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Environmental Etiologies of Neurological Disorders: Scientific, Translational and

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The Twenty-Fifth International Neurotoxicology Conference (NEUROTOX 25) addressing the theme of "Environmental Etiologies of Neurological Disorders: Scientific, Translational and Policy Implications" will be held October 12-16, 2008 in Rochester, New York. The meeting locations are the Hyatt Regency Conference Center and the University of Rochester Medical Center located nearby. The International Neurotoxicology Conference is an annual event that focuses on a timely theme while providing an opportunity for presenting new data related to the general interdisciplinary field of neurotoxicology. The International Neurotoxicology Conference Series will reach its silver anniversary in 2008, with its 25th meeting. The Specific Aims identified in the proposal will be accomplished by organizing and conducting a 4 1/2 day conference according to a varied format similar to previous conferences in this series which has proven to be highly successful. Each conference has its own "special touch" and consists of Tutorials, Symposia, Workshops, Panel Discussions, Roundtables, Debates, Poster Session, Pre- and Postdoctoral Student Competition and Awards and social events as well as novel approaches to facilitate networking and mentoring. NEUROTOX 25 will not be simply an occasion to present data. It will also coalesce human, experimental animal, methodological, and epidemiological research, as well as risk assessment, social and policy implications, by offering a well-recognized venue where previously unconnected investigators can come together and where commonalties can emerge. Traditionally the Neurotoxicology Conference places special emphasis on nurturing, promoting and rewarding pre- and post-doctoral students and young investigators. Extra effort is extended to mentor students and help them network with the leaders in the field. The health relatedness of this application is that the results of this conference will contribute to a fuller understanding of the true risk posed by environmental toxicants for human neurological diseases or disorders. It has become evident that many human neurological diseases arise from complex interactions of multiple risk factors, of which environmental chemical exposures may serve as one contributing risk. Other environmental and host factors, such as genetic background, stage of development, dietary status, immune status, obesity, stress, socioeconomic status, gender, aging, behavior, and intercurrent disease state, as well as simultaneous chemical exposures, can also contribute. Science, policy, and translation can no longer be treated as independent entities. NEUROTOXICOLOGY 25 is poised to view and address them as they truly are: a multidimensional interdisciplinary problem.

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