Erick Messias
Title | UAMS Contingent Worker |
Institution | University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences |
Department | College of Medicine Administration |
Address | 4301 W Markham St. Mail Slot # 554 Little Rock AR 72205
Phone | 501-686-8135 |
vCard | Download vCard |
Overview Research 90INNU0036 (OVERTON-MCCOY, AMY)Aug 1, 2022 - Jul 31, 2025 Administration for Community Living Enhancement Project to Improve Access to Food Services and Mental Well-Being Role: Principal Investigator |
| P20GM103425 (GARCIA-RILL, EDGAR E.)Sep 16, 2004 - Apr 30, 2015 NIH Center for Translational Neuroscience Role: Co-Investigator |
Publications listed below are automatically derived from MEDLINE/PubMed and other sources, which might result in incorrect or missing publications.
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Lin PI, Khin KS, John JR, Walker AK, Chen YC, Nayeem N, Messias E. The Association Between In Utero Exposure to Painkillers and Trajectories of Hyperactivity and Emotional Problems in Children with Autism Compared with Neurotypical Peers. Children (Basel). 2024 Dec 23; 11(12). PMID: 39767987.
Azasu EK, Quarshie EN, Messias E, Joe S. The Applicability of the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide Behavior Among Junior High School Students in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2024 Dec 19. PMID: 39699873.
To S, Messias E, Burch L, Chibnall J. Seasonal variation in suicide: age group and summer effects in the United States (2015-2020). BMC Psychiatry. 2024 Nov 28; 24(1):856. PMID: 39609761.
Ventres WB, Stone LA, Akhtar R, Ring JM, Candib LM, Messias E, Epstein RM, Tunzi M, Lee AL, Morley CP, Brown CM, Slawson D, Konkin J, Campbell DG, Couper I, Williams S, Brooks R, Walters L. Storylines of family medicine IV: perspectives on practice-lenses of appreciation. Fam Med Community Health. 2024 Apr 12; 12(Suppl 3). PMID: 38609092.
Azasu EK, Quarshie EN, Messias E, Larnyoh M, Ali E, Joe S. Psychological and socio-ecological correlates of 12-month suicide behavior among junior high school students in the greater Accra region of Ghana. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2024 Sep; 59(9):1553-1562. PMID: 38308709.
Messias E, Ugarte L, Azasu E, White AJ. A Tsunami of Concern: The Lasting Impacts of COVID Isolation and School Closures on Youth Mental Health. Mo Med. 2023 Sep-Oct; 120(5):328-332. PMID: 37841568.
Messias E, Salas J, Wilson L, Scherrer JF. Temporal Location of Changes in the US Suicide Rate by Age, Ethnicity, and Race: A Joinpoint Analysis 1999-2020. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2023 07 01; 211(7):530-536. PMID: 37040181.
Sherman AC, Williams ML, Amick BC, Hudson TJ, Messias EL, Simonton-Atchley S. Adjustment to the COVID-19 pandemic: associations with global and situational meaning. Curr Psychol. 2022 Jul 06; 1-16. PMID: 35813567.
Messias E, Salas J, Scherrer JF. Patient characteristics prior to suicide attempts among Hispanics compared to non-Hispanic whites in the United States. J Affect Disord. 2022 07 01; 308:130-133. PMID: 35429527.
Howie EK, Cannady N, Messias EL, McNatt A, Walter CS. Associations between physical activity, sleep, and self-reported health with burnout of medical students, faculty and staff in an academic health center. Sport Sci Health. 2022; 18(4):1311-1319. PMID: 35308038.
Ventres W, Messias E. From ACEs to ASHEs: Adverse Shared Historical Experiences and Their Impact on Health Outcomes. South Med J. 2021 11; 114(11):719-721. PMID: 34729617.
Messias E. Measuring work-related mental work demands: work as a protective factor for cognitive loss. Int Psychogeriatr. 2021 07; 33(7):659-660. PMID: 34308817.
Sherman AC, Park CL, Salsman JM, Williams ML, Amick BC, Hudson TJ, Messias EL, Simonton-Atchley S. Anxiety, depressive, and trauma symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evaluating the role of disappointment with God. J Affect Disord. 2021 10 01; 293:245-253. PMID: 34217962.
Messias E, Flynn V, Gathright M, Thrush C, Atkinson T, Thapa P. Loss of Meaning at Work Associated with Burnout Risk in Academic Medicine. South Med J. 2021 Mar; 114(3):139-143. PMID: 33655306.
