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Search Results to Kalpana Padala

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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Padala, Kalpana

overview I have fifteen years of experience in conducting treatment trials in frail elderly. I have focused on alternate modalities to promote exercise in elderly. To overcome various barriers for exercise, I conducted a series of studies investigating the feasibility and efficacy of Nintendo Wii-Fit on gait, and balance in various settings funded by the Alzheimer’s Association and the Department of Veterans Affairs. Later I focused on exercise adherence and ways to improve the same. My current study funded by the RR&D Merit grant is studying the efficacy and lasting effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on executive function, exercise performance, self-efficacy and adherence to an adequately dosed, targeted Wii-Fit. The goal of the project is to improve various components of balance in sedentary older Veterans using engaging exercise programs in their home setting. Clinically, I evaluate patients in the multidisciplinary memory clinic at the VA. I also lead the comprehensive physical activity promotion clinic, The Geriatric Walking Clinic that I started in 2013. Over 800 Veterans and caregivers have participated in the program and the clinic provides us a naturalistic experiment to study the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on exercise adherence and executive function in older Veterans. Anecdotally, I see the impact of these restrictions on my clinic patients on a daily basis. I also see the struggles of older Veterans in transitioning to telehealth.

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  • Memory