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Search Results to Grover Miller

This is a "connection" page, showing the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.


One or more keywords matched the following properties of Miller, Grover

keywords metabolism
overview My goals are to assess the biological significance of metabolic activation and clearance of molecules especially related to pharmacological and toxicological effects. In practice, my group leverages powerful analytical and biochemical tools to identify and quantitate small molecules including drugs, pollutants, and food additives during metabolism and correlate findings to biological activity and in vivo outcomes such as liver toxicity. Individual projects aim to (1) determine metabolic mechanisms, efficiencies, and fluxes for activation and elimination of toxic molecules, (2) identify metabolite biomarkers in humans and animal models for correlating in vitro findings to in vivo outcomes and leveraging their diagnostic, theragnostic, and prognostic potential, and (3) develop computational models for drug bioactivation and clearance contributing to adverse drug events to make drugs safer for clinical use. Moreover, I seek translation of novel analytical and diagnostic tools into practical, commercially viable tools. Over time, my research expanded from detailed in vitro metabolic studies to metabolite profiling for translational studies and development of models of metabolism, structure, and reactivity that were made possible through strong, interdisciplinary collaborations.

One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Miller, Grover

Item TypeName
Academic Article Warfarin and UDP-glucuronosyltransferases: writing a new chapter of metabolism.
Academic Article CYP2E1 metabolism of styrene involves allostery.
Academic Article Hydroxywarfarin metabolites potently inhibit CYP2C9 metabolism of S-warfarin.
Academic Article Assessing cytochrome P450 and UDP-glucuronosyltransferase contributions to warfarin metabolism in humans.
Academic Article Assays and applications in warfarin metabolism: what we know, how we know it and what we need to know.
Academic Article Characterization of human hepatic and extrahepatic UDP-glucuronosyltransferase enzymes involved in the metabolism of classic cannabinoids.
Academic Article Contribution of three CYP3A isoforms to metabolism of R- and S-warfarin.
Academic Article Advances in the interpretation and prediction of CYP2E1 metabolism from a biochemical perspective.
Academic Article Metabolism of R- and S-warfarin by CYP2C19 into four hydroxywarfarins.
Academic Article Characterization of human hepatic and extrahepatic UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGTs) enzymes involved in the metabolism of classical cannabinoids
Academic Article Cooperativity in CYP2E1 metabolism of acetaminophen and styrene mixtures.
Academic Article Stereospecific Metabolism of R- and S-Warfarin by Human Hepatic Cytosolic Reductases.
Academic Article Novel isomeric metabolite profiles correlate with warfarin metabolism phenotype during maintenance dosing in a pilot study of 29 patients.
Grant Toxicological Significance of Alkylbenzene Metabolism
Academic Article Similar 5F-APINACA Metabolism between CD-1 Mouse and Human Liver Microsomes Involves Different P450 Cytochromes.
Academic Article The role of cytochrome P450 3A4-mediated metabolism in sorafenib and lapatinib hepatotoxicity.

Search Criteria
  • metabolism