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Search Results (239)

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"Recognize and Remove": A Universal Principle for the Management of Sports Injuries.Academic Article Why?
Stopping sports injuries in young athletes.Academic Article Why?
Athletic InjuriesConcept Why?
Mastering the Topic, the Message, and the Delivery: Leveraging the Social Marketing Mix to Better Implement Sports Injury Prevention Programs.Academic Article Why?
The influence of methodological issues on the results and conclusions from epidemiological studies of sports injuries: illustrative examples.Academic Article Why?
The Injury/Illness Performance Project (IIPP): A Novel Epidemiological Approach for Recording the Consequences of Sports Injuries and Illnesses.Academic Article Why?
2016 Rio Olympics: an epidemiological study of the men's and women's Rugby-7s tournaments.Academic Article Why?
A comparison of coping responses among high school and college athletes with concussion, orthopedic injuries, and healthy controls.Academic Article Why?
A framework for recording recurrences, reinjuries, and exacerbations in injury surveillance.Academic Article Why?
A Kinetic Model Describing Injury-Burden in Team Sports.Academic Article Why?
A multivariate risk analysis of selected playing surfaces in the National Football League: 1980 to 1989. An epidemiologic study of knee injuries.Academic Article Why?
A preliminary assessment of professional footballers' awareness of injury prevention strategies.Academic Article Why?
A prospective comparison of lower extremity kinematics and kinetics between injured and non-injured collegiate cross country runners.Academic Article Why?
A prospective epidemiological study of injuries in four English professional football clubs.Academic Article Why?
A prospective study of injuries and training amongst the England 2003 Rugby World Cup squad.Academic Article Why?
A revised factor structure for the post-concussion symptom scale: baseline and postconcussion factors.Academic Article Why?
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Injury in Crossfit.Academic Article Why?
Acute management of exercise treadmill-associated injuries in children.Academic Article Why?
Acute shoulder and elbow dislocations in the athlete.Academic Article Why?
An assessment of football referees' decisions in incidents leading to player injuries.Academic Article Why?
An assessment of player error as an injury causation factor in international football.Academic Article Why?
An assessment of training volume in professional rugby union and its impact on the incidence, severity, and nature of match and training injuries.Academic Article Why?
Analysis of Injuries in Competitive Equestrian Events.Academic Article Why?
Assessing the Return on Investment of Injury Prevention Procedures in Professional Football.Academic Article Why?
Association of Time Since Injury to the First Clinic Visit With Recovery Following Concussion.Academic Article Why?
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