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Search Results to Mario Schootman

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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Schootman, Mario

Item TypeName
Concept Breast Neoplasms
Concept Urinary Bladder Neoplasms
Concept Uterine Cervical Neoplasms
Concept Brain Neoplasms
Concept Colonic Neoplasms
Concept Liver Neoplasms
Concept Colorectal Neoplasms
Concept Gastrointestinal Neoplasms
Concept Rectal Neoplasms
Concept Lung Neoplasms
Concept Neoplasms, Second Primary
Concept Head and Neck Neoplasms
Concept Early Detection of Cancer
Concept Neoplasms
Academic Article County poverty levels influence genome-wide DNA methylation profiles in African American and European American women.
Academic Article Individual- and county-level determinants of high breast cancer incidence rates.
Academic Article Disparities related to socioeconomic status and access to medical care remain in the United States among women who never had a mammogram.
Academic Article Small-area incidence trends in breast cancer.
Academic Article The full potential of breast cancer screening use to reduce mortality has not yet been realized in the United States.
Academic Article Identifying factors associated with disability-related differences in breast cancer screening (United States).
Academic Article Rural-urban differences in ductal carcinoma in situ as a proxy for mammography use over time.
Academic Article Self-report by elderly breast cancer patients was an acceptable alternative to surveillance, epidemiology, and end results (SEER) abstract data.
Academic Article Effect of area poverty rate on cancer screening across US communities.
Academic Article The impact of physicians' health beliefs on colorectal cancer screening practices.
Academic Article A Bayesian semi-parametric model for colorectal cancer incidences.
Academic Article Prognosis of metachronous contralateral breast cancer according to stage at diagnosis: the importance of early detection.
Academic Article The effects of radiotherapy for the treatment of contralateral breast cancer.
Academic Article Geographic clustering of adequate diagnostic follow-up after abnormal screening results for breast cancer among low-income women in Missouri.
Academic Article Breast cancer screening and incidence in communities with a high proportion of uninsured.
Academic Article Surveillance mammography and the risk of death among elderly breast cancer patients.
Academic Article Three-year measured weight change in the African American health study.
Academic Article An evaluation of lower-body functional limitations among long-term survivors of 11 different types of cancers.
Academic Article Racial and geographic differences in mammography screening in St. Louis City: a multilevel study.
Academic Article Geographic variation and effect of area-level poverty rate on colorectal cancer screening.
Academic Article Area-level poverty is associated with greater risk of ambulatory-care-sensitive hospitalizations in older breast cancer survivors.
Academic Article The role of poverty rate and racial distribution in the geographic clustering of breast cancer survival among older women: a geographic and multilevel analysis.
Academic Article Racial disparities in the development of breast cancer metastases among older women: a multilevel study.
Academic Article Temporal trends in area socioeconomic disparities in breast-cancer incidence and mortality, 1988-2005.
Academic Article Accuracy of perceived risk of recurrence among patients with early-stage breast cancer.
Academic Article National estimates of racial disparities in health status and behavioral risk factors among long-term cancer survivors and non-cancer controls.
Academic Article A longitudinal study of factors associated with perceived risk of recurrence in women with ductal carcinoma in situ and early-stage invasive breast cancer.
Academic Article Changes in sexual problems over time in women with and without early-stage breast cancer.
Academic Article Impact of multiple caregiving roles on elevated depressed mood in early-stage breast cancer patients and same-age controls.
Academic Article Temporal trends in geographic disparities in small-area breast cancer incidence and mortality, 1988 to 2005.
Academic Article Accuracy of ultrasonography and mammography in predicting pathologic response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer.
Academic Article Effects of breast cancer surgery and surgical side effects on body image over time.
Academic Article The association between chronic disease burden and quality of life among breast cancer survivors in Missouri.
Academic Article Temporal trends in geographic disparities in small-area-level colorectal cancer incidence and mortality in the United States.
Academic Article Geographic variation in colorectal cancer survival and the role of small-area socioeconomic deprivation: a multilevel survival analysis of the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study Cohort.
Academic Article Estimated effects of potential interventions to prevent decreases in self-rated health among breast cancer survivors.
