Jennifer Laudadio
Credentials | American Board of Pathology, Anatomic and Clinical Pathology |
| American Board of Pathology, Molecular Genetic Pathology |
| Medical License, AR |
| Medical License, NC |
Title | Department Chairperson |
Institution | University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
Department | COM Department Chairs |
Address | Shorey 324 UAMS Campus Dr. Mail Slot # 517 Little Rock AR 72205
Phone | 501-686-6535 |
vCard | Download vCard |
Overview Dr. Laudadio is the Director of the Laboratory / Pathology Service Line. Her subspecialty practice is in the field of Molecular Pathology and her research interests are related to the clinical applications of molecular (including genomic) testing particularly in the area of molecular oncology.
Affiliation College of American Pathologists Association for Molecular Pathology
Biography Director, Laboratory/Pathology Service Line
Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications.
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Bocsi GT, Laudadio J, Jain R, Eakin SM, Bhalla A, Rosenberg JA, Maratt JK, Kupfer SS, Leiman DA, Cardona DM. Creation of a Quality Payment Program Measure for Mismatch Repair or Microsatellite Instability Biomarker Testing Status in Colorectal, Endometrial, Gastroesophageal, or Small Bowel Carcinoma. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2024 Jun 01; 148(6):728-734. PMID: 37708308.
Harris CK, Chen Y, Alston EL, Brown A, Chabot-Richards D, Dintzis SM, Graber ML, Jackups R, Lomo LC, Laudadio J, Markwood PS, Nielson KJ, Samedi V, Sampson B, Haspel RL, Zafar N, Montone KT, Childs J, White KL, Heher YK. The next phase in patient safety education: Towards a standardized, tools-based pathology patient safety curriculum: A call to action from the Association of Pathology Chairs' Residency Program Directors Section Training Residents in Patient Safety Workgroup. Acad Pathol. 2023 Apr-Jun; 10(2):100081. PMID: 37313035.
Ipe TS, Ugwumba B, Spencer HJ, Le T, Ridenour T, Armitage J, Ryan S, Pearson S, Kothari A, Patil N, Dare R, Crescencio JCR, Venkata A, Laudadio J, Mohammad K, Jamal N, Thompson J, McNew H, Gibbs M, Hennigan S, Kellar S, Reitzel K, Walser BE, Novak A, Quinn B. Treatment of COVID-19 Patients with Two Units of Convalescent Plasma in a Resource-Constrained State. Lab Med. 2022 Nov 03; 53(6):623-628. PMID: 35771890.
Velu PD, Cushman-Vokoun A, Ewalt MD, Feilotter H, Gastier-Foster JM, Goswami RS, Laudadio J, Olsen RJ, Johnson R, Schlinsog A, Douglas A, Sandersfeld T, Kaul KL. Alignment of Fellowship Training with Practice Patterns for Molecular Pathologists: A Report of the Association for Molecular Pathology Training and Education Committee. J Mol Diagn. 2022 08; 24(8):825-840. PMID: 35690309.
Jenjaroenpun P, Wanchai V, Ono-Moore KD, Laudadio J, James LP, Adams SH, Prior F, Nookaew I, Ussery DW, Wongsurawat T. Two SARS-CoV-2 Genome Sequences of Isolates from Rural U.S. Patients Harboring the D614G Mutation, Obtained Using Nanopore Sequencing. Microbiol Resour Announc. 2020 Dec 17; 10(1). PMID: 33334896.
Ziemba YC, Razzano D, Allen TC, Booth AL, Anderson SR, Champeaux A, Feldman MD, Fitzhugh V, Gittens S, Grider M, Gupta M, Hanos C, Kelly K, Kothari T, Laudadio J, Lin AY, Mirza KM, Montone KT, Prieto VG, Remick DG, Riddle ND, Schubert M, Suskie K, Zafar N, Robboy SJ, Markwood PS. Social Media Engagement at Academic Conferences: Report of the Association of Pathology Chairs 2018 and 2019 Annual Meeting Social Media Committee. Acad Pathol. 2020 Jan-Dec; 7:2374289520934019. PMID: 32733989.
