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University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
the one selected
Physician Assistant Studies, College of Health Professions
_PC, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
AA | Academics
AA | Office of Education Development
Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs, College of Health Professions
Academic Affairs, College of Medicine
Academic Affairs, College of Nursing
Academic Affairs, College of Pharmacy
Academic Affairs, College of Provost
Academic Affairs, College of Public Health
Accounting, Economics, & Finance
Anesthesiology, College of Medicine
ARSC | Fulbright College Dean's Office
Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology, College of Health Professions
Audiology And Speech Pathology, College of Health Professions
Baccalaureate Education, College of Nursing
Behavioral Health, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
BHSL Behavioral Health, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, College of Medicine
Biochemisty & Molecular Biology, College of Medicine
Biomedical Informatics, College of Medicine
Biostatistics, College of Medicine
Biostatistics, College of Public Health
BISC | Department of Biological Sciences
BMEG | Biomedical Engineering
Cancer Institute Admin CCSG, College of Cancer Institute
Cancer, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
CASL Cancer, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
Center for Dental Education, College of Health Professions
Center for Health Literacy, College of Academic Affairs
CHA UAMS General Counsel Office, College of CHA Chancellor's Office
CHP | Cytotechnology
CHP | Dental Hygiene
CHP | Dietetic Internship
CHP | Genetic Counseling
CHP | Medical Technology
CHP | Physical Therapy
CHP | Physician Assistant Studies
Clinical and Translational Science, College of Pharmacy
Clinton School of Public Service
College of Cancer Institute
College of Health Profession
College of Health Profession, College of Provost
College of Health Professions
College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
College of Medicine
College of Medicine Administration
College of Northwest Arkansas UAMS Campus
College of Nursing
College of Nursing, College of Provost
College of Pharmacy
College of Pharmacy, College of Provost
College of Public Health
College of Public Health, College of Provost
COM | Anesthesiology ACH CRNA
COM | Anesthesiology ACH Faculty
COM | Anesthesiology Faculty
COM | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
COM | Biomedical Informatics
COM | Biomedical Informatics Admin
COM | DFPM Community Research Group B
COM | DFPM Family & Prevention Med
COM | DFPM Medical Staff
COM | Emergency Medicine Faculty
COM | Geriatrics Faculty
COM | Housestaff Residents
COM | Internal Med Cardiology
COM | Internal Med Endo
COM | Internal Med Gastroenterology
COM | Internal Med General Medicine
COM | Internal Med Hem-Onc
COM | Internal Med Hospital Medicine
COM | Internal Med Nephrology
COM | Internal Med Palliative Care
COM | Internal Med Pulmonary
COM | Internal Med Rheumatology
COM | Medical Humanities Faculty
COM | Neurology Faculty
COM | Neurosurgery Faculty
COM | North West AR Dept
COM | OB & GYN Generalist OB & GYN
COM | OB & GYN Research
COM | Obstetrics & Gynecology
COM | Ophthalmology Faculty
COM | Ophthalmology JEI Clinic
COM | Orthopaedics Surgery Faculty
COM | Otolaryngology Faculty
COM | Pathology Clinical
COM | Peds Adolescent and Sports Medicine
COM | Peds Allergy
COM | Peds Cardiology
COM | Peds Children at Risk
COM | Peds Clinical Informatics
COM | Peds Community Pediatrics
COM | Peds Critical Care
COM | Peds Developmental Nutrition
COM | Peds Developmental Peds
COM | Peds Emergency Medicine
COM | Peds Endocrinology
COM | Peds Gastroenterology
COM | Peds General Pediatrics
COM | Peds Hematology
COM | Peds Hospital Medicine
COM | Peds Infectious Diseases
COM | Peds Neonatology
COM | Peds Nephrology
COM | Peds Neurology
COM | Peds Neurology Research
COM | Peds Primary Care
COM | Peds Psychology
COM | Peds Pulmonary
COM | Peds Rheumatology
COM | Pharmacology & Toxicology
COM | Pharmacology Channel & Hypertension
COM | Physiology & Cell Biology Faculty
COM | PSY & AR State Hospital Partnership
COM | PSY Child & Adolescent
COM | PSY Northwest PRI Faculty
COM | PSY PRI Adult Faculty
COM | PSY Psychologist
COM | Radiation Oncology Faculty
COM | Radiation Oncology Physics
COM | Radiology Diagnostic & Imaging
COM | Radiology Interventional Rad
COM | Radiology Pediatric Radiology
COM | Surgery Adult Cardio
COM | Surgery Burn
COM | Surgery Colorectal
COM | Surgery General Oncology
COM | Surgery General Peds
COM | Surgery Ped Cardio
COM | Surgery Ped Plastic Surgery
COM | Surgery Plastic Surgery
COM | Surgery Thoracic Surgery
COM | Surgery Transplant
COM | Surgery Vascular
