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Efficacy and safety of a once-yeearly i.v. infusion of zoledronic acid 5mg versus a once weekly 70 mg oral alendronate in the treatment of male osteoporpsis: a randomized, multicenter, double-blind, active-controlled study

Weinstein RS, Orwoll ES, Miller PD, Adachi JD, Brown J, Adler R, Kendler D, Bucci-Rechtweg C, Readie A, Mesenbrink P. Efficacy and safety of a once-yeearly i.v. infusion of zoledronic acid 5mg versus a once weekly 70 mg oral alendronate in the treatment of male osteoporpsis: a randomized, multicenter, double-blind, active-controlled study. J Bone Miner Res. 2010.

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