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Stephen Schexnayder to Child

This is a "connection" page, showing publications Stephen Schexnayder has written about Child.

Connection Strength
  1. Gillett EL, Layes CA, Crawley L, Schexnayder SM. Naloxegol for Treatment of Opioid-Induced Constipation in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2023 Jul; 62(7):721-724.
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    Score: 0.088
  2. Fitzgerald DP, Das S, Malone MP, Holland BS, Schexnayder SM. Seizures, Meds, and Vtach: A Journey to a Brugada Diagnosis. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2021 Jun 01; 37(6):e342-e344.
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    Score: 0.080
  3. Steele RW, Dalabih A, Fitzgerald DP, Schexnayder SM. Comparison of Deep Sedation Regimens for Children Undergoing Elective Lumbar Puncture. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2019 10; 58(11-12):1324-1326.
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    Score: 0.070
  4. Atkins DL, Berger S, Duff JP, Gonzales JC, Hunt EA, Joyner BL, Meaney PA, Niles DE, Samson RA, Schexnayder SM. Part 11: Pediatric Basic Life Support and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality: 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2015 Nov 03; 132(18 Suppl 2):S519-25.
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    Score: 0.054
  5. Schexnayder SM, Zaritsky AL. Pediatric Resuscitation. Preface. Pediatr Clin North Am. 2008 Aug; 55(4):xv-xvi.
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    Score: 0.033
  6. Schexnayder SM, Hester DM. A new perspective on community consultation in pediatric resuscitation research. Crit Care Med. 2006 Oct; 34(10):2684-5.
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    Score: 0.029
  7. Okhuysen-Cawley R, Schexnayder SM. Recent advances in the management of critically ill children. J Ark Med Soc. 2005 Sep; 102(3):62-4.
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    Score: 0.027
  8. Schexnayder SM, Klein SG. Images in clinical medicine. Gas gangrene. N Engl J Med. 2004 Jun 17; 350(25):2603.
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    Score: 0.025
  9. Bledsoe GH, Schexnayder SM. Pediatric rapid sequence intubation: a review. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2004 May; 20(5):339-44.
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    Score: 0.024
  10. Schroeder DC, Semeraro F, Greif R, Bray J, Morley P, Parr M, Kondo Nakagawa N, Iwami T, Finke SR, Malta Hansen C, Lockey A, Del Rios M, Bhanji F, Sasson C, Schexnayder SM, Scquizzato T, Wetsch WA, B?ttiger BW. KIDS SAVE LIVES: Basic Life Support Education for Schoolchildren: A Narrative Review and Scientific Statement From the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2023 07; 188:109772.
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    Score: 0.023
  11. Schroeder DC, Semeraro F, Greif R, Bray J, Morley P, Parr M, Kondo Nakagawa N, Iwami T, Finke SR, Malta Hansen C, Lockey A, Del Rios M, Bhanji F, Sasson C, Schexnayder SM, Scquizzato T, Wetsch WA, B?ttiger BW. KIDS SAVE LIVES: Basic Life Support Education for Schoolchildren: A Narrative Review and Scientific Statement From the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation. Circulation. 2023 06 13; 147(24):1854-1868.
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    Score: 0.023
  12. Morgan RW, Atkins DL, Hsu A, Kamath-Rayne BD, Aziz K, Berg RA, Bhanji F, Chan M, Cheng A, Chiotos K, de Caen A, Duff JP, Fuchs S, Joyner BL, Kleinman M, Lasa JJ, Lee HC, Lehotzky RE, Levy A, McBride ME, Meckler G, Nadkarni V, Raymond T, Roberts K, Schexnayder SM, Sutton RM, Terry M, Walsh B, Zelop CM, Sasson C, Topjian A. Guidance for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation of Children With Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19. Pediatrics. 2022 09 01; 150(3).