COM | Urology Administration
COM | Urology Faculty
COM Biostatistics
COM Department Chairs
Communications Sciences & Disorders, College of Health Professions
Community Pediatrics, College of Nursing
CON | College of Nursing DNP Programs
CON | Practice & MNSc Program
COP | College of Pharmacy
COP | EBRx Program
COP | Implementation Science
COP | Northwest AR Campus
COP | Pharmaceutical Evaluation & Policy
COP | Pharmaceutical Science
CORE IOP NC, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
CORE, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
Counseling, Adult, & Rehabilitation Education
CPH | College of Public Health
CPH | Epidemiology
CPH | Health Behavior & Health Education
CPH | Health Biostatistics
CPH | Health Policy & Management
CVSL Cardiovascular, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
DDEI Health Career U, College of DDEI Diversity Equity and Inclusion
Dental Hygiene, College of Health Profession
Dental Hygiene, College of Health Professions
Dentistry, College of Health Professions
Dentistry, College of Medicine
Department Chairs, College of Medicine
Dermatology, College of Medicine
DFPM Family & Prevention Med, College of Medicine
DGSL Digital ServLine, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
Diagnostic & Medical Sonography, College of Health Professions
Dietetic Internship, College of Health Professions
Dietetics and Nutrition, College of Health Profession
Dietetics And Nutrition, College of Health Professions
Drug Discovery, College of Pharmacy
EBRx Program, College of Pharmacy
Education Development, College of Medicine
Educational & Student Success Center, College of Medicine
Educational Development
Emergency Medical Sciences, College of Health Professions
Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine
EMSL Administration OP C, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
Environmental & Occupational Health, College of Public Health
Environmental Health Sciences, College of Public Health
Epidemiology, College of Public Health
Experiential Education, College of Pharmacy
Faculty Affairs, College of Academic Affairs
Family And Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine
Genetic Counseling, College of Health Professions
Genetics Counseling, College of Health Professions
Genetics, College of Medicine
Geriatrics, College of Medicine
Health Behavior & Health Education, College of Public Health
Health Biostatistics, College of Public Health
Health Information Management, College of Health Professions
Health Policy & Management, College of Public Health
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, College of Public Health
Hospital Financial Mgmt, College of Finance & Administration
Housestaff Affairs, College of Medicine
ICE | DGSL IDHI Sexual Assault
ICE | LPSL CPATH Human Lympho Antibodies
ICE | WISL Neonatal ICU IP C
IDHI Institute for Dig Hlth & Innv, College of Medicine
IGSL Imaging IOP C, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
Imaging & Radiation Sciences, College of Health Profession
Imaging and Radiation Sciences, College of Health Professions
Implementation Science, College of Pharmacy
IMSL Integrated Medicine, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
Information Science
Institutional Research, Policy & Accreditation, College of Academic Affairs
Instructional Design
Internal Med, College of Medicine
Internal Medicine, College of Medicine
Interprofessional Education, College of Academic Affairs
ISS Srvs & Campus Ops, College of ISS Institutional Support Services
Lab & Pathology, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
Laboratory Animal Medicine Administration
Laboratory Animal Medicine, College of Medicine
Laboratory Sciences, College of Health Professions
Library Administration
Library Clinical Librarian Services, College of Medicine
Library Education & Research Services, College of Medicine
LPSL Lab & Pathology, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
Medical Humanities & Bioethics, College of Medicine
Medical Humanities and Bioethics, College of Medicine
Medical Humanities, College of Medicine
Medical Technology, College of Health Professions
Microbiology & Immunology, College of Medicine
Microbiology And Immunology, College of Medicine
MUSL Musculoskeletal, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
Myeloma Genetics, College of Myeloma Institute
Neurobiology & Developmental Science, College of Medicine
Neurology, College of Medicine
Neurosurgery, College of Medicine
North West AR Dept, College of Medicine
Northwest AR Campus Academic Affair, College of Northwest Arkansas UAMS Campus
Northwest AR Campus Supply Chain, College of Northwest Arkansas UAMS Campus
Northwest AR Campus Support, College of Northwest Arkansas UAMS Campus
Northwest AR Research, College of Northwest Arkansas UAMS Campus
