Outcomes of Percutaneous Coronary Interventions for Ostial Chronic Total Occlusions: Insights From a Multicenter Chronic Total Occlusion Registry.
Academic Article Frequency and Outcomes of Ad Hoc Versus Planned Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Multicenter Experience.
Academic Article Usefulness of Atherectomy in Chronic Total Occlusion Interventions (from the PROGRESS-CTO Registry).
Academic Article In-Hospital Outcomes of Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Interventions in Patients With Prior Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery.
Academic Article Impact of concomitant treatment of non-chronic total occlusion lesions at the time of chronic total occlusion intervention.
Academic Article Incremental Prognostic Value of Post-Intervention Pd/Pa in Patients Undergoing Ischemia-Driven Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.
Academic Article Outcomes of subintimal plaque modification in chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention.
Academic Article The Impact of Peripheral Artery Disease in Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (Insights From PROGRESS-CTO Registry).
Academic Article Retrograde Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention via?Saphenous Vein Graft.
Academic Article Prospective Evaluation of the Strategy of Functionally Optimized Coronary Intervention.
Academic Article Stent-Only Versus Adjunctive Balloon Angioplasty Approach for Saphenous Vein Graft Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Insights From DIVA Trial.
Academic Article Inferior ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Presenting When Urgent Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Is Unavailable: Should We Adhere to Current Guidelines?
Academic Article Impact of adherence to the hybrid algorithm for initial crossing strategy selection in chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention.
Academic Article Is it time for a "functional" hybrid algorithm to optimize interventional results in chronic total occlusion?
Academic Article Occupational Safety in the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory: Time for Better Ergonomics.
Academic Article Procedural Time and Outcomes of Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.

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