Idowu MO, Laudadio J, Rizzo K. Diagnostic, Prognostic, and Predictive Molecular Biomarkers and the Utility of Molecular Imaging in Common Gastrointestinal Tumors. Biomed Res Int. 2015; 2015:890805. PMID: 26618179.
Laudadio J, McNeal JL, Boyd SD, Le LP, Lockwood C, McCloskey CB, Sharma G, Voelkerding KV, Haspel RL. Design of a Genomics Curriculum: Competencies for Practicing Pathologists. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2015 Jul; 139(7):894-900. PMID: 26125429.
Reutter J, Laudadio J, Geisinger K. Response to "Vulvar seborrheic keratosis and human papillomavirus". J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2015 Jan; 19(1):e26-7. PMID: 25535983.
Apewokin S, Vyas K, Lester LK, Grazzuitti M, Haselow DT, Wolfe F, Roberts M, Bellamy W, Kumar NS, Hunter D, Lee J, Laudadio J, Wheeler JG, Bradsher R. Influenza a outbreak in an ambulatory stem cell transplant center. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2014 Sep; 1(2):ofu050. PMID: 25734122.
Vatca M, Lucas JT, Laudadio J, D'Agostino RB, Waltonen JD, Sullivan CA, Rouchard-Plasser R, Matsangou M, Browne JD, Greven KM, Porosnicu M. Retrospective analysis of the impact of HPV status and smoking on mucositis in patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma treated with concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Oral Oncol. 2014 Sep; 50(9):869-76. PMID: 24998139.
Reutter JC, Geisinger KR, Laudadio J. Vulvar seborrheic keratosis: is there a relationship to human papillomavirus? J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2014 Apr; 18(2):190-4. PMID: 24556611.
Petty WJ, Laudadio J, Brautnick L, Lovato J, Dotson T, Streer NP, Weaver KE, Miller AA. Phase II trial of dose-dense chemotherapy followed by dose-intense erlotinib for patients with newly diagnosed metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. Int J Oncol. 2013 Dec; 43(6):2057-63. PMID: 24100924.
Laudadio J. Human papillomavirus detection: testing methodologies and their clinical utility in cervical cancer screening. Adv Anat Pathol. 2013 May; 20(3):158-67. PMID: 23574772.
Oppenheimer AP, Koh C, McLaughlin M, Williamson JC, Norton TD, Laudadio J, Heller T, Kleiner DE, High KP, Morse CG. Vanishing bile duct syndrome in human immunodeficiency virus infected adults: a report of two cases. World J Gastroenterol. 2013 Jan 07; 19(1):115-21. PMID: 23326172.
Sutton BJ, Laudadio J. Aggressive angiomyxoma. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2012 Feb; 136(2):217-21. PMID: 22288973.
Neff LP, Mishra G, Fortunato JE, Laudadio J, Petty JK. Microlithiasis, endoscopic ultrasound, and children: not just little gallstones in little adults. J Pediatr Surg. 2011 Mar; 46(3):462-6. PMID: 21376193.
Laudadio, Snow AN. Genotype Specific HPV Detection from Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Samples in an Academic Institution [abstract]. J Mol Diagn. 2011; 743.
Snow AN, Laudadio J. Human papillomavirus detection in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Adv Anat Pathol. 2010 Nov; 17(6):394-403. PMID: 20966645.
Laudadio, Woo JS, Sutton BJ. Type-Specific HPV Testing on Liquid-Based Cytology Samples in Routine Clinical Practice Reveals 46% Type-Specific Persistence [abstract]. J Mol Diagn. 2010; 890.
Laudadio, Smith SB. An Epstein-Barr Virus Positivity Rare of 8% in Post-transplant Patients Monitored by Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction [abstract]. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2010; 1388.
Laudadio, Sutton BJ, Holley AC. Aggressive Angiomyxoma Presenting as Bladder Discomfort and Urinary Incontinence [abstract]. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2010; 1347.
Scotti SD, Laudadio J. Testicular relapse of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma noted on FDG-PET. J Radiol Case Rep. 2009; 3(8):18-24. PMID: 22470678.