Sherman AC, Williams ML, Amick BC, Hudson TJ, Messias EL. Mental health outcomes associated with the COVID-19 pandemic: Prevalence and risk factors in a southern US state. Psychiatry Res. 2020 11; 293:113476. PMID: 33198047.
Thrush CR, Gathright MM, Atkinson T, Messias EL, Guise JB. Psychometric Properties of the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory in an Academic Healthcare Institution Sample in the U.S. Eval Health Prof. 2021 12; 44(4):400-405. PMID: 32539552.
Tripathi S, Messias E, Spollen J, Salomon RM. Modern-Day Relics of Psychiatry. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2019 Sep; 207(9):701-704. PMID: 31464983.
Thrush CR, Guise JB, Gathright MM, Messias E, Flynn V, Belknap T, Thapa PB, Williams DK, Nada EM, Clardy JA. A One-Year Institutional View of Resident Physician Burnout. Acad Psychiatry. 2019 Aug; 43(4):361-368. PMID: 30820845.
Messias E, Gathright MM, Freeman ES, Flynn V, Atkinson T, Thrush CR, Clardy JA, Thapa P. Differences in burnout prevalence between clinical professionals and biomedical scientists in an academic medical centre: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open. 2019 02 19; 9(2):e023506. PMID: 30782882.
Messias E, Flynn V. Burnout and Depression: Same Phenomenon or Overlapping Constructs? Response to Bianchi et al. Am J Psychiatry. 2019 01 01; 176(1):79-80. PMID: 30848951.
Messias E, Flynn V. The Tired, Retired, and Recovered Physician: Professional Burnout Versus Major Depressive Disorder. Am J Psychiatry. 2018 08 01; 175(8):716-719. PMID: 30064240.
Gondim FAA, Arag?o AP, Holanda Filha JG, Messias ELM. Hikikomori in Brazil: 29 years of Voluntary social Withdrawal. Asian J Psychiatr. 2017 Dec; 30:163-164. PMID: 29065363.
Mattingly TN, Thapa PB, Messias E. Trends in Lifetime use of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Cannabis among Arkansas Teens from 1995 to 2013. J Ark Med Soc. 2016 10; 113(4):90, 92-3. PMID: 30005525.
D'Onofrio S, Urbano FJ, Messias E, Garcia-Rill E. Lithium decreases the effects of neuronal calcium sensor protein 1 in pedunculopontine neurons. Physiol Rep. 2016 Mar; 4(6). PMID: 27033453.
Ray-Griffith SL, Krain L, Messias E, Wilkins KM. Fostering Medical Student Interest in Geriatrics and Geriatric Psychiatry. Acad Psychiatry. 2016 Dec; 40(6):960-961. PMID: 26474997.
Steinberg L, Aldea I, Messias E. Asthma, Depression, and Suicidality: Results from the 2007, 2009, and 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2015 Sep; 203(9):664-9. PMID: 26252825.
Chekuri L, Thapa PB, Turturro CL, Mittal D, Messias E. Vitamin D Levels and Sociodemographic and Clinical Correlates in Individuals With Serious Mental Illness Admitted to an Acute Psychiatry Unit. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2015; 17(2). PMID: 26445692.
Wilbanks L, Spollen J, Messias E. Factors Influencing Medical School Graduates Toward a Career in Psychiatry: Analysis from the 2011-2013 Association of American Medical Colleges Graduation Questionnaire. Acad Psychiatry. 2016 Apr; 40(2):255-60. PMID: 25697263.
Gondim Fde A, Oliveira GR, Teles BC, Souza MH, Braga LL, Messias EL. A case-control study of the prevalence of neurological diseases in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2015 Feb; 73(2):119-24. PMID: 25742581.
D'Onofrio S, Kezunovic N, Hyde JR, Luster B, Messias E, Urbano FJ, Garcia-Rill E. Modulation of gamma oscillations in the pedunculopontine nucleus by neuronal calcium sensor protein-1: relevance to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. J Neurophysiol. 2015 Feb 01; 113(3):709-19. PMID: 25376789.
Messias E. Standing on the shoulders of Pinel, Freud, and Kraepelin: a historiometric inquiry into the histories of psychiatry. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2014 Nov; 202(11):788-92. PMID: 25268155.
Ege MA, Messias E, Thapa PB, Krain LP. Adverse childhood experiences and geriatric depression: results from the 2010 BRFSS. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2015 Jan; 23(1):110-4. PMID: 25306195.
Cossey LN, Messias N, Messias E, Walker PD, Silva FG. Defining the spectrum of immunoglobulin A-dominant/codominant glomerular deposition in diabetic nephropathy. Hum Pathol. 2014 Nov; 45(11):2294-301. PMID: 25239033.
