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Search Results (36)

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Systematic Discovery of Bioactivation-Associated Structural AlertsGrant Why?
Systematic Discovery of Bioactivation-Associated Structural AlertsGrant Why?
Miller, GroverPerson Why?
Bioactivation and reactivity research advances - 2021 year in review.Academic Article Why?
Bioactivation and reactivity research advances - 2022 year in review?.Academic Article Why?
Bioactivation and reactivity research advances - 2023 year in review.Academic Article Why?
Bioactivation of Cefaclor by CYP3A modulates its cytotoxicity in manAcademic Article Why?
Bioactivation of Isoxazole-Containing Bromodomain and Extra-Terminal Domain (BET) Inhibitors.Academic Article Why?
Biotransformation and bioactivation reactions - 2017 literature highlights *.Academic Article Why?
Biotransformation and bioactivation reactions - 2018 literature highlights.Academic Article Why?
Comprehensive kinetic and modeling analyses revealed CYP2C9 and 3A4 determine terbinafine metabolic clearance and bioactivation.Academic Article Why?
CYP2C19 and 3A4 Dominate Metabolic Clearance and Bioactivation of Terbinafine Based on Computational and Experimental Approaches.Academic Article Why?
CYP2C9 and 3A4 play opposing roles in bioactivation and detoxification of diphenylamine NSAIDs.Academic Article Why?
Dual mechanisms suppress meloxicam bioactivation relative to sudoxicam.Academic Article Why?
Impacts of diphenylamine NSAID halogenation on bioactivation risks.Academic Article Why?
Meloxicam methyl group determines enzyme specificity for thiazole bioactivation compared to sudoxicam.Academic Article Why?
Novel advances in biotransformation and bioactivation research - 2020 year in review.Academic Article Why?
Novel advances in biotransformation and bioactivation research-2019 year in review.Academic Article Why?
Significance of Multiple Bioactivation Pathways for Meclofenamate as Revealed through Modeling and Reaction Kinetics.Academic Article Why?
Bioactivation versus detoxication of the urothelial carcinogen aristolochic acid I by human cytochrome P450 1A1 and 1A2.Academic Article Why?
Computationally Assessing the Bioactivation of Drugs by N-Dealkylation.Academic Article Why?
Genetic polymorphisms in human liver phenol sulfotransferases involved in the bioactivation of N-hydroxy derivatives of carcinogenic arylamines and heterocyclic aminesAcademic Article Why?
Impact of p53 function on the sulfotransferase-mediated bioactivation of the alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon 1-hydroxymethylpyrene in vitro.Academic Article Why?
Lamisil (terbinafine) toxicity: Determining pathways to bioactivation through computational and experimental approaches.Academic Article Why?
NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase expression in Cyp1a-knockout and CYP1A-humanized mouse lines and its effect on bioactivation of the carcinogen aristolochic acid I.Academic Article Why?
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