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Rural Telehealth Evaluation Center (RTEC)

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Role: Project Lead, Core Faculty

Year 1 Project Lead: Summative Examination of the Licensure Portability Program (LPP)
The aims of this project were to: 1) examine the state of the LPP and identify potential gaps for future program planning, and 2) conduct a needs assessment for licensure portability among LPP grantees and non-grantees.

Year 2 Project Lead: An Evaluation of Rural/Urban Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact on Utilization and Spending through a Health Equity Lens
The aims of this project were to 1) assess trends in telehealth utilization among a national sample of Medicare beneficiaries, including comparisons between rural/urban residents, racial/ethnic groups, and those with chronic conditions; and 2) compare monthly telehealth spending (allowed amounts) among Medicare beneficiaries overall and among telehealth utilizers prior to and following the COVID-19 public health emergency, including comparisons between these same subgroups.

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