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I teach the EP fellow (between 2009 to 2020) and Cardiology fellow rotating in EP (2009 to present) during EP Lab procedures at the UAMS and the CAVHS; in the inpatient Team 1 attending service as well as EP/Cardiology consultation service during consultations and during outpatient clinics. I also teach device interrogations and management to them. I had 28 Medicine residents some of whom are interested in Cardiology during my 3 half day clinics and read 10 ECG’s with them at the end of each clinic session in the 2020-21 academic year. As of July, 2014, I developed and started a new elective course for the 4th year medical students titled: “ECG Reading and Arrhythmias”. 48 of our senior medical students took this course this academic year (2020-21). I won the Gold Sash and Red Sash award as a senior faculty on May 14, 2021. I was also nominated for the Golden Apple Award.

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