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Search Results to Esamelden Abdelnaem

This is a "connection" page, showing the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.


One or more keywords matched the following properties of Abdelnaem, Esamelden

overview I am Associate Professor of Anesthesiology. I administer anesthesia for complex surgeries and procedures, and I am actively involved in teaching and supervising medical students, anesthesia residents, rotating residents from other specialties, nurse anesthetists, nurses, anesthesia technicians, and others. I am also the current Director of the ENT (ear, nose & throat) anesthesia section at Anesthesiology department at UAMS. I have represented the anesthesiology department and worked with the ENT physicians, helping to fulfil the requirements for their difficult & complex oncology cases. My special field of interest is cardiac anesthesia and I am part of the anesthesia team since 2009, and administering anesthetics for complex cardiac surgery cases. I helped coordinating training and educational activities for rotating cardiac-anesthesiology residents. My second special field of interest is liver anesthesia and I was part of the anesthesia team since 2010, and administering anesthetics for complex liver transplant cases, I was responsible for coordinating training and educational activities for rotating cardiac-anesthesiology residents as well as liver transplant residents.

Search Criteria
  • Transplant
  • oncology