Henry Farrar
Title | Professor |
Institution | University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
Department | Peds Pediatrics, College of Medicine |
Division | Peds Emergency Medicine |
Address | S3120-1 ACH Sturgis Building 1900 Maryland Street Mail Slot # 512 Little Rock AR 72202
Phone | 501-364-1418 |
vCard | Download vCard |
Overview This physician is a UAMS College of Medicine faculty member who provides pediatric patient care at Arkansas Children's Hospital. In addition, a wide range of pediatric services are provided in more than 35 subspecialties around Arkansas in locations such as the Schmieding Developmental Center in Springdale and the James L. Dennis Developmental Center in Little Rock. To make an appointment at Arkansas Children's hospital, please call 501-364-4000. Henry Farrar
Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications.
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Cohen N, Mathew M, Brent J, Wax P, Davis AL, Obilom C, Burns MM, Canning J, Baumgartner K, Koons AL, Wiegand TJ, Judge B, Hoyte C, Chenoweth JA, Froberg B, Farrar H, Carey JL, Hendrickson RG, Hodgman M, Caravati EM, Christian MR, Wolk BJ, Seifert SA, Bentur Y, Levine M, Farrugia LA, Vearrier D, Minns AB, Kennedy JM, Kirschner RI, Aldy K, Schuh S, Campleman S, Li S, Myran DT, Feng L, Freedman SB, Finkelstein Y. Severe outcomes following pediatric cannabis intoxication: a prospective cohort study of an international toxicology surveillance registry. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2023 08; 61(8):591-598. PMID: 37603042.
Farrar HC, Grayham T, Bolden B, Vyas D, Graham J, James LP. The use and tolerability of Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune FAB (Ovine) in pediatric envenomations. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2012 Oct; 51(10):945-9. PMID: 22511193.
Sullivan JE, Farrar HC. Fever and antipyretic use in children. Pediatrics. 2011 Mar; 127(3):580-7. PMID: 21357332.
Sullivan JE, Farrar HC. Clinical Report: Antipyretic Use in Children. Pediatrics. 2011; 127:580-87.
Farrar H, Sullivan JE. Fever, fecer, fever: clinical report addresses educating parents to reduce 'fever phobia'. AAP News. 2011; 32(3):8-9.
Farrar H, Reed M, O'Riordan MA, Myers C, Blumer JL. Randomized double-blind study of morphine versus and fentanyl sedation in mechanically ventilated pediatric patients. 2010; P21.
Boateng BA, Bass LD, Blaszak RT, Farrar HC. The development of a competency-based assessment rubric to measure resident milestones. J Grad Med Educ. 2009 Sep; 1(1):45-8. PMID: 21975706.
Fussell JJ, Farrar HC, Blaszak RT, Sisterhen LL. Incorporating the ACGME educational competencies into morbidity and mortality review conferences. Teach Learn Med. 2009 Jul; 21(3):233-9. PMID: 20183344.
Fussell JJ, Farrar H, Blaszak RT, Sisterhen LL. Incorporating the ACGME educational comptetencies into morbidity and mortality review conferences. Teach Learn Med. 2009; 21(3):233-9.
Boateng BA, Bass LD, Blaszak RT, Farrar HC. Development of a competency based assessment rubric to measure resident milestones. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2009; 1(1):45-8.
James LP, Simpson PM, Farrar HC, Kearns GL, Wasserman GS, Blumer JL, Reed MD, Sullivan JE, Hinson JA. Cytokines and toxicity in acetaminophen overdose. J Clin Pharmacol. 2005 Oct; 45(10):1165-71. PMID: 16172181.
James LP, Farrar HC, Palmer K, Kearns GL. Gastrointestinal Drugs. 2005.
James LP, Simpson PM, Farrar HC, Wasserman G, Kearns GL, Hinson JA. Correlation of MCP1 with toxicity in acetaminophen overdose. J Ark Med Soc. 2004 Jun; 100(12):424-5. PMID: 15200281.
Maples HD, Farrar HC. Case Studies Show Principles of Pediatric Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: Part 2. Clinical and Forensic Toxicology News. 2004; 3-5.
Maples HD, Farrar HC. Case Studies Show Principles of Pediatric Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: Part 1. Clinical and Forensic Toxicology News. 2003; 3-4.
James LP, Abdel-Rahmen S, Farrar HC, Jacobs RF. Antimicrobial Agents. 2003.