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    Score: 0.022
  13. Atkins DL, Sasson C, Hsu A, Aziz K, Becker LB, Berg RA, Bhanji F, Bradley SM, Brooks SC, Chan M, Chan PS, Cheng A, Clemency BM, de Caen A, Duff JP, Edelson DP, Flores GE, Fuchs S, Girotra S, Hinkson C, Joyner BL, Kamath-Rayne BD, Kleinman M, Kudenchuk PJ, Lasa JJ, Lavonas EJ, Lee HC, Lehotzky RE, Levy A, McBride ME, Meckler G, Merchant RM, Moitra VK, Nadkarni V, Panchal AR, Ann Peberdy M, Raymond T, Roberts K, Sayre MR, Schexnayder SM, Sutton RM, Terry M, Topjian A, Walsh B, Wang DS, Zelop CM, Morgan RW. 2022 Interim Guidance to Health Care Providers for Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support in Adults, Children, and Neonates With Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19: From the Emergency Cardiovascular Care Committee and Get With The Guidelines-Resuscitation Adult and Pediatric Task Forces of the American Heart Association in Collaboration With the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Association for Respiratory Care, the Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists, and American Society of Anesthesiologists. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2022 04; 15(4):e008900.
    View in: PubMed
    Score: 0.021
  14. Hsu A, Sasson C, Kudenchuk PJ, Atkins DL, Aziz K, Becker LB, Berg RA, Bhanji F, Bradley SM, Brooks SC, Chan M, Chan PS, Cheng A, Clemency BM, de Caen A, Duff JP, Edelson DP, Flores GE, Fuchs S, Girotra S, Hinkson C, Joyner BL, Kamath-Rayne BD, Kleinman M, Lasa JJ, Lavonas EJ, Lee HC, Lehotzky RE, Levy A, Mancini ME, McBride ME, Meckler G, Merchant RM, Moitra VK, Morgan RW, Nadkarni V, Panchal AR, Peberdy MA, Raymond T, Roberts K, Sayre MR, Schexnayder SM, Sutton RM, Terry M, Walsh B, Wang DS, Zelop CM, Topjian A. 2021 Interim Guidance to Health Care Providers for Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support in Adults, Children, and Neonates With Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2021 10; 14(10):e008396.
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    Score: 0.020
  15. Topjian AA, Scholefield BR, Pinto NP, Fink EL, Buysse CMP, Haywood K, Maconochie I, Nadkarni VM, de Caen A, Escalante-Kanashiro R, Ng KC, Nuthall G, Reis AG, Van de Voorde P, Suskauer SJ, Schexnayder SM, Hazinski MF, Slomine BS. P-COSCA (Pediatric Core Outcome Set for Cardiac Arrest) in Children: An Advisory Statement From the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2021 05; 162:351-364.
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    Score: 0.019
  16. Maconochie IK, Aickin R, Hazinski MF, Atkins DL, Bingham R, Couto TB, Guerguerian AM, Nadkarni VM, Ng KC, Nuthall GA, Ong GYK, Reis AG, Schexnayder SM, Scholefield BR, Tijssen JA, Nolan JP, Morley PT, Van de Voorde P, Zaritsky AL, de Caen AR. Pediatric Life Support: 2020 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. Resuscitation. 2020 Nov; 156:A120-A155.
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    Score: 0.019
  17. Topjian AA, Raymond TT, Atkins D, Chan M, Duff JP, Joyner BL, Lasa JJ, Lavonas EJ, Levy A, Mahgoub M, Meckler GD, Roberts KE, Sutton RM, Schexnayder SM. Part 4: Pediatric Basic and Advanced Life Support: 2020 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2020 10 20; 142(16_suppl_2):S469-S523.
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    Score: 0.019
  18. Maconochie IK, Aickin R, Hazinski MF, Atkins DL, Bingham R, Couto TB, Guerguerian AM, Nadkarni VM, Ng KC, Nuthall GA, Ong GYK, Reis AG, Schexnayder SM, Scholefield BR, Tijssen JA, Nolan JP, Morley PT, Van de Voorde P, Zaritsky AL, de Caen AR. Pediatric Life Support: 2020 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. Circulation. 2020 10 20; 142(16_suppl_1):S140-S184.
