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Basic Principles and Role of Endoscopic Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Differentiation of Pancreatic Cancer from Other Pancreatic Lesions: A Comprehensive Review of Endoscopic Ultrasound for Pancreatic Cancer.

Dahiya DS, Shah YR, Ali H, Chandan S, Gangwani MK, Canakis A, Ramai D, Hayat U, Pinnam BSM, Iqbal A, Malik S, Singh S, Jaber F, Alsakarneh S, Mohamed I, Ali MA, Al-Haddad M, Inamdar S. Basic Principles and Role of Endoscopic Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Differentiation of Pancreatic Cancer from Other Pancreatic Lesions: A Comprehensive Review of Endoscopic Ultrasound for Pancreatic Cancer. J Clin Med. 2024 Apr 28; 13(9).

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