Press RD, Willis SG, Laudadio J, Mauro MJ, Deininger MW. Determining the rise in BCR-ABL RNA that optimally predicts a kinase domain mutation in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia on imatinib. Blood. 2009 Sep 24; 114(13):2598-605. PMID: 19625707.
Laudadio, Sutton BJ. Type-Specific HPV Testing on Liquid-Based Cytology Samples in Routine Clinical Practice [abstract]. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2009; 1685.
Quigley NB, Henley DC, Hubbard RA, Laudadio J, Press RD. ABL kinase domain pseudoexon insertion is not uncommon in BCR-ABL transcripts. J Mol Diagn. 2008 Sep; 10(5):475-6; author reply 476. PMID: 18687796.
Laudadio J, Deininger MW, Mauro MJ, Druker BJ, Press RD. An intron-derived insertion/truncation mutation in the BCR-ABL kinase domain in chronic myeloid leukemia patients undergoing kinase inhibitor therapy. J Mol Diagn. 2008 Mar; 10(2):177-80. PMID: 18276770.
Laudadio, Kingery JD, Morris T, Taplitz R, Press RD. Enhanced detection of Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE) colonization by PCR versus culture [abstract]. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. 2008; 594.
Laudadio, Press RD, Willis SG, Mauro MJ, Deininger MWN. Determining the Rise in BCR-ABL RNA that Optimally Predicts a Kinase Domain Mutation in Patients with CML on Imatinib [abstract]. Blood. 2008; 1108.
Laudadio, Partain JD, Press RD. A C-terminal insertion / deletion in exon 12 of the Nucleophosmin gene is present in ~50% of AMLs with normal cytogenetics [abstract]. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. 2007; 671.
Laudadio J, Quigley DI, Tubbs R, Wolff DJ. HER2 testing: a review of detection methodologies and their clinical performance. Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 2007 Jan; 7(1):53-64. PMID: 17187484.
Laudadio, Deininger MWN, Mauro MJ, Druker BJ, Press RD. An Intron Derived Insertion / Truncation Mutation in the BCR-ABL Kinase Domain in Three CML Patients Undergoing Kinase Inhibitor Therapy [abstract]. Blood. 2007; 1953.
Laudadio J, Hoda RS. Unique appearance of Actinomyces on Thinprep Pap test. Diagn Cytopathol. 2006 Aug; 34(8):553-4. PMID: 16850482.
Laudadio, Quigley DI, Heaney DL, Wolff DJ. Evaluation and Validation of Cytomegalovirus Real-Time PCR Analyte Specific Reagents [abstract]. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. 2006; 654.
Laudadio J, Keane TE, Reeves HM, Savage SJ, Hoda RS, Lage JM, Wolff DJ. Fluorescence in situ hybridization for detecting transitional cell carcinoma: implications for clinical practice. BJU Int. 2005 Dec; 96(9):1280-5. PMID: 16287445.
Laudadio, Minamiguchi S, Koerner M, Richardson MS, Hulsey TC, Lage JM. Chronic villitis: New clinicopathologic associations [abstract]. Mod Pathol. 2004; 207A.
Laudadio, Koerner M, Minamiguchi S, Ebeling M, Hulsey TC. Chronic villitis: Associate histologic features vary according to underlying maternal disorders [abstract]. Pathol Int. 2004; 54:A13.
Laudadio, Worthington C, Smith MT. Late benign recurrence of a cerebellar pilocytic astrocytoma: A case report and review of the literature [abstract]. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2004; 562-3.
Laudadio, Wolff DJ, Minamiguchi S, Keane TE, Fraig MM, Hoda RS. FISHing for bladder cancer cells: Comparison of voided urine cytology and fluorescence in situ hybridization [abstract]. Mod Pathol. 2004; 73A-74A.
Buhse T, Durand D, Kondepudi D, Spilker S. Chiral symmetry breaking in crystallization: The role of convection. Phy Rev Lets. 2000; 84:4405-4408.
Laudadio, Kondepudi D, Asakura K. Chiral symmetry breaking in stirred crystallization of 1,1’-binaphthyl melt. J Am Chem Soc. 1999; 121:1448-1451.
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