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Controversy: Does rTMS/tDCS show efficacy in treating tinnitus patients?

Langguth, B, De Ridder, D, Dornhoffer JL, Eichhammer, P, Folmer, RL, Frank, E, Fregni, F, Gerloff, C, Khedr, E, Kleinjung, T, Landgrebe, M, Lee, S, Lefaucheur, J-P, Londero, A, Marcondes, R, Moller, AR, Pascual-Leone, A, Plewnia, C, Rossi, S, Sanchez, T, Sand, P, Schlee, W, Steffens, T, Van de Heyning, P, Hajak, G. Controversy: Does rTMS/tDCS show efficacy in treating tinnitus patients?. Brain Stimulation. 2008; 1(192):192-205.

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