NRSL Nursing, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
Nuclear Medicine Imaging Sciences, College of Health Professions
Nursing Administration, College of Nursing
Nursing Department
Nursing Depression Research, College of Nursing
Nursing DNP Programs, College of Nursing
Nursing Education, College of Nursing
Nursing Practice, College of Nursing
Nursing Research, College of Nursing
Nursing Science, College of Nursing
NUSL Neurosciences IOP C, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
NWAC | Northwest AR Campus Finance Admin
NWAC | Northwest AR Campus GME
NWAC | Northwest AR Campus Research
Obstetrics & Gynecology, College of Medicine
Obstetrics And Gynecology, College of Medicine
Occupational Therapy, College of Health Professions
Office of Educational Developmentent, College of Academic Affairs
Office of the Provost, College of Academic Affairs
OHR Offof Human Resources, College of Finance & Administration
OHR Offof Human Resources, College of UAMS Finance & Administration
OHR TA Talent Aquisition, College of OHR Offof Human Resources
OPHSL Ophthalmology OP C, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
Ophthalmic Technologies, College of Health Professions
Ophthalmology, College of Medicine
Oral Health Clinic Faculty, College of Health Professions
Orthopaedics Surgery, College of Medicine
Orthopaedics, College of Medicine
OTD | Department of Occupational Therapy
Otolaryngology, College of Medicine
Pathology, College of Medicine
Pediatric & Special Needs Dentistry, College of Medicine
Pediatrics, College of Medicine
Peds Pediatrics, College of Medicine
PeriopSvc Perioperative Care Service, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
Pharmaceutical Science, College of Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Medicine
Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy
Pharmacology & Toxicology, College of Medicine
Pharmacology and Toxicology, College of Medicine
Pharmacy Practice, College of Pharmacy
Pharmocology & Toxicology, College of Medicine
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, College of Medicine
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, College of Medicine
Physical Therapy, College of Health Professions
Physical Therapy, College of Health Profiessions
Physician Assistant Studies, College of Health Professions
Physiology & Biophysics, College of Medicine
Physiology & Cell Biology, College of Medicine
Physiology and Biophysics, College of Medicine
Physiology and Cell Biology, College of Medicine
Planning & Policy, College of Public Health
Poision Control, College of Pharmacy
Poison & Drug Information, College of Pharmacy
Primary Care, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
PSY Psychiatry, College of Medicine
Psychiatry, College of Medicine
Radiation Health, College of Pharmacy
Radiation Oncology, College of Medicine
Radiologic Imaging Sciences, College of Health Professions
Radiology, College of Medicine
REP | Northeast Jonesboro Faculty
REP | NWA Administration & Finance
REP | NWA Faculty
REP | Program Directors
REP | S. Central Pine Bluff Faculty
REP | West Ft. Smith Faculty
REP Regional Programs Rural Hospital Prg
Research Administration
Research Administration, College of Provost
RESH | Laboratory Animal Medicine Admin
Respiratory Care & Surgical Technology, College of Health Professions
Respiratory Care and Surgical Technologies, College of Health Professions
Respiratory Care, College of Health Professions
Rhetoric & Writing Department
RN Programs, College of Nursing
School of Social Work
Student Affairs, College of Pharmacy
Student and Alumni Affairs, College of Public Health
Surgery, College of Medicine
Surgical Specialties, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
SUSL Surgical Specialties, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
TXPSL Transplant OP CL, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
Urology, College of Medicine
WISL Women & Infants, College of Integrated Clinical Enterprise
the one selected
Faculty Type
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor
Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Adjunct Clinical Professor
Adjunct Instructor
Adjunct Professor
Adjunct Research Assistant Professor
Adjunct Research Associate Professor
Adjunct Research Instructor
Adjunct Research Professor
Assistant Clinical Instructor
Assistant Clinical Professor
Assistant Instructor
Assistant Professor
Associate Professor
Clinical Assistant Professor
Clinical Associate Professor
Clinical Instructor
Clinical Professor
Distinguished Professor
Emeritus Professor
Professor Emerita
Professor Emeritus
Research Assistant Professor
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Consumer Advocacy
Cultural Competency
Genes Neurofibromatosis 2
Growth and Development
Integrin alpha1beta1
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