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Search Results (605)

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Porter, CraigPerson Why?
Burn Trauma Acutely Increases the Respiratory Capacity and Function of Liver Mitochondria.Academic Article Why?
ACRI GF034110 Porter The Role of the Mitochondrion in the Metabolic Stress Response to Burn TraumaGrant Why?
Oocyte mitochondria-key regulators of oocyte function and potential therapeutic targets for improving fertility.Academic Article Why?
A unified model of mammalian BCL-2 protein family interactions at the mitochondria.Academic Article Why?
Estrogens decrease osteoclast number by attenuating mitochondria oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production in early osteoclast precursors.Academic Article Why?
Induction of SENP1 in myocardium contributes to abnormities of mitochondria and cardiomyopathy.Academic Article Why?
Is the heat surrounding adipose tissue mitochondria warranted?Academic Article Why?
May the force be with you: Transfer of healthy mitochondria from stem cells to stroke cells.Academic Article Why?
PINK1 disables the anti-fission machinery to segregate damaged mitochondria for mitophagy.Academic Article Why?
Severe Burn Injury Induces Thermogenically Functional Mitochondria in Murine White Adipose Tissue.Academic Article Why?
Targeting Mitochondria during Cold Storage to Maintain Proteasome Function and Improve Renal Outcome after Transplantation.Academic Article Why?
Targeting mitochondria in the aged cerebral vasculature with SS-31, a proteomic study of brain microvessels.Academic Article Why?
Transferrin receptor 1-mediated iron uptake regulates bone mass in mice via osteoclast mitochondria and cytoskeleton.Academic Article Why?
Oxidants, Mitochondria,and Renal Ischemia/ReperfusionGrant Why?
A neutral metallo endoprotease involved in the processing of an F1-ATPase subunit precursor in mitochondriaAcademic Article Why?
Involvement of Zeranol induced mitochondria DNA (mtDNA) reduction in transformation of human normal breast epithelial cellsAcademic Article Why?
Involvement of Zeranol-induced mitochondria DNA (mtDNA) reduction in transformation of human normal breast epithelial cellsAcademic Article Why?
Linoleic acid monoepoxides directly uncouple rabbit cortical mitochondria and conversion to dihydroxy metabolites prevents uncouplingAcademic Article Why?
Miro1 depletion disrupts spatial distribution of mitochondria and leads to oocyte maturation defects.Academic Article Why?
Mitochondria May Mediate Prenatal Environmental Influences in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Academic Article Why?
Non-isotopic in situ hybridization method for mitochondria in oncocytesAcademic Article Why?
Overexpression of catalase in mitochondria mitigates changes in hippocampal cytokine expression following simulated microgravity and isolation.Academic Article Why?
Role of mitochondria in TNF induced apoptosis Induction of apoptosis through inhibition of complex IAcademic Article Why?
Specific targeting of ISP6 to mitochondria is mediated by sequences other than its amino terminusAcademic Article Why?
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