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Development of risk-based guidelines for childhood cancer survivors: the Children's Oncology Group Long-Term Follow-Up Guidelines

Landier, W., Bhatia, S., Eshelman, D., Forte, K., Sweeney, T.A., Hester, A.L., Darling, J., Armstrong, D., Blatt, J., Constine, L.S., Freeman, C.R., Friedman, D.L., Green, D.M., Marina, N., Meadows, A.T., Neglia, J.P., Oeffinger, K., Robison, L.L., Ruccione, K.S., Sklar, C.A., Hudson, M.M. Development of risk-based guidelines for childhood cancer survivors: the Children's Oncology Group Long-Term Follow-Up Guidelines. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2004; 15(22(24)):4979-90.