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    Score: 0.019
  19. Schexnayder SM, Schexnayder RE. Bites, stings, and other painful things. Pediatr Ann. 2000 Jun; 29(6):354-8.
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    Score: 0.019
  20. Soar J, Maconochie I, Wyckoff MH, Olasveengen TM, Singletary EM, Greif R, Aickin R, Bhanji F, Donnino MW, Mancini ME, Wyllie JP, Zideman D, Andersen LW, Atkins DL, Aziz K, Bendall J, Berg KM, Berry DC, Bigham BL, Bingham R, Couto TB, B?ttiger BW, Borra V, Bray JE, Breckwoldt J, Brooks SC, Buick J, Callaway CW, Carlson JN, Cassan P, Castr?n M, Chang WT, Charlton NP, Cheng A, Chung SP, Considine J, Couper K, Dainty KN, Dawson JA, de Almeida MF, de Caen AR, Deakin CD, Drennan IR, Duff JP, Epstein JL, Escalante R, Gazmuri RJ, Gilfoyle E, Granfeldt A, Guerguerian AM, Guinsburg R, Hatanaka T, Holmberg MJ, Hood N, Hosono S, Hsieh MJ, Isayama T, Iwami T, Jensen JL, Kapadia V, Kim HS, Kleinman ME, Kudenchuk PJ, Lang E, Lavonas E, Liley H, Lim SH, Lockey A, Lofgren B, Ma MH, Markenson D, Meaney PA, Meyran D, Mildenhall L, Monsieurs KG, Montgomery W, Morley PT, Morrison LJ, Nadkarni VM, Nation K, Neumar RW, Ng KC, Nicholson T, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, Nuthall G, Ohshimo S, Okamoto D, O'Neil B, Yong-Kwang Ong G, Paiva EF, Parr M, Pellegrino JL, Perkins GD, Perlman J, Rabi Y, Reis A, Reynolds JC, Ristagno G, Roehr CC, Sakamoto T, Sandroni C, Schexnayder SM, Scholefield BR, Shimizu N, Skrifvars MB, Smyth MA, Stanton D, Swain J, Szyld E, Tijssen J, Travers A, Trevisanuto D, Vaillancourt C, Van de Voorde P, Velaphi S, Wang TL, Weiner G, Welsford M, Woodin JA, Yeung J, Nolan JP, Hazinski MF. 2019 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations: Summary From the Basic Life Support; Advanced Life Support; Pediatric Life Support; Neonatal Life Support; Education, Implementation, and Teams; and First Aid Task Forces. Circulation. 2019 12 10; 140(24):e826-e880.
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    Score: 0.018
  21. Soar J, Maconochie I, Wyckoff MH, Olasveengen TM, Singletary EM, Greif R, Aickin R, Bhanji F, Donnino MW, Mancini ME, Wyllie JP, Zideman D, Andersen LW, Atkins DL, Aziz K, Bendall J, Berg KM, Berry DC, Bigham BL, Bingham R, Couto TB, B?ttiger BW, Borra V, Bray JE, Breckwoldt J, Brooks SC, Buick J, Callaway CW, Carlson JN, Cassan P, Castr?n M, Chang WT, Charlton NP, Cheng A, Chung SP, Considine J, Couper K, Dainty KN, Dawson JA, de Almeida MF, de Caen AR, Deakin CD, Drennan IR, Duff JP, Epstein JL, Escalante R, Gazmuri RJ, Gilfoyle E, Granfeldt A, Guerguerian AM, Guinsburg R, Hatanaka T, Holmberg MJ, Hood N, Hosono S, Hsieh MJ, Isayama T, Iwami T, Jensen JL, Kapadia V, Kim HS, Kleinman ME, Kudenchuk PJ, Lang E, Lavonas E, Liley H, Lim SH, Lockey A, Lofgren B, Ma MH, Markenson D, Meaney PA, Meyran D, Mildenhall L, Monsieurs KG, Montgomery W, Morley PT, Morrison LJ, Nadkarni VM, Nation K, Neumar RW, Ng KC, Nicholson T, Nikolaou N, Nishiyama C, Nuthall G, Ohshimo S, Okamoto D, O'Neil B, Ong GY, Paiva EF, Parr M, Pellegrino JL, Perkins GD, Perlman J, Rabi Y, Reis A, Reynolds JC, Ristagno G, Roehr CC, Sakamoto T, Sandroni C, Schexnayder SM, Scholefield BR, Shimizu N, Skrifvars MB, Smyth MA, Stanton D, Swain J, Szyld E, Tijssen J, Travers A, Trevisanuto D, Vaillancourt C, Van de Voorde P, Velaphi S, Wang TL, Weiner G, Welsford M, Woodin JA, Yeung J, Nolan JP, Hazinski MF. 2019 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. Resuscitation. 2019 12; 145:95-150.