Academic Article Correlates of fear of cancer recurrence in women with ductal carcinoma in situ and early invasive breast cancer.
Academic Article Neighborhood foreclosures and self-rated health among breast cancer survivors.
Academic Article Influence of primary care physician availability and socioeconomic deprivation on breast cancer from 1988 to 2008: a spatio-temporal analysis.
Academic Article Socioeconomic status and the risk of colorectal cancer: an analysis of more than a half million adults in the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study.
Academic Article Perceived social support change in patients with early stage breast cancer and controls.
Academic Article Alcohol outlet availability and excessive alcohol consumption in breast cancer survivors.
Academic Article Mediators of the effect of neighborhood poverty on physical functioning among breast cancer survivors: a longitudinal study.
Academic Article Contribution of behavioral risk factors and obesity to socioeconomic differences in colorectal cancer incidence.
Academic Article Comparing GIS-based measures in access to mammography and their validity in predicting neighborhood risk of late-stage breast cancer.
Academic Article Worry about cancer progression and low perceived social support: implications for quality of life among early-stage breast cancer patients.
Academic Article The modifying effect of patient location on stage-specific survival following colorectal cancer using geosurvival models.
Academic Article Do diagnostic and treatment delays for colorectal cancer increase risk of death?
Academic Article Efficient mapping and geographic disparities in breast cancer mortality at the county-level by race and age in the U.S.
Academic Article Survival impact of followup care after radical cystectomy for bladder cancer.
Academic Article Increased risk of colorectal cancer in type 2 diabetes is independent of diet quality.
Academic Article Physicians, clinics, and neighborhoods: multiple levels of influence on colorectal cancer screening.
Academic Article The health and welfare of rural and urban cancer survivors in Missouri.
Academic Article Patient, hospital, and geographic disparities associated with comanagement during hospitalization for colorectal cancer surgery.
Academic Article Hospital and geographic variability in thirty-day all-cause mortality following colorectal cancer surgery.
Academic Article Neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation, tumor subtypes, and causes of death after non-metastatic invasive breast cancer diagnosis: a multilevel competing-risk analysis.
Academic Article Missed opportunities: racial and neighborhood socioeconomic disparities in emergency colorectal cancer diagnosis and surgery.
Academic Article Development of a claims-based algorithm to identify colorectal cancer recurrence.
Academic Article The Effects of Surgery Type and Chemotherapy on Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients' Quality of Life Over 2-Year Follow-up.
Academic Article Diabetes Status and Being Up-to-Date on Colorectal Cancer Screening, 2012 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.
Academic Article Influence of neighborhood-level factors on social support in early-stage breast cancer patients and controls.
Academic Article Recommendations for Cancer Epidemiologic Research in Understudied Populations and Implications for Future Needs.
Academic Article Pre-Existing Diabetes in Early Stage Breast Cancer Patients is Associated with Lack of Improvement in Quality of Life 2?Years After Diagnosis.
Academic Article Adoption of Robotic Technology for Treating Colorectal Cancer.
Academic Article Competing causes of death in the head and neck cancer population.
Academic Article Insufficient Evidence to Support or Refute the Association between Head and Neck Cancer and Marijuana Use.
Academic Article Not just a woman's business! Understanding men and women's knowledge of HPV, the HPV vaccine, and HPV-associated cancers.
Academic Article Increased IFRD1 Expression in Human Colon Cancers Predicts Reduced Patient Survival.
Academic Article Geospatial Approaches to Cancer Control and Population Sciences.
Academic Article Patient, Hospital, and Geographic Disparities in Laparoscopic Surgery Use Among Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results-Medicare Patients With Colon Cancer.
Academic Article Who Performs Colonoscopy? Workforce Trends Over Space and Time.
Academic Article Incidence and Risk of Second Primary Malignant Neoplasm After a First Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Academic Article Factors associated with increased risk of suicide among survivors of head and neck cancer: A population-based analysis.
Academic Article Suicide risk among cancer survivors: Head and neck versus other cancers.
Academic Article Should Measures of Health Care Availability Be Based on the Providers or the Procedures? A Case Study with Implications for Rural Colorectal Cancer Disparities.