Messias E, Kindrick K, Castro J. School bullying, cyberbullying, or both: correlates of teen suicidality in the 2011 CDC Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Compr Psychiatry. 2014 Jul; 55(5):1063-8. PMID: 24768228.
Kaley S, Mancino MJ, Messias E. Sadness, suicide, and drug misuse in Arkansas: results from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2011. J Ark Med Soc. 2014 Feb; 110(9):185-6. PMID: 24719998.
Kindrick C, Gathright M, Cisler JM, Messias E. Sadness, suicide, and sexual behavior in Arkansas: results from the youth risk behavior survey 2011. J Ark Med Soc. 2013 Dec; 110(7):134-6. PMID: 24494349.
Cisler JM, Steele JS, Lenow JK, Smitherman S, Everett B, Messias E, Kilts CD. Functional reorganization of neural networks during repeated exposure to the traumatic memory in posttraumatic stress disorder: an exploratory fMRI study. J Psychiatr Res. 2014 Jan; 48(1):47-55. PMID: 24139810.
Kindrick K, Castro J, Messias E. Sadness, suicide, and bullying in Arkansas: results from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey -- 2011. J Ark Med Soc. 2013 Oct; 110(5):90-1. PMID: 24383197.
Larsen CP, Messias NC, Silva FG, Messias E, Walker PD. Determination of primary versus secondary membranous glomerulopathy utilizing phospholipase A2 receptor staining in renal biopsies. Mod Pathol. 2013 May; 26(5):709-15. PMID: 23196797.
Messias E, Everett B. Dextromethorphan and quinidine combination in emotional lability associated with depression: a case report. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2012; 14(5). PMID: 23469325.
Miller B, Messias E, Miettunen J, Alaraisanen A, Jarvelin MR, Koponen H, Rasanen P, Isohanni M, Kirkpatrick B. Meta-analysis of paternal age and schizophrenia risk in male versus female offspring. Schizophr Bull. 2011; 37(5):1039-47.
Fitzgerald CT, Messias E, Buysse DJ. Teen sleep and suicidality: results from the youth risk behavior surveys of 2007 and 2009. J Clin Sleep Med. 2011 Aug 15; 7(4):351-6. PMID: 21897771.
Messias E, Eaton WW, Grooms AN. Economic grand rounds: Income inequality and depression prevalence across the United States: an ecological study. Psychiatr Serv. 2011 Jul; 62(7):710-2. PMID: 21724781.
Messias E, Castro J, Saini A, Usman M, Peeples D. Sadness, suicide, and their association with video game and internet overuse among teens: results from the youth risk behavior survey 2007 and 2009. Suicide Life Threat Behav. 2011 Jun; 41(3):307-15. PMID: 21463355.
Ogburn KM, Messias E, Buckley PF. New-age patient communications through social networks. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2011 Mar-Apr; 33(2):200.e1-3. PMID: 21596215.
Lane ZP, Singer A, Roffwarg DE, Messias E. Differentiating psychosis versus fluent aphasia. Clin Schizophr Relat Psychoses. 2011 Jan; 4(4):258-61. PMID: 21177243.
Lane ZP, Singer A, Roffwarg DE, Messias E. Differentiating psychosis versus fluent aphasia. Clin Schizophr Relat Psychoses. 2011; 4(4):258-61.
Ogburn KM, Messias E, Buckley PF. New-age patient communications through social networks. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2011; 33(2):200.e1-3.
Miller B, Messias E, Miettunen J, Alar?is?nen A, J?rvelin MR, Koponen H, R?s?nen P, Isohanni M, Kirkpatrick B. Meta-analysis of paternal age and schizophrenia risk in male versus female offspring. Schizophr Bull. 2011 Sep; 37(5):1039-47. PMID: 20185538.
Messias E, Clarke DE, Goodwin RD. Seasonal allergies and suicidality: results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2010 Aug; 122(2):139-42. PMID: 20003091.
Gillies RA, Warren PR, Messias E, Salazar WH, Wagner PJ, Huff TA. Why a medical career and what makes a good doctor? Beliefs of incoming United States medical students. Educ Health (Abingdon). 2009 Dec; 22(3):331. PMID: 20029768.
Messias E. Teaching psychiatric residents research literacy: use of existing epidemiological databases. Acad Psychiatry. 2009 May-Jun; 33(3):268. PMID: 19574530.
Messias E, Saini A, Sinato P, Welch S. Bearing grudges and physical health: relationship to smoking, cardiovascular health and ulcers. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2010 Feb; 45(2):183-7. PMID: 19387519.
