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IgE sensitization to milk and peanut are associated with increased IL-4 but not GATA-3 expression from antigen-stimulated leukocytes in atopic infants (CoFAR Observation Study of Food Allergy)

Shreffler WG, Sicherer SH, Wood RA, Stablein D, Burks AW, Liu AH, Jones SM, Fleischer DM, Leung DYM, Grishin A, Mayer L, Lindblad R, Sampson HA. IgE sensitization to milk and peanut are associated with increased IL-4 but not GATA-3 expression from antigen-stimulated leukocytes in atopic infants (CoFAR Observation Study of Food Allergy). J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010; AB234.

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