Farrar H, Letzig L, Gill M. Validation of a liquid chromatographic method for the determination of ibuprofen in human plasma. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2002 Nov 25; 780(2):341-8. PMID: 12401360.
James LP, Wells E, Beard RH, Farrar HC. Predictors of outcome after acetaminophen poisoning in children and adolescents. J Pediatr. 2002 May; 140(5):522-6. PMID: 12032516.
Farrar HC, Letzig L, Gill MA. Validation of a liquid chromatographic method for the dtermination of ibuprofen in human plasma. Journal of Chromatography B. 2002; 780:341-348.
James LP, Stowe CD, Letzig L, Graham CJ, Farrar HC. Fosphenytoin conversion in fants: an in vitro study. 2001; P51.
James LP, Wilson JT, Simar R, Farrar HC, Kearns GL, Simpson PM, Hinson JA, Pumford NR. Evaluation of occult acetaminophen hepatotoxicity in hospitalized children receiving acetaminophen. Clin Peds. 2001; 40:243-248.
James LP, Farrar HC, Darville TL, Sullivan JE, Givens TG, Kearns GL, Wassweman GS, Simpson PS, Hinson JA, PPRU Network. Elevation of Serum Interleukin-8 in Acetaminophen Overdose in Children and Adolecents. Clin Pharm and Therp. 2001; 70:280-286.
James LP, Farrar HC, Darville TL, Et. al. Elevation of interleukin-8 in acetaminophen overdose. 2001; P13.
James LP, Farrar HC, Sullivan J, Givens T, Kearns G, Wasswerman G, Simpson P, Hinson J. Cytokine responses following acute acetaminophen overdose. 2000; 568.
Farrar HC, McLeane LR, Wallace M, White K, Watson J. Standard and pulse succimer therapy in lead poisoning. J of Clin Pharm. 1999; 39:180-183.
Farrar HC, James LP. Characteristics of pediatric admissions for cyclic antidepressant poisoning. Amer J of Emrg Med. 1999; 17:495-496.
James LP, Wilson JT, Simar MR, Farrar HC, Kearns GL, Hinson JA, Pumford NR. Biomarkers of acetaminophen toxicity in pediatric patients. 1999; 113A.
James LP, Farrar HC, Sullivan JE, Kearns GL, Hinson JA, Pumford NR. Antigenic biomarker identification of acetaminophen hepatotoxicity in children. 1999; 114A.
James LP, Wilson JT, Simar MR, Farrar HC, Kearns GL, Hinson JA, Pumford NR. Biomarkers of acetaminophen toxicity in pediatric patients. 1999; 156.
Bolliger TL, Stowe CD, James LP, Pholkamp M, Farrar HC, Enderlin G. Decreased gentamicin and vancomycin levels in a level III neonatal intensive care unit. 1998; 1173.
Gotschall R, Leeder JS, Farrar H, McCubbin M, Johnson K, Kearns GL. Caffeine plasma clearance in cystic fibrosis (CF) does not correlate with CYP1A2 activity. 1998; 192.
Raknmanina NY, Kearns GL, Farrar HC. Symptomatic hypokalemia in asthmatic child from abuse of albuterol metered dose inhaler. Pediatric Emergency Care. 1998; 14:145-147.
Stowe CD, Bolliger TL, James LP, Farrar HC, Enderlin G. Prospective therapeutic drug monitoring in a tertiary care, pediatric hospital. 1998; 1173.
James LP, Marotti T, Stowe C, Farrar H, Taylor B, Kearns GL. Famotidine pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in infants. 1998; 190.
Maish WA, McCubbin MM, Letzig LG, Farrar HC, Kearns GL. Famotidine pharmacokinetics in patients with cystic fibrosis. J of Clin Pharm. 1998; 38:1010-1016.
Farrar HC, James LP, Schutze GE. Antimicrobial therapy for infections of the central nervous system. Seminars in Pediatric Infections Diseases. 1998; 9:314-321.
James LP, Schexnayder S, Farrar HC, Wells T, Kearns G. Continuous infusion pralidoxime in the treatment of organophosphate intoxication: pharmacokinetics in children. 1997; 223.
Schexnayder S, Farrar HC, James LP, Wells T, Kearns G. Continuous infusion pralidoxime in the treatment of organophosphate intoxication: pharmacokinetics in children. 1997; 53A.
James LP, Farrar HC, Komoroski E, Graham CJ, Wood R, Bornemier R, Valentine JL. Sympathomimetic drug use in adolescents presenting to the pediatric emergency department. 1997; 60A.
