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Principal Investigator

Collapse Overview 
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Of about 450,000 Arkansans with chronic kidney disease (CKD), only 10% are aware that they have it. Primary-care providers (PCPs) are powerful partners for positive changes to protect kidney function and slow CKD progression since they encounter patients long before the nephrologists. However, CKD detection by PCPs is low, as also their awareness of the steps required to adequately manage CKD. In this study, we will assess the ability of checklists to create short and long-term knowledge gains in PCPs. We will also explore barriers that prevent optimized CKD care, including nephrology referrals. A 10 step checklist of CKD guidelines will be used to support PCP awareness and provide an outline for care.

This study is one facet of the overall goal to improve CKD awareness in Arkansas. The results of this study will inform the development of further study addressing an interactive CKD checklist to improve outpatient CKD care.

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