Kirkpatrick B, Messias E, Harvey PD, Fernandez-Egea E, Bowie CR. Is schizophrenia a syndrome of accelerated aging?. Schizophr Bull. 2008; 34(6):1024-32.
Kirkpatrick B, Messias E, LaPorte D. Schizoid-like features and season of birth in a nonpatient sample. Schizophr Res. 2008; 103(1-3):151-5.
Clarke DE, Goodwin RD, Messias EL, Eaton WW. Asthma and suicidal ideation with and without suicide attempts among adults in the United States: what is the role of cigarette smoking and mental disorders? Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2008 May; 100(5):439-46. PMID: 18517075.
Kirkpatrick B, Messias E, LaPorte D. Schizoid-like features and season of birth in a nonpatient sample. Schizophr Res. 2008 Aug; 103(1-3):151-5. PMID: 18261884.
Kirkpatrick B, Messias E, Harvey PD, Fernandez-Egea E, Bowie CR. Is schizophrenia a syndrome of accelerated aging? Schizophr Bull. 2008 Nov; 34(6):1024-32. PMID: 18156637.
Messias EL, Chen CY, Eaton WW. Epidemiology of schizophrenia: review of findings and myths. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 2007 Sep; 30(3):323-38. PMID: 17720026.
Messias E, Eaton W, Nestadt G, Bienvenu OJ, Samuels J. Psychiatrists' ascertained treatment needs for mental disorders in a population-based sample. Psychiatr Serv. 2007 Mar; 58(3):373-7. PMID: 17325111.
Messias E, Mourao C, Maia J, Campos JP, Ribeiro K, Ribeiro L, Kirkpatrick B. Season of birth and schizophrenia in Northeast Brazil: relationship to rainfall. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2006 Nov; 194(11):870-3. PMID: 17102713.
Messias E, Kirkpatrick B, Bromet E, Ross D, Buchanan RW, Carpenter WT, Tek C, Kendler KS, Walsh D, Dollfus S. Summer birth and deficit schizophrenia: a pooled analysis from 6 countries. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2004 Oct; 61(10):985-9. PMID: 15466671.
Dixon LB, Kreyenbuhl JA, Dickerson FB, Donner TW, Brown CH, Wohlheiter K, Wolheiter K, Postrado L, Goldberg RW, Fang L, Marano C, Messias E. A comparison of type 2 diabetes outcomes among persons with and without severe mental illnesses. Psychiatr Serv. 2004 Aug; 55(8):892-900. PMID: 15292539.
Szekely CA, Thorne JE, Zandi PP, Ek M, Messias E, Breitner JC, Goodman SN. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease: a systematic review. Neuroepidemiology. 2004 Jul-Aug; 23(4):159-69. PMID: 15279021.
Sokal J, Messias E, Dickerson FB, Kreyenbuhl J, Brown CH, Goldberg RW, Dixon LB. Comorbidity of medical illnesses among adults with serious mental illness who are receiving community psychiatric services. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2004 Jun; 192(6):421-7. PMID: 15167405.
Messias E. Income inequality, illiteracy rate, and life expectancy in Brazil. Am J Public Health. 2003 Aug; 93(8):1294-6. PMID: 12893617.
Messias E, Bienvenu OJ. Suspiciousness and alcohol use disorders in schizophrenia. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2003 Jun; 191(6):387-90. PMID: 12826920.
Messias E, Kirkpatrick B. Summer birth and deficit schizophrenia in the epidemiological catchment area study. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2001 Sep; 189(9):608-12. PMID: 11580004.
Messias E, Kirkpatrick B. Subclinical suspiciousness as a risk factor for depressive episodes. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2001 Apr; 103(4):262-6. PMID: 11328239.
Messias E, Kirkpatrick B, Ram R, Tien AY. Suspiciousness as a specific risk factor for major depressive episodes in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 2001 Mar 01; 47(2-3):159-65. PMID: 11278133.
Messias E, Skotzko CE. Psychiatric assessment in transplantation. Rev Saude Publica. 2000 Aug; 34(4):415-20. PMID: 10973165.
Messias E, Sampaio JJ, Messias NC, Kirkpatrick B. Epidemiology of schizophrenia in northeast Brazil. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2000 Feb; 188(2):118-20. PMID: 10695841.
Cra?a JR, Gondim Fde A, Cavalcante DI, XavierNeto J, Messias EL, Rego MC, Marques JA, Santos AA, Rola FH. Gastroduodenal resistance and neural mechanisms involved in saline flow decrease elicited by acute blood volume expansion in anesthetized rats. Braz J Med Biol Res. 1997 Oct; 30(10):1257-66. PMID: 9496447.
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