Academic Article Risk and outcomes for second primary human papillomavirus-related and -unrelated head and neck malignancy.
Academic Article Rural-Urban Differences in Access to Thoracic Surgery in the United States, 2010?to 2014.
Academic Article Trends in the risk and burden of second primary malignancy among survivors of smoking-related cancers in the United States.
Academic Article A Prospective Study of Weight Gain in Women Diagnosed with Early-Stage Invasive Breast Cancer, Ductal Carcinoma In Situ, and Women Without Breast Cancer.
Academic Article Risk of subsequent malignant neoplasms after an index potentially-human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated cancers.
Academic Article Increased 30-Day Mortality Risk in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus After Colon Cancer Surgery: A Mediation Analysis.
Academic Article Spatial accessibility to colonoscopy and its role in predicting late-stage colorectal cancer.
Academic Article Risk of second primary cancers in individuals diagnosed with index smoking- and non-smoking- related cancers.
Academic Article Associations between neighborhood disinvestment and breast cancer outcomes within a populous state registry.
Academic Article Utilization of cancer early detection services among farm and rural nonfarm adults in Iowa.
Academic Article Breast and cervical carcinoma: the correlation of activity limitations and rurality with screening, disease incidence, and mortality.
Academic Article Factors associated with adequacy of diagnostic workup after abnormal breast cancer screening results.
Academic Article Accelerated partial breast irradiation compared with whole breast radiation therapy: a breast cancer cohort study measuring change in radiation side-effects severity and quality of life.
Academic Article Early indicators of the effect of a breast cancer screening program for low-income women.
Academic Article Rural-urban differences in radiation therapy for ductal carcinoma in-situ of the breast.
Academic Article Hospital and geographic variability in two colorectal cancer surgery outcomes: complications and mortality after complications.
Academic Article Influence of built environment on quality of life changes in African-American patients with non-metastatic breast cancer.
Academic Article Reliability of health-related quality-of-life indicators in cancer survivors from a population-based sample, 2005, BRFSS.
Academic Article Differences in Effectiveness and Use of Robotic Surgery in Patients Undergoing Minimally Invasive Colectomy.
Academic Article Postoperative 30-day mortality in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer: development of a prognostic model using administrative claims data.
Academic Article Differences in effectiveness and use of laparoscopic surgery in locally advanced colon cancer patients.
Academic Article The utility of Google Trends data to examine interest in cancer screening.
Academic Article Quality of life over time in women diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ, early-stage invasive breast cancer, and age-matched controls.
Academic Article Adherence to Extended Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis and Outcomes After Complex Gastrointestinal Oncologic Surgery.
Academic Article Insurance Coverage and Forgoing Medical Appointments Because of Cost Among Cancer Survivors After 2016.
Academic Article Factors associated with breast cancer screening services use among women in the United States: An application of the Andersen's Behavioral Model of Health Services Use.
Academic Article Maximizing Readmission Reduction in Colon Cancer Patients.
Academic Article Mid- and long-term risk of atrial fibrillation among breast cancer surgery survivors.
Grant GIS and Breast Cancer Screening in Saint Louis
Grant Gis, multilevel modeling and breast cancer screening
Grant Multilevel Model of Breast Cancer Follow-up Care
Grant Modelling Community Disparity in Breast Cancer Screening
Grant Spatial, Temporal, Social Disparities in Breast Cancer
Grant Colonoscopy in Colorectal Cancer Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions
Grant Geographic Variation of Breast Cancer Survival
Grant Neighborhood effects on Quality of Life in Breast Cancer
Grant Radiation Therapy in Older Breast Cancer Patients
Grant Geographic Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Survival
Academic Article Comparison of the characteristics of the population eligible for lung cancer screening under 2013 and population newly eligible under 2021 US Preventive Services Task Force recommendations.
Academic Article Physical activity among cancer survivors: do neighborhood walkability and metropolitan size play a role?
Academic Article Income dynamics and risk of colorectal cancer in individuals with type 2 diabetes: a nationwide population-based cohort study.

Search Criteria
  • Cancers