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    Score: 0.018
  22. Prodhan P, Schexnayder SM, Angtuaco MJ. Between Scylla and Charybdis: Navigating Safe Clinical Practice in the Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization Suite. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2019 11; 20(11):1092-1093.
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    Score: 0.018
  23. Kadhim M, Lucak T, Schexnayder S, King A, Terhoeve C, Song B, Heffernan MJ. Current status of scoliosis school screening: targeted screening of underserved populations may be the solution. Public Health. 2020 Jan; 178:72-77.
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    Score: 0.018
  24. Schexnayder SM. Pediatric septic shock. Pediatr Rev. 1999 Sep; 20(9):303-7; quiz 308.
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    Score: 0.018
  25. Vora NM, Orciari LA, Bertumen JB, Damon I, Ellison JA, Fowler VG, Franka R, Petersen BW, Satheshkumar PS, Schexnayder SM, Smith TG, Wallace RM, Weinstein S, Williams C, Yager P, Niezgoda M. Potential Confounding of Diagnosis of Rabies in Patients with Recent Receipt of Intravenous Immune Globulin. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2018 Feb 09; 67(5):161-165.
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    Score: 0.016
  26. Schexnayder S, James LP, Kearns GL, Farrar HC. The pharmacokinetics of continuous infusion pralidoxime in children with organophosphate poisoning. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol. 1998; 36(6):549-55.
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    Score: 0.016
  27. Atkins DL, de Caen AR, Berger S, Samson RA, Schexnayder SM, Joyner BL, Bigham BL, Niles DE, Duff JP, Hunt EA, Meaney PA. 2017 American Heart Association Focused Update on Pediatric Basic Life Support and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Quality: An Update to the American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2018 01 02; 137(1):e1-e6.
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    Score: 0.016
  28. de Betue CTI, Garcia Casal XC, van Waardenburg DA, Schexnayder SM, Joosten KFM, Deutz NEP, Engelen MPKJ. 24-Hour protein, arginine and citrulline metabolism in fed critically ill children - A stable isotope tracer study. Clin Nutr. 2017 06; 36(3):876-887.
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    Score: 0.015
  29. Schexnayder SM, Schexnayder RE. 911 in your office: preparations to keep emergencies from becoming catastrophes. Pediatr Ann. 1996 Dec; 25(12):664-6, 668, 670, passim.
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    Score: 0.015
  30. Gupta P, Pasquali SK, Jacobs JP, Jacobs ML, Tang X, Gossett JM, Gaynor JW, Praestgaard AH, Schexnayder SM, Berg RA, Nadkarni VM. Outcomes Following Single and Recurrent In-Hospital Cardiac Arrests in Children With Heart Disease: A Report From American Heart Association's Get With the Guidelines Registry-Resuscitation. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2016 06; 17(6):531-9.
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    Score: 0.014
  31. de Caen AR, Berg MD, Chameides L, Gooden CK, Hickey RW, Scott HF, Sutton RM, Tijssen JA, Topjian A, van der Jagt ?W, Schexnayder SM, Samson RA. Part 12: Pediatric Advanced Life Support: 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2015 Nov 03; 132(18 Suppl 2):S526-42.
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    Score: 0.014
  32. Gupta P, Jacobs JP, Pasquali SK, Hill KD, Gaynor JW, O'Brien SM, He M, Sheng S, Schexnayder SM, Berg RA, Nadkarni VM, Imamura M, Jacobs ML. Epidemiology and outcomes after in-hospital cardiac arrest after pediatric cardiac surgery. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014 Dec; 98(6):2138-43; discussion 2144.
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    Score: 0.013
  33. Prodhan P, McCage LS, Stroud MH, Gossett J, Garcia X, Bhutta AT, Schexnayder S, Maxson RT, Blaszak RT. Acute kidney injury is associated with increased in-hospital mortality in mechanically ventilated children with trauma. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2012 Oct; 73(4):832-7.
