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Gastroschisis prevalence patterns in 27 surveillance programs from 24 countries, International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research, 1980-2017.

Feldkamp ML, Canfield MA, Krikov S, Prieto-Merino D, ??pek A, LeLong N, Amar E, Rissmann A, Csaky-Szunyogh M, Tagliabue G, Pierini A, Gatt M, Bergman JEH, Szabova E, Bermejo-S?nchez E, Tucker D, Dastgiri S, Bidondo MP, Canessa A, Zarante I, Hurtado-Villa P, Martinez L, Mutchinick OM, Camelo JL, Benavides-Lara A, Thomas MA, Liu S, Nembhard WN, Gray EB, Nance AE, Mastroiacovo P, Botto LD. Gastroschisis prevalence patterns in 27 surveillance programs from 24 countries, International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research, 1980-2017. Birth Defects Res. 2024 Feb; 116(2):e2306.

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