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Phase II: To determine if patient-reported neck and shoulder function and related quality
of life (QOL) at 6 months after surgery using the Neck Dissection Impairment Index (NDII) is superior with Sentinel Lymph Node (SLN) biopsy compared to Elective Neck Dissection (END) for treatment of early-stage oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma (OCSCC) (cT1-2N0).
Phase III:
?? To determine if disease-free survival (DFS) is non-inferior with SLN biopsy
compared to END for treatment of early-stage OCSCC (cT1-2N0).
?? To determine if patient-reported neck and shoulder function and related QOL at 6
months after surgery using NDII is superior with SLN biopsy compared to END for treatment of early-stage OCSCC (cT1-2N0).

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