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    Score: 0.011
  34. Ortmann L, Prodhan P, Gossett J, Schexnayder S, Berg R, Nadkarni V, Bhutta A. Outcomes after in-hospital cardiac arrest in children with cardiac disease: a report from Get With the Guidelines--Resuscitation. Circulation. 2011 Nov 22; 124(21):2329-37.
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    Score: 0.010
  35. Cave DM, Aufderheide TP, Beeson J, Ellison A, Gregory A, Hazinski MF, Hiratzka LF, Lurie KG, Morrison LJ, Mosesso VN, Nadkarni V, Potts J, Samson RA, Sayre MR, Schexnayder SM. Importance and implementation of training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillation in schools: a science advisory from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2011 Feb 15; 123(6):691-706.
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    Score: 0.010
  36. Stroud MH, Prodhan P, Moss M, Fiser R, Schexnayder S, Anand K. Enhanced monitoring improves pediatric transport outcomes: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics. 2011 Jan; 127(1):42-8.
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    Score: 0.010
  37. Berg MD, Schexnayder SM, Chameides L, Terry M, Donoghue A, Hickey RW, Berg RA, Sutton RM, Hazinski MF. Part 13: pediatric basic life support: 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2010 Nov 02; 122(18 Suppl 3):S862-75.
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    Score: 0.010
  38. Kleinman ME, Chameides L, Schexnayder SM, Samson RA, Hazinski MF, Atkins DL, Berg MD, de Caen AR, Fink EL, Freid EB, Hickey RW, Marino BS, Nadkarni VM, Proctor LT, Qureshi FA, Sartorelli K, Topjian A, van der Jagt EW, Zaritsky AL. Part 14: pediatric advanced life support: 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2010 Nov 02; 122(18 Suppl 3):S876-908.
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    Score: 0.010
  39. Berg MD, Schexnayder SM, Chameides L, Terry M, Donoghue A, Hickey RW, Berg RA, Sutton RM, Hazinski MF. Pediatric basic life support: 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Pediatrics. 2010 Nov; 126(5):e1345-60.
    View in: PubMed
    Score: 0.010
  40. Kleinman ME, Chameides L, Schexnayder SM, Samson RA, Hazinski MF, Atkins DL, Berg MD, de Caen AR, Fink EL, Freid EB, Hickey RW, Marino BS, Nadkarni VM, Proctor LT, Qureshi FA, Sartorelli K, Topjian A, van der Jagt EW, Zaritsky AL. Pediatric advanced life support: 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Pediatrics. 2010 Nov; 126(5):e1361-99.
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    Score: 0.010
  41. Prodhan P, Fiser RT, Cenac S, Bhutta AT, Fontenot E, Moss M, Schexnayder S, Seib P, Chipman C, Weygandt L, Imamura M, Jaquiss RD, Dyamenahalli U. Intrahospital transport of children on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: indications, process, interventions, and effectiveness. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2010 Mar; 11(2):227-33.
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    Score: 0.009
  42. Duncan JM, Meaney P, Simpson P, Berg RA, Nadkarni V, Schexnayder S. Vasopressin for in-hospital pediatric cardiac arrest: results from the American Heart Association National Registry of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2009 Mar; 10(2):191-5.
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    Score: 0.009
  43. Kearns GL, Blumer J, Schexnayder S, James LP, Adcock KG, Reed MD, Daniel JF, Gaedigk A, Paul J. Single-dose pharmacokinetics of oral and intravenous pantoprazole in children and adolescents. J Clin Pharmacol. 2008 Nov; 48(11):1356-65.
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    Score: 0.008
  44. Bhutta A, Gilliam C, Honeycutt M, Schexnayder S, Green J, Moss M, Anand KJ. Reduction of bloodstream infections associated with catheters in paediatric intensive care unit: stepwise approach. BMJ. 2007 Feb 17; 334(7589):362-5.
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    Score: 0.007
  45. Karlson KH, Pickert CB, Schexnayder SM, Heulitt MJ. Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy in children on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Pediatr Pulmonol. 1993 Oct; 16(4):215-8.
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    Score: 0.003
Connection Strength

The connection strength for concepts is the sum of the scores for each matching publication.

Publication scores are based on many factors, including how long ago they were written and whether the person is a first or senior author.