Robbins JM, Farrar HC, Kellogg KW, Gillaspy SR. Asthma treatment process as a predictor of relapse and parental satisfaction. 1997; 61A.
Stowe CD, Farrar HC. Pharmacokinetics of Antimicrobial Agents. 1997.
Gillaspy SR, Roe D, Farrar HC, Robbins JM. Concordance of parent and hospital information system reports of children's health care use for asthma. 1997; 62A.
James LP, Farrar HC, Griebel ML, Bates SR. Bromism: Intoxication from a rare therapy. Pediatric Emergency Care. 1997; 13:268-270.
Farrar HC, Kearns G, Marshall J, Stewart F. Midazolam disposition in children and adolescents: pilot evaluation as a CYP3A4 probe. 1997; 53A.
Farrar HC, Kearns G, Marshall J, Stewart F. Midazolam disposition in children and adolescents: pilot evaluation as a CYP3A4 probe. 1997; 210.
Christensen CM, Farrar HC, Kearns GL. Protracted methemoglobinemia after phenazopyridine overdose in an infant. J Clin Pharmacol. 1996; 36(2):112 - 116.
Farrar HC, McLeane LR, Wallace M, White K, Watson J. Standard and pulse succimer therapy in lead poisoning. 1996; 147.
Farrar HC, Kearns GL. Anticmicrobial Pharmacotoxicity. 1996.
Farrar HC, Wells TG, Farrar HC, Kearns GL. Paediatric clinical pharmacology: reclaiming the therapeutic orphan. Expert Opinions on Ivestigational Drugs. 1996; 5:7-13.
James LP, Farrar HC, Griebel ML, Bates SR. Bromism: Intoxication from a rare therapy. 1996; 61.
Wood WR, Farrar HC. Adolescent visits to a pediatric emergency department. 1996; 22A.
Marshall JD, Farrar HC, Kearns GL. Diarrhea associated with enteral benzodiazepine solutions. J Pediatr. 1995; 126(4):657 - 659.
Farrar HC, Chande VC, Fitzpatrick D, Shema SJ. Hyponatremia as the etiology of seizures in infants: a retrospective analysis of the incidence, severity and clinical predictors. Annals of Emrg Med. 1995; 26:42.48.
Farrar HC. Using therapeutic drug monitoring can improve the cost to benefits for some drugs. Drugs & Therapy Perspectives. 1994; 4(2):15 (invited editorial).
Farrar HC, Walsh-Sukys MC, Kyllonen K, Blumer JL. Erythromycin lactobionate toxicity in premature neonates. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 1994; 13:166-167 (Response to letter).
Farrar HC, Walsh-Sukys MC, Kyllonen K, Blumer JL. Cardiac toxicity associated with intravenous erythromycin lactobionate: two case reports and a review of the literature. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1993; 12(8):688 - 691.
Farrar HC, Herold DA, Reed MD. Acute valproic acid intoxication: enhanced drug clearance with oral-activated charcoal. Crit Care Med. 1993; 21(2):299 - 301.
Reed MD, Farrar HC, Marx CM, Kyllonen K, Sullivan J, Blumer JL. Monitoring serum vancomycin concentrations. 1993; 149.
Rakhmanina NY, Webster PA, Farrar HC, Kearns GL. Multiple dose activated charcoal use in phenytoin intoxication enhances drug elimination. 1993; 759A.
Farrar HC, McLeane LR, Wallace M, White K, Watson J. A comparison of standard and pulse succimer therapy for childhood lead poisoning. 1993; 61A.
Bond GR, Bloom A, Pinar A, Farrar HC. Use of succimer to enhance elimination of mercury in 6 human beings. 1992; 353.
Farrar HC, Blumer JL. Strain differences in benzene and phenol metabolism in constitutive C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice. 1991; 160.
Farrar HC, Blumer JL. The fetal effects of maternal drug use. Annual Reviews of Pharmacology and Toxicology. 1991; 31:525-47.
Farrar HC, Wells TG, Kearns GL. Safety and efficacy of continuous infusion pralidoxime for the treatment of organophosphate poisoning in children. J Peds. 1990; 116:658-661.
Farrar HC, Kearns GL. Cocaine: clinical pharmacology and toxicology. J Pediatr. 1989; 115(5 Pt 1):665 - 675.
Consani K, Devlin JP, Ray A, Farrar HC, Wilson E. Simple amorphous salts: spectra and glass transition temperatures. J Chem Physics. 1981; 74:4774-9.
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